Muhammad Shehada Profile picture
Visiting Fellow @ECFR || Gazan Political Analyst & Writer

Nov 13, 2023, 7 tweets

Not a Borat Sketch! The IDF Spokesman points to a random calendar at the Rantisi hospital as "evidence" of a "hostage keepers' list" with "terrorists' names".

But the ONLY thing on that "list" is literally the days of the week (Saturday-Friday).

No tunnels, no weapon stash...🧵

2\ Israel couldn't find any tunnels or weapons at the hospital, so they made up a new lie of "hostages were kept in the hospital's basement".

But how were those hostages transported out when IDF soldiers & tanks have been fully surrounding that hospital?

3\ The women's clothes, diapers, milk & improvised toilet are b/c 1000s of civilians sought shelter at the hospital.

The curtains are for video conferences & media appearances in that MEETING ROOM.

Again, if hostages were there, how were they moved out in front of your tanks?

4\ Israeli media immediately reports this hilarious IDF/Borat propaganda as a basic fact without bothering to ask a single Arabic speaker to verify the "terror list"!

If they so easily report this as a fact, what else have they been reporting without the slightest verification?

5\ The "weapon stash" trick is so old & obvious, it was openly advocated for by Israel's ex-Prime Minister Yair Lapid in 2010 to legitimize the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara Freedom Flotilla Ship where they killed 10 civilians that tried to break the naval blockade on Gaza!

6\ The "nearest tunnel" per the IDF own spokesman is 200 METERS away from the hospital, at a known Hamas member's home!

Nothing in the hospital itself!

That's if we even believe the IDF spokesman was showing the accurate distance & not doctoring footage!

7\ The IDF forcibly emptied the Rantisi Paediatric Hospital of all patients & refugees & took over it completely.

They inspected virtually every detail of the building & couldn't provide ANY hard evidence that there were tunnels inside the hospital or rockets/arms fired from it!

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