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We specialize in sculpting, mold making, mask making, prosthetics, body armoring, costume design, tactical applications, and props. Former Private Investigator.
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Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 5 min read
💊Drop #41: BIDAN's Shell Companies EXPOSED Investigation:


Earlier this week, @KimDotcom put out a challenge to get data from all of Bidan’s shell companies, and an anonymous anon will pay top $ to get the intel over to @JamesComer so that the committee will bring those corrupt cabal octogon clowns down once and for all.

Challenge accepted.

This thread will be all of the data from each and every shell company owned by Bidan.

To gather this data, I use forensic software. This software allows me to perform complex data analysis operations.

This will ultimately be a long thread, with each post detailing all data I've compiled for each shell.

The data sets will begin as an outlined graph report. The data will then be turned into a detailed PDF report highlighting all data contained therein the graph.

The final pdf report will be available upon request from the aforementioned interested parties due to the incredible length of said report[s].

DISCLAIMER: All of the data from these companies are publicly available.Image 💊PART 2:

The first shell company list to be exposed is The Lion Hall Group.

If you zoom into the graph. At the very top you can see the name of the shell. It then branches off to all of the data sets collected from that host shell.

From the brief data I collected. It turns out that multiple shells were branched off from the original shell company.

This suggests that this was indeed money laundering at an extreme capacity.

The total PDF data set collection is 73pgs.Image
Nov 13, 2023 53 tweets 37 min read
COMMS. HAARP. Energy grid. Blackouts. Sun. Cabal intel;

#REPORT Solar superstorm may shut down the internet for months, scientist warns

Professor Peter Becker and his team are on a mission to develop a warning system that can alert us about risky solar activity that might harm important technology.

“The internet has come of age during a time when the sun has been relatively quiet, and now it’s entering a more active time,” said Professor Peter Becker of George Mason University.

“It’s the first time in human history that there’s been an intersection of increased solar activity with our dependence on the internet and our global economic dependence on the internet.”

The latest update from NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center suggests that Solar Cycle 25 might be more intense and hit its peak earlier than initially anticipated. Initial projections pointed to a peak around July 2025, but the center now hints that the most intense phase could happen as early as the beginning to the middle of 2024.

This is merely comms.

If you know the truth and facts about the sun. You know this isn't possible that the sun will knock out the internet.

Many people are under the assumption that we get our internet through satellite.

We don't.

We get our internet through a series of underwater fiber optic cables.

Thus, if our internet goes out. It will be that the govt will either be cutting the fiber or simply have the internet providers shut down access to their services.

Fact checkers and community noters. Don't bother.

Everybody talking about the blackout and 10 days of darkness.

Well, here you go.

Are you prepped for it?
Nov 11, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
💊Deepstate. Cabal. Octogon Group. Exposed intel:


We all know who the rhinos are. And it's no secret that they're not just part of the deepstate. They're part of the Octogon Group doing covert ops.

Their mission is to not only bring down Trump. But to pave the way for the systematic dismantling of America as we know it.

It's quite easy for the Octogon Group to install central banking systems in every country they conquer around the world and to install central banker puppets to be in charge of those countries.

Also, to control the minds of the people through the media outlets they own, sports, and the entertainment industry.

But it's a little harder for the Octogon Group to fully control the United States because of the 2 party system, constitution with checks and balances.

So they installed Sleeper agents.

Trump exposes these deepstate[octogon] minions by glorifying them. And when he mentions them by name repeatedly. He's letting you know. They're cabal.

The good guys Trump has private phone calls with, and those guys remain behind the scenes. Some you may know. Many you do not.

The objective of this thread is to inform you of the current cabal sleepers.

I'm not going to waste time by highlighting cabal members like Mittens[mitt Romney].

Some of these individuals many look up to and follow.

But be that as it may. They have an agenda. They don't care about the patriot movement at all. Their aim is to please their masters and make a ton of money[your money] while doing so under the guise of promising change.

This thread will be updated regularly.

This is the first 6: 👇

■Jenna Ellis
■Mark Meadows
■Kenneth Chesebro
■Sidney Powell[KRAKEN]
■Lin Wood
■Mike Johnson
Image ■ Lin Wood

He claimed that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. And was a prominent advocate for all truths to be revealed. And a loyal Trump supporter.

However, he was the first to strike a plea deal and testify against Trump.
Nov 8, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Flight logs. Epstein. Files. MI intel:

#REPORT 116 pages of Jeffery Epstein's flight logs have been leaked online

I'm currently going through them.

