On Nov. 8, 1946, interim PM Nehru watched police open fire, killing 400-1000 Hindus in Nagarnausa, Bihar for retaliating against Muslims for Noakhali massacre (5000+ slaughtered, Lakhs raped) In a letter to Padmaja Naidu, Nehru expressed RELIEF that 400 Hindus were murdered!
On Nov. 4th, Nehru threatened Hindus saying the "Govt. would not show any mercy.... they will be FIRED UPON & BOMBED from the air if necessary". He exhorted Hindus whose families were raped & massacred at Noakhali to protect Muslims "even at the cost of sacrificing your all"!
He repeated the threats to Hindus on Nov. 6, warning that if they retaliated against Muslims for Noakhali, then he'd unleash every weapon from "machine guns, bombs, aeroplanes & all the forces of the Govt. " to stop Hindus. By Bakr Id he wanted all the Hindus neutralized.
Shockingly Nehru's letter to Bihar CM Sri Krishna Sinha on Nov. 19 reveals him COVERING UP his role in massacring Hindus. He says 250 Hindu casualties was not a big figure "considering everything" & even instructs Sinha how to word an official fake alibi to save Nehru.
Nehru claimed that the number of Hindus killed in E. Bengal were "exaggerated". He refused to acknowledge the systemic atrocities by Muslim Zamindars & rapes of Hindu women, in addition to the horror of Noakhali. This was why the poor Hindu farmers became furious & retaliated
We know Jallianwala Bagh but history books never reveal how Nehru approved of a bloodcurdling massacre of 400 - 1000 Hindus for daring to defend themselves & retaliating to the horror of Noakhali. In contrast, he never stopped Muslims from massacring Lakhs of Hindus.
Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Volume 1, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund
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