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Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. William Faulkner

Nov 5, 2023, 8 tweets

(in pictures)

We will start with this magnificent graph of Pango lineages (3 months) proposed by one of the best countries in the world in sequencing: Denmark

2) More and more variant swarms have the appearance of sedimentary rocks

(Rainbow mountains. Zhangye National Geopark)

3) If we risked doing the geology of variants, we would say that initially under the pressure of emerging variants (crustal movements) waves were formed

4) Little by little, the "rain" of immune systems (weathering) poured onto these layers of variants, and it is this compression which favored this sedimentary aspect.

5) If we take the dominating Pango lineages in Denmark since 1 month, we can imagine the pressure that a new clan like Pirola must exert to take its place

6) Certainly, the movement of variants being biological, and non-geological, is extremely rapid, but to imagine that everything will change in a few weeks, is to confuse speed with precipitation.

7) Sometimes you have to give time to time 🤗

Thanks for reading
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8) Denmark report :

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