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Questioning the Narrative • History • Old World Architecture • Ancient Knowledge • Sacred Geometry • Also @earstohearyou2
19 subscribers
Dec 31, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
There was once a 13 MONTH calendar adhered to by MANY 'ancient cultures' based on the 13 MOON cycles in a year, with each cycle lasting approximately 28 days. (13×28=364 +1... marking the RISING of the 'new sun')

The names of MODERN months reflect 'remnants', of an OLDER system:
SEPTEMber is derived from 7 but is now the 9th month, OCTOber, means 8, is now the 10th month, NOVEMber, 9, is now the 11th and DECember, 10, now the 12th.
theinternetsaysitstrue.com/2022/03/28/13-…Image Prior to the 'adoption' of the GREGORIAN calender, many European countries followed the JULIAN calender where 'New Years Day' fell on March 25th, or was it actually APRIL1st... after 3 days of 'festivities'? This period 'coincided' with the beginning of SPRING, 'celebtrated' as the season of REBIRTH and renewel.Image
Nov 18, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Are ROOT CANALS a hidden source of heart attack and strokes? If we consider the 'interconnectedness' of our TEETH to our ORGANS. Sealing up a 'dead tooth' and leaving it in our body to harbour HARMFUL BACTERIA, is it a contributing factor to why many people have CHRONIC illness? The problem with ROOT CANALS lies in the miles of microtubules - nutrient PATHWAYS within the tooth These TUBULES can't ALL be removed and harbour HARMFUL BACTERIA. A root canal, SEALS a dead tooth allowing bacteria to flourish in an ISOLATED environment

Jun 16, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
"The NERVES from our TEETH are connected directly to our BRAIN, and each tooth is connected 'energetically' to different ORGANS and functions in our BODY.
Now think of what a root canal, mercury filling, and fluoride and will to do the brain with this CONNECTION"...

An INFECTED tooth can cause incredible pain and also leak 'toxins' into your bloodstream. Fillings or extraction are considered options, and often, for 'aesthetic' purposes, DENTISTS can perform a ROOT CANAL on a 'compromised' tooth, which removes the nerve and blood supply. YET, this tooth is dead, and within a month the tooths DENTIN inside becomes saturated with microbes, bacteria, and fungi which 'opens a pathway' for these microbes and the like to enter your body thus DECREASING energy flow along the ENERGY MERIDIAN on which the tooth resides. Keeping a 'dead tooth' in your LIVING jawbone puts your HEALTH at risk. The longer it is in your jaw, the GREATER the risk becomes...
Oil pulling?
Can teeth REPAIR themselves?Image Your MOUTH is a source of TOXICITY in more ways than one....
Although not essential for life TEETH are considered an ORGAN as they are part of an 'organism' that has a VITAL FUNCTION.
The 'lymphatic system' is responsible for removing BACTERIA, waste and other 'toxins' from the body. INFECTIONS from teeth and the microbes that continue to multiply get drained into the LYMPH NODES which pass back into the blood to be removed. Continued infections can 'overburden' the system and CAN have an impact on other VITAL ORGANS. It's been suggested that the HEALTH of your TEETH should be a consideration for DIS-EASE...

Root Canal Infection/Immune System Disorders...

Mar 17, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
On the walls of a temple in Egypt are said to be depictions of an ancient LIGHTBULB.
This Temple in Dendera and, is said to be a FERTILITY temple... Does it suggest the ancients had access to ELECTRICITY or were generating POWER of some sort? These BULBS look similar to a MERCURY ARC RECTIFIER. A device that utilised 'mercury' and was used to 'charge' ELECTRIC VEHICLES, called The Baker Electric Car Battery.Image Even ancient Sanskrit text attributed to the Vedic sage Agastya describes the use of an ELECTRIC MERCURY BATTERY and the method of splitting WATER into 'hydrogen and oxygen' as a FUEL through ELECTROLYSIS.... Image
Feb 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
l've mentioned previously how HAIR can be compared to ANTENNAS. It naturally attracts STATIC, effortlessly grazing the electrical nature of our realm. A human version of fibre optics...
When it comes to the pursuit of 'natural energy' and 'healing' NATURE is the origin. Image SILICON is a key mineral found in HAIR, undoubtedly contributing to its ANTENNA ability. CRYSTAL has the ability to transmit and receive energy. The first radios used quartz crystal and were called 'crystal sets'
The main composition of 'quartz crystal' is SILICON... Image
Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
This is said to be a map from 1582 by Dr John Dee. He was the astrologer, alchemist, occult teacher and advisor to Queen Elizabeth l (1553-1603) and a heavy influence (handler ?)....
It depicts the Arctic Region Image This map considered 'The New Hypothesis from 1752 by Philippe Buache shows no such thing. Why could that be? There is another anomaly showing Tasmania (Terre de Dieman) and Vanuatu (Terre du St. Espirit) joined to Australia.
(Also from the 'Royal Academy' Paris)...
Do these 'hypothesis' become reality with an 'erasing' of continents? Do they occur after catastrophes?...Image
Nov 14, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
This is an alleged Russian map showing the earth and what appear to be 'outer realms'....

