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Jul 9 10 tweets 4 min read
🚨Extremely important testimonies of Israeli soldiers admitting to unspeakable atrocities in Gaza:
Mass graves; tanks crushing Gazans alive; littering the streets with bodies of civilians, women & children for dogs to feast on; & shooting indiscriminately for fun out of boredom🧵 Image 2\ Soldiers admit the IDF is littering the streets of Gaza with decomposing bodies of murdered children, women & civilians, left for dogs & cats to feast on

When humanitarian convoys come in, IDF bulldozers dump the bodies in mass graves under the rubble to hide the scene... Image
Jul 5 7 tweets 3 min read
Folks don't understand the serious brain damage Israel torture at Sde Teiman leaves Palestinians with permanently.

Being blindfolded, handcuffed & muzzled all day long for months under threat of severe torture leads the brain to atrophie & creates serious neurological damage🧵 Image 2\ Sustained stress of enforced isolation & sensory deprivation decreases the size of the hippocampus, the brain region related to learning, memory, & spatial awareness, & "a decrease in the formation of new neurons, & the eventual failure in hippocampal function."…
Jul 1 9 tweets 5 min read
🚨Israel's +972 newspaper reports 6 new cases of IDF soldier RAPING kidnapped Palestinian civilians at the Sde Teiman prison camp & forcing the rest to watch.

The 6th report this year, making these incidents of rape systematic & widespread (i.e. crime against humanity) 🧵 Image 2\ NYTimes reported in June that Israel is RAPING kidnapped Gazans in the Sde Teiman prison camp:

A Gazan died after penetration by an electric stick

A female IDF officer ordered the rape of a senior Gazan nurse

A UN worker forced to sit on a "hot metal stick"
Jun 27 6 tweets 3 min read
Israel's latest lunatic lie to justify the IDF dog that mauled an elderly woman is that Hamas kidnapped the dog in front of IDF soldiers, tamed him, trained him to attack elderly civilians & unleashed him🤡

So, here's a🧵 of the IDF using dogs systematically to maul Gazans:
March 24: Survivors of the Israeli raid on Al-Shifa Hospital & its surrounding area describe field executions, home burnings, civilians being run over by tanks, & IDF dogs mauling both the living & the dead:
Jun 12 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨UN finds evidence of systematic Israeli sexual violence against Gazan women, CHILDREN & men!

Women being stripped down to their underwear & sexually harassed while male relatives are forced to watch

Female soldier forced boys to dance semi-naked & filmed them while laughing🧵
2\ IDF soldiers sexually harassing minor girls in front of their male relatives & forcing women at gun point to strip down to their underwear, some are groped & touched.

Women who refuse are beaten, abused, detained for days & threatened to shoot to kill their children. Image
Jun 6 7 tweets 4 min read
🚨Israel is RAPING kidnapped Gazans in the Sde Teiman prison camp

A Gazan died after penetration by an electric stick

A female IDF officer ordered the rape of a senior Gazan nurse

A UN worker forced to sit on a "hot metal stick"

This is the 4th report of IDF rape this year🧵
2\ Last April, Haaretz documented this testimony of rape

"They were led to the kitchen, where they were stripped & forced to lie one on top of the other.... They were beaten with clubs & spat on. A guard then started to stuff carrots into the anus of Abu Halil & other prisoners"
May 21 6 tweets 3 min read
A few thoughts on the ICC arrest warrants🧵

Hamas doesn't stand to lose much, but Israel might lose dearly

Palestinian reconciliation might get even more difficult

Hamas recently pledged to cooperate with the ICC investigation, Israel rejected it out of hand as "antisemitic" Image 2\ Netanyahu won't be able to step a foot on any of the 124 countries in Green, including the EU. Israeli ministers & IDF general would fear going to any of these countries in case of surprise arrest warrants.

The reputational damage to Israel could lead to halting arm deals, boycotts, declining foreign investments...

World leaders won't be eager to meet & be pictured with a guy accused of crimes against humanity.

