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US Foreign Policy and National Security interests in the Indo-Pacific | Maritime Minded | Learning every day | Views my own. | Always humble | DM's Open!

Nov 4, 2023, 5 tweets

In my opinion, and not minimizing the part played by other branches:
Nasrallah's speech has confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt America's conventional deterrent. Deploying 2 carrier strike groups to an international crisis has historically been our tool for expressing national..

intnet. And with crisis in Israel and the Middle East at large, the surge in posture (and subsequent retaliatory strikes) has cemented, in my mind, that the United States is still MORE than capable of rapidly deploying military forces into a region to signal to an adversary that

"Hey, we have a very serious interest in the stability of this region. We are trying to convey to you that if you fuck around, you will find out. We don't want you to fuck around, which is why we have surged so many forces into this the region to convince you that you will find..

Out, incase you fuck around too much"

Simultaneously, in the "priority theater' of the DoD we have 2 CSGs on the verge of second dual CSG/DCSF exercise while we sailed through the Taiwan Strait with our ally who consistently rides shotgun with us during these transits.

Long stort short, don't doubt American detterence. You can be "skeptica"l of political leadership in enacting our deterrence;but the lever is there to pull. If you fuck around, you will find out, and our alliances are marching to our drum beat, as recent developments have proved.

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