Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 Profile picture

Oct 14, 2023, 23 tweets

Thread on Palestinian indoctrination of children — hatred of Jews and Israel, desire for self-sacrifice martyrdom.


Cartoons for toddlers show characters killing Jews. The characters talk about Jews as “barbaric apes”. The kids talk about “explosive device glory” and suicide vests.

Palestinian children play a game of “stab the Jew.”

Little Palestinian kids wholeheartedly believe in killing Jews before they’re even 10. They want to become martyrs in the process.

That is because Palestinian schools teach them all of this.


In the summer when school is out, the Palestinian boys go to summer camp to train to be professional terrorists.

Some Palestinian boys start killing at age 13. This boy killed two random Jewish people in Israel as they were just minding their own business. He was 13 at the time.

Palestinian camps for teenage boys are run by Hamas. They’re professional terror training camps.

When they’re grown up, orders from Hamas leadership to Palestinian boys are to “trample on the heads of the Jews, pave the path of Liberation with your body parts!”

They’re now trained and mentally ready and willing to do it.

Hamas goals have always been explicit.

Yahya Sinwar encouraged Palestinians to break into Israeli civilians homes after breaching the border to “tear out their hearts from their bodies.” This was recorded in 2018.

Indeed, Palestinians have a history of breaking into Israeli homes to kill families. This 13 year old Jewish girl Ariel was stabbed to death in her bed by a Palestinian boy aged 17.

This is just one example. There are so many that the thread would be too long.

Which brings me to the atrocities of one week ago. I started the thread below not knowing how long it will become.

Some of the videos were removed but many are still there. Keep scrolling. Every time you see a link with no image just click the link and you’ll see the image.

On October 7, before they went into Israel, the Palestinian terrorists filmed these videos. (These are Hamas and Islamic Jihad.)

These men are those boys who trained their whole lives for this day.

Over 1,500 of them went into Israel to slaughter families, children. We don’t know exactly how many went in. We know 1,500 dead terrorists were counted by Israeli soldiers who responded to the attack. Many escaped back into Gaza.

These videos and photos were on the phones of the terrorists killed in Israel.

New photos of Palestinian boys training to become the terrorists of tomorrow.

If you want to see the raw footage for yourself, the Israeli First Responders post some of the things they see and find on Telegram.…

If you’re curious about how the Palestinian mothers and women feel about their sons, brothers, husbands committing terrorist atrocities and usually dying in the process, well — they encourage their martyrs and are proud of them.

The civilians or people of Gaza, just like the mothers, also support Hamas terrorism.

Here is the inside of a Palestinian school textbook with pages devoted to praising terrorists who killed Jews.

Another video showing how Palestinians groom their children to be bloodthirsty murderers

Here is an October 7, 2023 phone call from an excited Palestinian to his parents— proudly bragging about killing 10 Jews to his mom & dad, who blesses him in response.

“Your son killed Jews!”

“I killed ten with my own hands!”

“Mom, your son is a hero!”

More clips of Palestinian children’s TV shows exposes the grooming of children into martyrs and terrorists who are glorified if they spill Jewish blood.

This is unfortunately the state of the civilian population of Gaza.

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