Pressure can be increased on Israel's Western patrons to act.Image
May 3 7 tweets 7 min read
A🧵debunking Israel's talking points on Rafah through the words of top *Israeli* generals & leaders on why the invasion:
Will NOT defeat Hamas
May cost the lives of all hostages
Is NOT necessary
& that Hamas is "still alive & kicking" in every city the IDF invaded & destroyed...

2\ Israel's own (under)estimates is that there's still 5,000 armed Hamas militants in Northern Gaza after 210 days

IDF General (res.) Israel Ziv admits Hamas is "still alive & kicking" in northern Gaza after everything Israel did there, including destroying & damaging over 70% of all homes!

Apr 30 4 tweets 2 min read
🚨Israel is RAPING & sexually assaulting Palestinian detainees:

"They were led to the kitchen, where they were stripped & forced to lie one on top of the other.... They were beaten with clubs & spat on. A guard then started to stuff carrots into the anus of Abu Halil & other prisoners."Image 2\ Israel's sexual abuse of those detainees that spoke up was a routine: "Again they were stripped. This time they were kicked in the testicles. The guards would lunge at them & kick, lunge & kick, again & again. Nonstop brutality for 25 minutes. 'We are Bruce Lee,' the guards proclaimed. They shook them & shoved them around like balls from one corner of the room to the other, then moved them to their new cells in Block 6."Image
Apr 26 5 tweets 3 min read
🚨Harrowing evidence revealed of Israel's execution of Gazans at the Nasser hospital mass grave 🧵

These 2 bodies were both shot in the head, both hand-tied.

Multiple discovered bodies were zip-tied, some both arms & legs. Some buried in patient gowns, including children.
2\ Multiple bodies discovered at the Nasser hospital mass grave had their arms tied with zip-ties or duck tape.

Many bodies were buried at a 3 meter depth to accelerate decomposition.
Apr 23 22 tweets 12 min read
Israel lies pathologically!
A🧵of dozens of conclusively debunked Israeli gov lies since Oct 7, off the top of my head

1- The IDF blatantly claimed this underground WATER TANK was a "Hamas tunnel" their ground troops discovered at the Qatari hospital in Gaza on Nov 5 2023

Mainstream media put it in headlines immediately despite experts challenging this lie with detailed maps of the room

In February, local journalists were finally able to access the area & debunk the lie

The IDF knew exactly what this shaft was back in Nov b/c their troops inspected it on the ground, but they lied deliberately to pave the way for raiding, besieging, bombing, & destroying almost every single hospital in Gaza 2\ Bombing fleeing refugees: Israel bombed a convoy of Gazans fleeing south on the very "safe road" they ordered to go through, killing over 70 on Oct 13.

Israel immediately denied bombing the convoy & said it was Hamas.

Financial Times found Israel was lying.
The damage was consist with an Israeli airstrike!…
Apr 4 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨Hostages are having their legs amputated from being zip-tied by all 4 limbs for months; they're being forced to defecate in diapers & fed through straws.

Those are Gazan hostages at Israel's Sde Teiman "concentration camp", so you won't see one word about it in Western media🧵 Image 2\ Wherever the IDF goes in Gaza, they mass arrest surviving men & children from the age of 15

IDF soldier force kidnapped Gazans to strip down to their underwear on camera & put them on trucks to the Sde Teiman military base in the Negev that Israelis call a concentration camp! Image
Mar 28 7 tweets 3 min read
Israel's own Physicians for Human Rights dismissed these interrogation videos as propaganda b/c they included the use of torture

This "confession" isn't new. It was reported in Jan & Israel's police failed to match his description with an actual victim

Video is mistranslated🧵 2\ Manas says "we woke up to the sound of rockets", but here it's translated into that "[I] went to the command & control centre" to make him sound part of a militant plan

He basically says his friend spontaneously suggested they cross the fence to see what was happening Image
Mar 25 4 tweets 1 min read
Last Friday was Ali’s birthday;my closest friend slaughtered by Israel

