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🚀 Site-Speed Optimisation Expert; Web Performance Consultant. I make websites faster so you make more money. #webperf #corewebvitals https://t.co/tqsYJMXgS5

Oct 27, 2023, 6 tweets

Some sensible defaults for your img elements:

1. Allow for fluid image sizing while maintaining aspect ratio governed by width/height attributes

⬅️ With : Without ➡️

2. Remove ‘phantom’ whitespace

⬅️ With : Without ➡️

3. Italicise alt text to visually offset it from surrounding copy

⬅️ With : Without ➡️

4. [Inert] Set up backgrounds for optional LQIP

⬅️ With : Without ➡️

5. [Inert] Set up margin for optional `shape-outside`

⬅️ With : Without ➡️

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