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Nov 10, 2023, 13 tweets

Here's a quick recap on my questions about Trump's security clearance for nuclear weapons work.

Presidents do not get security clearances. Which means before he was POTUS, he was working for the US govt in a capacity where he had a need to know information about nuclear weapons.

Why would Donald Trump, a civilian real estate investor, have a need to know about nuclear weapons?
Because his real estate deals in the former Soviet Republics were a cover story for CIA & FBI investigations to identify nuclear weapons smuggling operations to America's enemies.

This is a bit of a trick question because there are varying levels of evidence.
For DJT we have hard evidence he started working for FBI by 1981, with less conclusive evidence of work for the FBI & CIA in the 70s.
The nuclear weapons case I will discuss started between 1999-2002.

There are hints of earlier nuclear weapons cases including the guy the mafia called Fred the Fed Trump & possibly 2 of his sons. Fred befriended Bibi Netanyahu while he was Israel's ambassador to the UN. Shortly before the feds busted Bibi's nuclear smuggling operations.

As for Fred the Fed, there is no FOIA docs available to confirm his status as an FBI informant. FOIA is what forced DOJ to prove in court that Donald Trump & the Trump Organization are FBI assets.
But the mafia knew who Fred worked for & what look like stings in the 60s & 70s.

FBI documents prove that Donald's uncle John Trump was picked by J. Edgar Hoover himself to investigate the work of Tesla to identify any weapons potential. That occurred in 1943 & John Trump continued to work on US weapons programs including nuclear ones.

Of course the further we go back, the fewer records that we have to rely on.
There are hints that J. Edgar Hoover trusted the Trumps for a good reason.
Hoover's first job at DOJ was leading the Bureau of Investigation team that had already caught German spies & saboteurs in NYC.

In 1917, the Bureau 'luckily' caught a German spymaster with all of his documents removed from his safe & placed on his desk, but not yet placed into a diplomatic pouch the agents wouldn't be allowed to search.
Friedrick Trump operated a barber shop downstairs from the German spy

While he was already a successful real estate investor with a decent fortune, he made an unexplained career move & returned to his youthful profession as a barber.
Why did he open a barber shop in 1907? Unknown but he opened it in when German bankers & spies moved into 60 Wall St

So the case for Friedrick Trump being a spy for the US government is less than conclusive, that is quite the coincidence if not. But he mysteriously died in 2018, cause of death was listed as pneumonia, the Trumps claim it was Spanish flu but he died weeks before it reached NYC.

What are the odds that Friedrick Trump wasn't working for the Bureau & then J. Edgar Hoover against spies for the Kaiser that kicked him out of Germany?
But then many of his children, grand children & great grandchildren all ended up working as FBI assets for more than a century.

Correction for a typo, it is 1918 not 2018.

There is a typo 2 tweeks about, Friedrick Trump died in 1918 not 2018.

If you want to read more about this I wrote 3 articles on the curious case on my website a few years ago. butnothingshappening.com/trump-friedric…

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