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Oct 29, 2023, 11 tweets

💊 Drop #38: State of Isreal [PART 1]:

⚠️Warning: some of these pills that I'll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow.

Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel released by the establishment. If that is you, feel free to ignore these threads.⚠️

State of Isreal Origin:

It's very important to know the historical records of any and everything. It's why historical records are archived. Because there are and have been many attempts to erase their history. Just look at the statues being toppled. The cabal doesn't want you to know their history. Statues exist to know what happened. Not glorify them.

Before the provisional State of Isreal existed. The entire state was Palestine in both land and name, and have been since the implementation of biblical and historical records began to be kept.

In 1917, Chaim Weizmann – scientist, statesperson, and supporter of the effort to establish a state of Israel – persuaded the British government to issue a statement favoring the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.

The statement, which became known as the Balfour Declaration, was, in part, payment to the Jewish people for their support of the British against the Turks during World War I. After the war, the League of Nations ratified the declaration and in 1922 appointed Britain to rule Palestine.

The arrival of many Jewish immigrants in the 1930s awakened Arab fears that Palestine would become a national Jewish homeland. By 1936, guerrilla fighting had broken out between Jews and Arabs. Unable to maintain peace, Britain issued a white paper in 1939 that restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine. Jewish people, feeling betrayed, bitterly opposed the policy and looked to the United States for support.

When Harry S. Truman took office, he made clear that his sympathies were with the Jewish people and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former President Woodrow Wilson's principle of "self-determination." Truman initiated several studies of the Palestine situation that supported his belief that, as a result of the Holocaust, Jewish people were oppressed and also in need of a homeland.

So they chose the indigenous land of Palestine to be their new homeland.

Britain and the United States, in a joint effort to examine the dilemma, established the "Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry." In April 1946, the committee submitted recommendations that Palestine not be dominated by either Arabs or Jews.

It concluded that attempts to establish nationhood or independence would result in civil strife; that a trusteeship agreement aimed at bringing the two peoples together should be established by the United Nations; that full Jewish immigration be allowed into Palestine; and that two autonomous states be established with a strong central government to control Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Negev, the southernmost section of Palestine.

British, Arab, and Jewish reactions to the recommendations were not favorable. Britain, anxious to rid itself of the problem, set the United Nations in motion, formally requesting on April 2, 1947, that the UN General Assembly set up the Special Committee on Palestine[UNSCOP].

This committee recommended that the British mandate over Palestine be ended and that the territory be partitioned into two states.


💊 PART 2:


Jewish reaction was mixed. Some wanted control of all of Palestine; others realized that partition spelled hope for their dream of a homeland. Palestinian Arab leaders and other Arab nations were not at all agreeable to the UNSCOP plan. In October, the League of Arab States directed the governments of its member states to move troops to the Palestine border. Meanwhile, President Truman instructed the State Department to support the UN plan, and it reluctantly did so. On November 29, 1947, the partition plan was passed by the UN General Assembly.

A similar stunt was pulled when Congress in a dead of night passed the 2nd constitution of 1871 in the dead of night.

This next action that was done is very important.

A provisional govt was setup in Palestine[now called Isreal].

What does provisional mean? Temporary not permanent.

Provisional: providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary: a provisional government. accepted or adopted tentatively; conditional; contingent.

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31, 1949).

And what does de jure mean? A practice that's not set in reality.

In law and government, de jure describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality.

Thus, it was a false govt set-up by themselves. But needed worldwide acceptance. Primarily the US, by it being the number 1 world superpower at that time.

This covert action angered both the U.S. delegates to the UN and top-ranking State Department officials that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first.

Then, on May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel, and the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 began.

Isreal the Corporation came into existence in 1968.

The IC was founded in 1968 by the Government of the State of Isreal as a vehicle to attract the participation of foreign investors in the economic development of the country.

The shares of the company were first offered to private investors in 1969 and the Company was listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in 1982.

Thus, Isreal came into existence in 1968.

The only real document is a provisional doc signed by Truman in 48. Then extended on January 31, 1949.

And that's it.

Thus, that State doesn't exist. The state only existed temporarily.

The corporation of Isreal only exists.

The land historically and biblically to this day is Palestine.

We've all been lied too. Again.

A 75yr old lie.

Hamas was created by Isreal to keep the back n forth rhetoric going to continue getting billions of dollars in aid from the US.

Hamas began as a spinoff of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist religious, social and political movement. Hamas was founded in 1987.

The MB was founded in 1920.

Hamas is just as false as the Isreal corporation founded in 1968.

Why do you think the iron dome was shut off on October 7th and that weekend? It was only turned on Sunday after 2 days of it being off. Paragliders infiltrating Isreal. None was shot down.

This truth I just told you was being saved for last. Because Isreal was being saved for last.

The cabal which is The Octogon Group controls Isreal. And they also control its central bank there too. The cabal seat is in Switzerland[refer to the Octogon Group drop].