Ali always hated his birthdays & was pained by them b/c they reminded him of his life being stolen before his eyes by Israel’s siege & periodic wars no matter how hard he tried to live

He’s now forever young Image 2\ Ali was the kindest & most thoughtful & talented person I know

He didn’t ask for much in life; only to see the world for once behind Israel’s walls of confinement & to afford to fall in love & start a family…

He was close to realising his dreams before Israel killed him
Mar 20 7 tweets 3 min read
Israel is surgically & methodically assassinating anyone that tries to ensure the safe distribution of aid in Gaza & prevent looting & chaos

In 72 hours, Israel killed 3 top police officials, 24 social workers, & a prominent tribal leader who all worked on securing aid convoys🧵

2\ At al-Shifa hospital, Israel executed Brig. Gen Fayeq al-Mabhouh right after he succeeded in securing the entry of 2 aid convoys all the way to the very North of Gaza without looting or chaos for the 1st time in over 160 days (in collaboration with community leaders & the UN) Image
Mar 15 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, Israel bombed one of my closest friends, Abd al-Rahman Hamada, after 158 days of starving & terrorizing him

Abd was one of Gaza's top programmers & most brilliant minds. He was one of the sweetest & most decent people I've ever met

He had gotten married only months ago
2\ Earlier in the war, Israel bombed Abd al-Rahman's brother & uncle, then in-laws, then his home & today they slaughtered him & his father

In our last conversation, Abd spoke of the impossibility of finding food, the pain of loss & starvation, & the stench of death all around Image
Mar 14 5 tweets 3 min read
You be the judge: how is this not a genocide?

The IDF wiping Khan Younis (Gaza's 2nd largest city) off the face of the earth🧵

(Genocide includes: "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part")
2\ Khan Younis - Gaza
Mar 14 6 tweets 4 min read
For the millionth time: a ceasefire ≠ another Oct 7

Israeli experts themselves say Oct 7 was all about “the stupidity, arrogance & negligence of the Israeli army & gov than about sophistication & danger on the part of Hamas”

Another Oct 7 is virtually impossible🧵 Image 2\ On Oct 7, there were 23 IDF battalions gaurding settlers in the West Bank & *only 3 IDF battalions* guarding the Gaza envelop.

Surveillance balloons were down & unmaintained.

All intelligence reports & red flags were ignored.

Kibutzes unprotected

Dozens more of mistakes...

Mar 1 9 tweets 4 min read
Before yesterday's "Flour Massacre", the IDF has been shooting indiscriminately for WEEKS at starved Gazans awaiting aid trucks at the exact same spot, virtually every single day!

A 🧵of some of these incidents:

Feb 28: IDF soldiers take potshots at famished desperate Gazans 2\ Feb 27: A child shot in the abdomen by IDF soldiers at the Rasheed street while waiting for aid trucks

Starved Gazans go to that street everyday with the hope of encountering an aid truck coming in, the IDF sprays them with bullets EVERY SINGLE DAY
Feb 10 4 tweets 2 min read
The burden of proof is on Israel to show evidence that these underground servers were used by Hamas for military purposes & NOT to store & secure the data of the local civil government & public universities to protect national data from Israel's periodic bombing of gov facilities 2\ Israel's claim is that the alleged tunnel under UNRWA's headquarters was a mere "data center" & NOT a military "command & control" centre or an attack tunnel

Israel needs to prove such data centre had a security/military value to be a legitimate target
Jan 19 4 tweets 3 min read
Israeli students chase their history teacher & yell at him "cancer" & "son of a whore" b/c he dared to humanize Gazan & Palestinian civilians

Meir Baruchin was fired from his job & jailed in solitary confinement last November for this, but was just reinstated by a labour court🧵 2\ These are some of the Facebook posts that got Israeli history teacher Meir Baruchin fired & jailed in solitary confinement & demonized in mainstream media👇

All for posting pictures of Palestinians killed by Israel with the caption "bombed/executed by our excellent guys".
