[Video Thread] In response to the Israeli attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza earlier today, huge, spontaneous demonstrations have broken out across the Middle East tonight.
Let's go through them:
1) In Iran 🇮🇷, crowds have gathered in Palestine Square.
2) In Jordan 🇯🇴, protestors have surrounded the Israeli Embassy and set it on fire.
3) A similar situation might be brewing in Ankara, Turkey 🇹🇷, where enraged crowds have besieged the Israeli Embassy.
Iraqis are out again in full force, showing their solidarity with Palestine. Footage from central Baghdad 🇮🇶.
5) Tunisians gather outside the French Embassy in Tunis 🇹🇳, voicing their opposition to Israeli war crimes and Western complicity.
6) Large numbers of Lebanese protestors are marching through Beirut 🇱🇧 as we speak.
7) Giant crowds demonstrate outside the Israeli consulate in Istanbul 🇹🇷.
8) Not to be left out, Yemenis 🇾🇪 march against the slaughter in Gaza.
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