That satanic group is responsible for deceiving the entire world.

Now what is the world doing? Wishing death on humanity.

How can someone cheer for any lives being taken?

Don't give into the power of Baal.💊

Oh, and I'm going to let you in on another secret, hidden in plain sight.

Especially for all you fact checkers and community noters.

Let me save you all the trouble.

This 💊 drop is directly from the US Govt archives. Hiding in plain sight.

They know the truth. They always had.

They kept the truth from you. And had you believing a lie.

Both congress/senate are corrupt.

Both parties, dems and reps. Corrupt.

They lied to you. And continue to lie to you. Day after day.

They're the Octogon Group.
[Refer to Octogon 💊 Drop]

When your eyes are opened. You can see everything clearly.


Dark military. Dark Pentagon. Isreal. Anthem. Isreal. Octogon intel:

#VIDEO US Dark military sings Isreal national athem while saluting our flag.

I told you in several of my intel drops before. There are 2 militaries. The inder the 1776 constitution and the 1 under the Act of 1871[2nd constitution].

When people hear of and say our military. They unknowingly loop them all in together.

Many times, you'll hear the dems like Schumer, Pelosi, and gang. Say vehemently that they support and honor our constitution. And everything they do is by law under that constitution.

They're right. Under the 2nd constitution[act of 1871].

It doesn't make a difference if the 2 officers are Israeli, and/or performing an honor. Can't serve 2 masters.

For the fact checkers and community noters. Yes, I know this is allowed and performed by the US Army.

Anthems of foreign nations are used when rendering personal honors on the occasion of official visits of a foreign president or sovereign or member of a royal family.

As well as saluting the flags of foreign countries of friendly ally status.

This is a process that should be abandoned.

If anyone can't stand listening to our anthem, then we shouldn't do business with them.

America first. 🇺🇸

Media manipulation. Isreal. BBC. Cabal intel:

#BREAKING Isreal has yet to produce evidence that the Al Shifa hospital was a command center for Hamas. The BBC called the IDF out for alledgedly misrepresenting and basically planting evidence and editing footage

We all know that the BBC is cabal as they come. But did they do a 360 on cabal and actually do a real investigative report?

I'm actually shocked and excited at the same time.

I hope this trend continues.

Isreal. Bibi. Palestine. Octogon. War intel:

#BREAKING Bibi Netanyahu just told the U.S. that he opposes a Palestinian state in any postwar scenario

He wants to maintain a military presence throughout Palestine for this year and years to come.

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday he has told the United States that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of any postwar scenario, underscoring the deep divisions between the close allies three months into Israel’s assault on Gaza aiming to eliminate its Hamas rulers.

The U.S. has called on Israel to scale back its offensive and said that the establishment of a Palestinian state should be part of a Palestinian state that should be part of the “day after.”

But in a nationally broadcast news conference, Netanyahu vowed to press ahead with the offensive until Israel realized a “decisive victory over Hamas.” He also rejected the idea of Palestinian statehood. He said he had relayed his positions to the Americans.


Isreal. Lebanon. Strikes. War intel:

#BREAKING Isreal is targeting South Lebanon

Isreal. Rothschild. Zionists. Federations. Octogon intel:

Whose ultimately responsible for creating the corporation State of Isreal?

The Rothschild's

Just like every state in America is a corporation, i.e., State of Ohio, State of Florida, etc. The State of Isreal is no different.

Jacob Rothschild: “My family created Isreal”

From his own words:

Hezbollah. Lebanon. Isreal. War intel:

#BREAKING The rebel militants from Lebanon[Hezbollah] are preparing counter-strikes from drones on Isreal in response to being attacked

Sirens are currently sounding off in Avivim, Baram, and Yaron as Hezbollah drones are detected crossing the border into northern Israel.


UN. US. Gaza. Isreal. Ceasefire. Veto. Octogon intel:

#BREAKING The US vetoes an Arab-backed UN resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza

The United States on Tuesday vetoed an Arab-backed and widely supported U.N. resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war in the embattled Gaza Strip, saying it would interfere with negotiations on a deal to free hostages abducted in Israel.

The vote in the 15-member Security Council was 13-1 with the United Kingdom abstaining, reflecting the strong support from countries around the globe for ending the more than four-month war.

It was the third U.S. veto of a Security Council resolution demanding a cease-fire in Gaza and came a day after the United States circulated a rival resolution that would support a temporary cease-fire in Gaza linked to the release of all hostages and call for the lifting of all restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The cabal wants war. They want the wars to continue.

They are going to stay in power by any means necessary.

The US has vetoed a ceasefire 3x. Isreal also doesn't want a ceasefire.

You don't get it by now?

Isreal. PM. Soldiers. Countries. Octogon intel:

#REPORT Why are the majority of the prime ministers and soldiers not from Isreal?

You should already know. The answers are in the first drop for this thread.

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