Credit: brianhirsh

PDF: acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc…
Columbus, Ohio caught my eye.

Who from Ohio traveled on Epstein's plane? 🤔 Image
Oct 29, 2023 11 tweets 11 min read
💊 Drop #38: State of Isreal [PART 1]:

⚠️Warning: some of these pills that I'll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow.

Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel released by the establishment. If that is you, feel free to ignore these threads.⚠️

State of Isreal Origin:

It's very important to know the historical records of any and everything. It's why historical records are archived. Because there are and have been many attempts to erase their history. Just look at the statues being toppled. The cabal doesn't want you to know their history. Statues exist to know what happened. Not glorify them.

Before the provisional State of Isreal existed. The entire state was Palestine in both land and name, and have been since the implementation of biblical and historical records began to be kept.

In 1917, Chaim Weizmann – scientist, statesperson, and supporter of the effort to establish a state of Israel – persuaded the British government to issue a statement favoring the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.

The statement, which became known as the Balfour Declaration, was, in part, payment to the Jewish people for their support of the British against the Turks during World War I. After the war, the League of Nations ratified the declaration and in 1922 appointed Britain to rule Palestine.

The arrival of many Jewish immigrants in the 1930s awakened Arab fears that Palestine would become a national Jewish homeland. By 1936, guerrilla fighting had broken out between Jews and Arabs. Unable to maintain peace, Britain issued a white paper in 1939 that restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine. Jewish people, feeling betrayed, bitterly opposed the policy and looked to the United States for support.

When Harry S. Truman took office, he made clear that his sympathies were with the Jewish people and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former President Woodrow Wilson's principle of "self-determination." Truman initiated several studies of the Palestine situation that supported his belief that, as a result of the Holocaust, Jewish people were oppressed and also in need of a homeland.

So they chose the indigenous land of Palestine to be their new homeland.

Britain and the United States, in a joint effort to examine the dilemma, established the "Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry." In April 1946, the committee submitted recommendations that Palestine not be dominated by either Arabs or Jews.

It concluded that attempts to establish nationhood or independence would result in civil strife; that a trusteeship agreement aimed at bringing the two peoples together should be established by the United Nations; that full Jewish immigration be allowed into Palestine; and that two autonomous states be established with a strong central government to control Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Negev, the southernmost section of Palestine.

British, Arab, and Jewish reactions to the recommendations were not favorable. Britain, anxious to rid itself of the problem, set the United Nations in motion, formally requesting on April 2, 1947, that the UN General Assembly set up the Special Committee on Palestine[UNSCOP].

This committee recommended that the British mandate over Palestine be ended and that the territory be partitioned into two states.

~END OF PART 1~Image
💊 PART 2:


Jewish reaction was mixed. Some wanted control of all of Palestine; others realized that partition spelled hope for their dream of a homeland. Palestinian Arab leaders and other Arab nations were not at all agreeable to the UNSCOP plan. In October, the League of Arab States directed the governments of its member states to move troops to the Palestine border. Meanwhile, President Truman instructed the State Department to support the UN plan, and it reluctantly did so. On November 29, 1947, the partition plan was passed by the UN General Assembly.

A similar stunt was pulled when Congress in a dead of night passed the 2nd constitution of 1871 in the dead of night.

This next action that was done is very important.

A provisional govt was setup in Palestine[now called Isreal].

What does provisional mean? Temporary not permanent.

Provisional: providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary: a provisional government. accepted or adopted tentatively; conditional; contingent.

At midnight on May 14, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel proclaimed a new State of Israel. On that same date, the United States, in the person of President Truman, recognized the provisional Jewish government as de facto authority of the Jewish state (de jure recognition was extended on January 31, 1949).

And what does de jure mean? A practice that's not set in reality.

In law and government, de jure describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality.

Thus, it was a false govt set-up by themselves. But needed worldwide acceptance. Primarily the US, by it being the number 1 world superpower at that time.

This covert action angered both the U.S. delegates to the UN and top-ranking State Department officials that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first.

Then, on May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel, and the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 began.

Isreal the Corporation came into existence in 1968.

The IC was founded in 1968 by the Government of the State of Isreal as a vehicle to attract the participation of foreign investors in the economic development of the country.

The shares of the company were first offered to private investors in 1969 and the Company was listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in 1982.

Thus, Isreal came into existence in 1968.

The only real document is a provisional doc signed by Truman in 48. Then extended on January 31, 1949.

And that's it.

Thus, that State doesn't exist. The state only existed temporarily.

