Kriegsforscher Profile picture
Private entrepreneur before the full-scale invasion. Right now serve in the Ukrainian Marine Corps (air recon unit).

Oct 18, 2023, 6 tweets

Let's read a short thread about the recent Russian advance near Avdiivka. I need to notice that there are no conclusions, thoughts, predictions, etc. Not in this thread. Just facts about destroyed or abandoned Russian armor. And only in one place - near the slagheap.

Burning Russian tank (was destroyed 12.10.23), two armed «Ural» and one BMP-1 (were damaged 10.10.23)

Well, it was a very bad road for our enem👌

3 BMP, 2 APC, 2 tanks.

Destroyed BMP-2 (12.10.23) and one more «Ural» (10.10.23).

One more failed attack which took part at 12.10.23: 2 destroyed tanks (one of them was published higher), 1 tank was damaged and left by the crew and another was managed to escape.

There are a couple of different places near Avdiivka where Russians suffered heavy losses. Here is another picture from different place (and thread ;).

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