Muhammad Shehada Profile picture
Gazan Writer & Analyst

Nov 9, 2023, 8 tweets

🚨Extremely dangerous🚨
Since yesterday, there has been an unprecedented coordinated push by Israeli top gov officials, diplomats, journalists, lobbying groups & propagandists to FALSELY claim that Gazan journalists knew in advance about Hamas' attack & were embedded with them🧵

2\ The goal of this coordinated push is twofold:
1- Delegitimise prominent Gazan journalists to create an information blackout about what Israel is doing in Gaza

2- Justify the killing of 39 journalists in 4 weeks & the imminent killing of others


3\ Israel's ex-Defence Minister & current senior member in the war coalition cabinet is openly calling for treating prominent Gazan journalists as "terrorists" (i.e. incitement to killing)

Israel killed in 4 weeks way more journalists than in any other global conflict since 1992

4\ NONE of those journalists were "embedded with Hamas" or knew anything in advance about the attack.

Hassan Eslayeh was the 1st journalist to cross into Israel at 8:38AM.

That's 128 minutes after Hamas attack & one can see he entered alongside civilians & some random armed men

5\ Israeli media & politicians are circulating this 3-year-old picture of Hassan Eslayeh to incite against him

This picture does NOT imply ANY affiliation with Hamas; Gazan journalists usually post similar pics to showcase their access & connections as a way of self-promotion!

6\ Israel's other argument to delegitmize Gazan journalists is that some crossed the fence (hours AFTER its collapse) without press-marked clothing

But how could they have possibly gotten that on a Saturday at 8:00am? Their offices were closed & they had to rush to catch a scoop

7\ While this coordinated smear campaign goes viral, Israeli lawmakers are clearly stating the end goal: killing Gazan journalists to make them "pay the price like Hamas terrorists"!

This is a Knesset (Parliament) member from the ruling Likud party!

8\ US Senators are joining the coordinated smear campaign against Gazan journalists to silence reporting from the ground & legitmize killing them

To MSM: you have a moral duty to protest & pushback against this. Otherwise, you'd be complicit in the slaughter of your colleagues!

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