The corporation of Isreal only exists.

The land historically and biblically to this day is Palestine.

We've all been lied too. Again.

A 75yr old lie.

Hamas was created by Isreal to keep the back n forth rhetoric going to continue getting billions of dollars in aid from the US.

Hamas began as a spinoff of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist religious, social and political movement. Hamas was founded in 1987.

The MB was founded in 1920.

Hamas is just as false as the Isreal corporation founded in 1968.

Why do you think the iron dome was shut off on October 7th and that weekend? It was only turned on Sunday after 2 days of it being off. Paragliders infiltrating Isreal. None was shot down.

This truth I just told you was being saved for last. Because Isreal was being saved for last.

The cabal which is The Octogon Group controls Isreal. And they also control its central bank there too. The cabal seat is in Switzerland[refer to the Octogon Group drop].

That satanic group is responsible for deceiving the entire world.

Now what is the world doing? Wishing death on humanity.

How can someone cheer for any lives being taken?

Don't give into the power of Baal.💊Image
Oct 19, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Bidan. Masks. CGI. Cabal intel:

#REPORT Bidan mask malfunctions while giving an interview making no damn sense

Notice how he grabs his lips and pulls his fingers down. He wanted you to focus your attention there.

The chin moves irregular directions and positions.

These are not only latex rubber/silicone masks. They're embedded with nanotech.
In that same interview with his chin malfunction error, Bidan said, “I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it … (They) gotta learn how to shoot straight.”
Oct 3, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Nuke scare event. COMMS. Russia. Putin. MI intel:

#BREAKING Putin Orders First-Ever Nationwide Nuclear Drill, Prepares Bomb-Test At Arctic Circle

Russia will hold its first nationwide drill simulating widespread nuclear strikes on the country.

The one-day nuclear attack exercise is based on the assumption that NATO will launch a nuclear strike on Russia, destroying 70 percent of Russian housing and life-support facilities. In the scenario, martial law is imposed in the country, and a full-scale mobilization is ordered.

The test will also model the secondary threat posed by damage to nuclear power plants and other key facilities.

State and regional authorities will have to organize emergency rescue teams to provide food, medical supplies, and protection against radiation.

According to the preparatory document, there is a need to prepare for an escalation of war, including a global conflict involving nuclear powers.

The permanent relocation of the population from the life-threatened zone will be similar to Chernobyl, involving an internal population transfer on an unprecedented scale.

Putin, meanwhile, is moving to one of his nuclear bunkers around the country to escape the simulated nuclear Armageddon. In the event of a real nuclear war, he has a fleet of “Doomsday” Il-80 Maxdome aircraft that can act as an air control center.

The exercise is being held four days before Putin’s 71st birthday.

Not only is the national disaster exercise seen as a training exercise for nuclear war, but preparations are also underway for a nuclear explosion test in the Arctic Circle.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Soygu visited Novaya Zemlya in August, signaling that tests could soon resume after a break of several decades.

It's a scare event. Nothing more.

Nukes don't exist.


Image Get informed. Stay informed.

Aug 23, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Russia. Wagner. Global Alliance. MI intel:

#BREAKING Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin killed in a plane crash in Russia

Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a jet, which crashed, killing all on board, Russia's civil aviation authority has said.

Earlier, Wagner-linked Telegram channel Grey Zone reported the Embraer aircraft was shot down by air defenses in the Tver region, north of Moscow.

The jet, which was flying from Moscow to St Petersburg, was carrying seven passengers and three crew members.

Prigozhin led a failed mutiny against the Russian armed forces in June.

Grey Zone said local residents heard two bangs before the crash and saw two vapor trails.

Video of the crash:
Aug 10, 2023 18 tweets 13 min read

HAARP. DEWS. Hawaii. Fires. Cabal intel

#BREAKING Hawaii burns

#Lahaina | #Maui | #Hawaii

At least six people were killed when wildfires, whipped by strong winds from Hurricane Dora passing far to the south, took the island of Maui by surprise, leaving behind burned-out cars on once busy streets and smoking piles of rubble where historic buildings had stood. Flames roared throughout the night, forcing adults and children to dive into the ocean for safety.

Officials said 271 structures were damaged or destroyed, and dozens of people were injured. They feared the death toll could rise.

I've been telling people this for years. The cabal plan is to hold the world hostage unless power is given back to them.

The cabal is blaming this on climate change.

Climate change is fake as space.

They are using directed energy weapons to hit these targets. #UPDATE Death toll rises to 36.

