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Questioning the Narrative • Old World Architecture • History • Art • Ancient Knowledge • Sacred Geometry • Also @earstohearyou2

Nov 14, 2023, 7 tweets

This is an alleged Russian map showing the earth and what appear to be 'outer realms'....

I have posted about this before and l believe 'Vibes of Cosmos' has done research here only l thought to add for those who haven't seen this....and who might find it interesting as I've done comparative translations in the🧵...
In my previous post l suggested that exiting this realm and if it were possible, into another would be THROUGH THE WATERS 👇🏼

What appears to be instructions of how to navigate a submarine through a passage to get under the ice wall....

Top left hand corner of the map is the first image here...and it's comparison to Vibes of Cosmos
reflection in the moon.
Could it be that this map is now obsolete? The moon image a long ago flash negative?
That the lands are submerged even?...Or are they beyond 👉🏻

I've circled and written in red what areas and continents l could make out....

A section of the map translation from Russian to English...
A passage from the book of Enoch....
I can do other translations, ask.

Translation from German to English of the moon cycles.
Did this have anything to do with when it would or would not be feasible to navigate?...

That above is water...
And our realm resembles an EYE...which I've posted about.
Could the veins through the eye be inner world caverns?...

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