There's nothing left in Lahaina.
Jun 27, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read

5G. HAARP. Nitrogen dioxide. Cabal intel:

#BREAKING Canadian wildfire smoke to engulf New York skies again

Smoke is expected to enter New York airspace on Wednesday and Thursday, with ‘unhealthy’ levels in the state’s western region.

On Tuesday, the New… https://t.co/7DucCZjeWRtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

#Cleveland | #Ohio
Jun 25, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Pill 💊drop #18:

Child and Human Trafficking intel:

The trafficking of children spans back decades.

Remember the old milk cartons back in the day in the 80s and 90s? Even well into the 2000s.

Where they had the pictures of the missing children on?

They were subsequently… https://t.co/sQ6V8xXS70twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

If more and more people stand up and demand where the children are, and that we know what they've done and are continuing to do.

This movie will speed tf up.

Everyone still hasn't gotten it?

Stop listening to these opps, saying sitback, eat popcorn, do nothing and enjoy the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 21, 2023 14 tweets 18 min read
Pill 💊 Drop #23: Part 1 of 2

The true Deepstate and Cabal:

Background first:

Out of Babylon and Egypt came Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, and out of them has come forth the Pharaonic hybrid precursers to the coming global religion. Pharaonic/PharacaicI, Israel[not all Judaics, only the Judaic Zionist, Luciferian Talmudic Jews], comes out of Egypt and the mystery religion schools, corrupted with Luciferian Pharaonic attitudes, beliefs and practices, weaving their Luciferian beliefs[Talmudic Kabaalism, and their traditions of men], and hundreds of ridiculous laws and bizzar practices, circumcision blood letting, incest, cannibalism,etc., into the pure truths GOD tried to give to them.

They were the ones who wondered in the wilderness for 40 years while GOD attempted to cleanse them of their Luciferian/Pharaonic/Ka”baal”istic/Occult ways Just to never to be fully restored to their original relationship with GOD.

Also, the Roman Catholic Jesuit contributions to this Luciferian trinity, they constitute the third leg of the triad Jesuit/Masonic/Judaic orders.

Octogon, Hyper-cube, Black Cube, Saturn-Satan. Shadow Government, Hidden Hand, Black Nobility, Black Pope, Jesuit/Knights of Malta/Freemason/Mason/B’nai B’rith, Kaaba in Meca, Telfin black boxes on foreheads,  Noahide Law,  Cannon Law,  Sharia Law,  Egypt,  Reptile, Serpentine,  ISIS,  Horus, Seth,  ISIL, CIA/MI6/MI5/MOSSAD/ISI,  ODT/O2T/Waterboarding,  SRA/MKULTRA,  Anunnaki/Nephilim/Molok/Molock/Molek, Baal, Amon Ra…”Amen” Ra,  IS-RA-EL/ZION/ZIONISM, Kazaaria/Kazaars/Ukraine,  Atlas/Titan/Pitch Fork,  Ashkenazi/NAZI/NAtional ZIonism.

Are all one and the same. All have 8 sides.

Now that you have the background data. Which is important to know history. Whether it's historical history and biblical history.

The Octogon Group:

The Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octagon[Octogon]in Switzerland seem to be the core of the global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every crook and cranny of “our” world. These Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland and their 5th Column Masonic minions around the world. Has been ruling for centuries.

Swiss Bank of International Settlements:

They robbed the American people on Black Tuesday in 1929.

History - foundation and crisis (1930-39). First building of the BIS (1930-77): the former Hotel Savoy-Univers at Centralbahnstrasse 7 in Basel, Switzerland.

The Swiss migrated to North America in the 1500s. They were the Quakers. Their symbol is the 8 pointed star>see 1st photo].

The Order Of The Poor Knights Of The Temple Of Solomon[The Templars] were founded in Jerusalem in 1119.

They're simply the re-emergence of the Luceferian Pharaonic rulers.

Many lies and deceptions were told to us. For example that the Jews own all of the banks.

This is false. They run the banks. The Swiss Templars[luceferians pharoahs] own them. They OWN every single central bank[see video].

The Jews are just the faces. Yes, they have their own plans[refer to my other 💊 drops].

The Swiss Americans are the ones who have infiltrated our country. Not the jews and Chinese with their costumes and dwellings in the STZ and FTZ towns across the US.

The Swiss looks like any other average American. So they blended right in.

They mainly delve into homosexuality. As evidenced by the Knights of Templar symbol. Of 2 men riding a horse.

They're secret symbol how they recognize each is the V sign or peace sign. And the double V[2 hands throwing up peace signs]. In recognition of the 2 great Swiss men who began implementing the world orders.

Karl Ludwig von Haller (1 August 1768 – 20 May 1854) was a Swiss jurist, statesman, and political philosopher.

Albrecht von Haller (also known as Albertus de Haller; 16 October 1708 – 12 December 1777) was a Swiss anatomist, physiologist, and naturalist.

Symbolism will be their downfall.Image Pill 💊 Drop #23: Part 2 of 2

JFK eluded to them in his speech. He was assassinated 7 days later[he survived ofc].

Notice the V sign and double V sign[Swiss Templar] see photos.

The Swiss presidents are Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisen[ Swiss for iron] hower[Swiss for hit]. And Herbert Hoover. Is real last name was[Huber]. Does Huber ring a bell. No coincidences.

Herbert Hoover[Huber] and James Edgar Hoover[Huber] are related.

It was actually J. Edgar Hoover, along with Cia, plans to assassinate JFK.

J. E. Hoover was a homosexual. His deputy during his administration was also his lover. His name was Clyde Tolson.

Their code was to always dress alike in public. And the standard code basically of anyone who engaged in that lifestyle really.

Hoover hated JFK.

The Swiss are silent and deadly.

Why do cabal always pick homosexuals to work for them? Because they know how to be silent. They don't have to be blackmailed. Only the perverted cabal members are.

The Swiss started the Pink Cop Organization. In Switzerland.

PinkCop was founded in 2008 and is an independent association for homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and intersex police officers from all over Switzerland. 

All banks have to be what? Basel III compliant. Why? Because it belongs to Swiss Bank of International Settlements. Located where? Basel, Switzerland.

Headquartered in Basel, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank and forum for central banks. The SNB has occupied one of the seats (currently 18) on the Board of Directors since the BIS was founded in 1930.

The Basel III reforms were implemented in the United States in 2013. Later, in 2017, the BCBS published a further set of revisions to the large bank capital framework.

There's a lot of disinformation running amuck online.

One example is Alex Emerick Jones. Many claimed him to be a secret zionist mossad agent. He doesn't display no zionist ways or symbols.

Emerick means Fuhrer. Emerick is derived from Old High German “rihhi” meaning “powerful”, “rich”, “mighty” or “ruler”.

Don't get me wrong. He does put out good intel. But I question the symbols he's chosen[see attached video]. And not 1 time has he even questioned the Swiss Knights Templar. And he only questioned Israel 1 time on the old Alex Jones broadcast.

The Swiss and Germans have deep history, and with Italy.

There are plenty of governors that are Swiss Templars. And that includes Barrack Obama[Barry Soetero].

When the Swiss come in and take over a country to install their central banks, they never integrate or expand. There's no Swiss towns like China towns.

They are the Deepstate Cabal.

Know thine enemy. 💊

I will continuously update this thread.pinkcop.ch/ueber_uns/Image
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
DEWS. Canada. US. intel:

#Canada | #NYC

#BREAKING Smoke from the hundreds of wildfires blazing in eastern Canada has drifted south, casting a hazy pall over New York City and triggering air alerts from Minnesota to Massachusetts.

In Ontario, a layer of haze blanketed parts of… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… #AMERICAUNDERATTACK

DEWS. Fires. Carbon monoxide. Particulate Matter. Cabal intel:

Detailed Report:

Apparently, over 100 fires were set simultaneously on 06.02.23.

Basically, the who SE Quebec is on fire.

Fires started first in Quebec, Nova Scotia, B.C, Ontario, Alberta,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 15, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
WW. Milsec ops. Cabal intel:

Remember, all major countries have their own military security operations.

An unofficial military global earth alliance was formed to get rid of cabal in their prospective countries as well. Not just the u.s.

It's not called the global Awakening… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Apr 15, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read

Cabal intel:

I told everyone this at the time.

#BREAKING: Secret Documents Leak Reveals Up to Four additional Chinese Spy Balloons flew Over Continental U.S.

#Unitedstates | #USA

Intelligence report classified as top secret has been leaked, revealing… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… ImageImage
Apr 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
#BREAKING J-Alert from the Japanese Government, “Evacuate immediately. Evacuate immediately. Take shelter in a building or underground immediately. A Missile could fall in the Hokkaido area around 08:00.”

Evacuate Order issued in the Japanese Region of Hokkaido, the North Korea… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image UPDATE: The ballistic missile launched from North Korea has been Airborne for over 35 Minutes now it was expected to strike in or around the Hokkaido region of Northern Japan roughly 8 Minutes ago at 0800.
Apr 3, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
MI intel:

Storm is coming to NYC.

Trump hires ex Paul Manofort's lawyer and Hillary's ex lawyer Todd Blanche for his defense team.

How many coincidences make it mathematically impossible? This is the beginning of the end of the cabal. And will ultimately bring all out war from the cabal.

Trump wants to be taken in. Why?

Because of to unseal the unseal the sealed indictments on Stormy Daniels.

This has nothing to do with porn payments. The evidence they have… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Mar 30, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Cabal intel:

Future comms and direction confirmed.

I presented 2 scenarios 2 weeks ago exactly. I guess they decided to go with the 1st.

#BREAKING Trump indicted: Charged in New York over hush money paid during 2016 campaign

fox5ny.com/news/trump-ind… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… We are at the precipice.

These comms to come forward now and days after will confirm direction.

The real POTUS. Donald J. Trump. Just released a statement.
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read

MK Ultra. Sleeper cells intel:

#BREAKING: Brand new security footage has just been released to the public showing the Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale drove to Covenant Church/School in her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Seems we have a new type of terrorist to be aware of.

Seems the FBI is trying to scrub Audrey Elizabeth Hale soc media posts, and bury it.

She wanted to be a martyr for the Trans community.

This is a war on Christians.

Stay vigilant. Stay. Stay prepared. Image
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read

MK Ultra. Sleeper cells intel:

#BREAKING: Police and rescue teams are responding to an active shooter situation with MULTIPLE dead at Covenant School in Nashville, TN.

Situation: Active UPDATE:
- 'Multiple' casualties reported
- Massive police response
- Gunman shot dead by responding officers
- Ages of victims unknown

Mar 27, 2023 17 tweets 13 min read
Red pill intel drop #14:

Warning: some of these pills that I'll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow.

Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel in 1 drop. If that is you or any other reason, feel free to ignore these threads.

The Sun.

We have been deceived by NASA and the creators of it, the cabal.

Genesis 1:16
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Genesis 1:17
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

Two great lights. Sun and the moon[disc]. The word for moon in Hebrew is yareHa. It literally means “head.”

The head or disc[moon] sits at the top of the earth within the firmament. For more details on the moon, please refer to the moon pill drop.

The hebraic word for sun is shem or khamma- the hot one.

The key to the verses is the firmament. It says that God placed both lights IN the firmament.

Not outside. Not somewhere in space, that's 93 million miles away.

But inside the firmament.

The Hell:

Revelation 9:1
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.

Revelation 9:2
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

We were told the truth from the beginning. But no one was paying attention. Because no one was really looking.

Everyone believed what they were told thru various programming and indoctrination.

Humanity is given reminders every day. Rainbows. Which is the curvature of the domed Earth.

We see hell literally every day. Yes, it provides light[2 great lights] and warmth.

The Sun is HELL.

This is the best kept secret in all of the secret illuminati societies. That one secret they dare not tell.

Guys. We have been lied to our entire lives.

In revelation. A star fell from heaven. Which star? The sun is considered the brightest Star.

In Satanism, the devil[satan] Lucifer is described as what? The morning and evening star[HELL].

HELL is a physical place[sun]. Not spiritual.

How can an invisible spirit/soul burn in a lake of fire? It can't.

All will be reawakened to face judgement in the end.

And you cannot say 'I didn't know. God will say you've seen it everyday. It's in every religious doctrine. How could you not know?

The plan of Satan. Is to take many as he can down with him.

It's a reason why the sun is below the firmament. What destroys fire? Water. What is comprised of the firmament? Water.

Once the sun gets closer to earth. Oh and its getting closer everyday. That's it.

The End.

And the ones who make it to heaven[above the firmament] will see the sun down on the earth. And souls burning in it. Forever and ever.

Earth is domed. How do we know? Well the Bible describe it to us.

Have anyone researched firmament? Well I included an excerpt from Wikipedia.

The only thing NASA got right is how the sun actually. Because they can deceive us on that. We see the damn thing everyday. It's one gigantic ball of fire[HELL].

This war is good vs evil. Think this war is just about geopolitics?

The Great Awakening. Is about waking up, truly waking up. And realizing every lie so that we don't die in the fire because we were deceived. In the end there's no excuse for being deceived. And hating your brethern for bringing the TRUTH to you.

We ALL have a duty to spread the real TRUTH to all of humanity. So that in the end. The scales of justice will tip in your favor.Image Another video of the sun within the earth.