I have posted about this before and l believe 'Vibes of Cosmos' has done research here only l thought to add for those who haven't seen this....and who might find it interesting as I've done comparative translations in the🧵...
In my previous post l suggested that exiting this realm and if it were possible, into another would be THROUGH THE WATERS 👇🏼
Image What appears to be instructions of how to navigate a submarine through a passage to get under the ice wall.... Image
Oct 9, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Have you heard of the expression, we are the
Are we here to ADD FLAVOUR? Make it (taste) better?
From the neurons firing in our brain and the electrical pulses of our heart to the subtle meridian energy that encompasses the entire body. Natural Sea Salt is an essential mineral for our body's proper function.
Have you wondered why we are asked to reduce our intake? Why would that be?.... Salt is one of the most widely used and oldest forms of food seasoning and one of the five basic human tastes.
Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, savoury.
When salt is dissolved in a solution or in food, it is broken down into its component ions: sodium and chloride. The salty taste comes mainly from the sodium ions.Image
Oct 6, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
A 🧵.....
I've been asked to expand on the attached post so, this is part of MY understanding.
If you can add or correct.....🙏

The (ENERGY) field of AETHER is born of the 2 FORCES of ELECTROMAGNETISM. Magnetic (centrifugal) and Dielectric (centritpital).
The outward and inward waveforms on the TORUS called VORTEX. Positive and negative, MALE and FEMALE, working in opposition but in unison.
These waveforms are in ALL LIVING THINGS.
Aug 16, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The PINEAL is a small endocrine gland located in the epithalmus between the two hemispheres near the center of the brain.
Considered the 'seat of the soul' its function is to receive information about the state of the LIGHT & DARK CYCLE conveying this information for the… https://t.co/vYuof9Dilrtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

We hear the constant mantra of 'decalcify your pineal gland to activate' it BUT what if this 'calcification' IS its natural state?
What if reduced sunlight exposure, irregular sleep, poor diet and chemicals have impeded its function as well as the body's own… https://t.co/ZjwgbsZNtYtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Aug 10, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
What happened after the last cyclical cataclysm and was it more recent than we're told?
Were cities systematically wiped out by the controllers post catastrophe, as they're 'loathe' to have us live well or to hide our past?
Jul 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Ancient cultures knew of the connection of this SYMBOL and GODS CREATION.
In the teachings of Martin Kenny of the '4 root races' and Helena Blavatsky and her teaching of the '7 root races' (of which 2 are to come)
There is a connection here....
A land called HYPERBOREA that was… https://t.co/ZFqWQsByvItwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Jul 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
We are now under constant bombardment with ELECTRIC DISTURBANCES, environmental polutants like RADIOWAVES
and the accumulative effects of Ionising (higher frequency, considered more harmful, removes electrons, we become sick ➡️ dis-ease) and non-ionising on the electromagnetic spectrum.
In some countries this is still referred to as
SLEEP DISTURBANCE, ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACK and other symptoms, could they be related to an OVERSTIMULATION of our 'nervous system?'
Do we ADJUST to the increase in exposure?
How do we reduce/combat exposure and symptoms?....

collage by zzBluewalruszz reddit

There have been periods in time in the past when large swathes of people would become ill with FLU-LIKE symptoms. This, it is said correlated with SOLAR FLARES - intense bursts of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION in the SUN'S atmosphere. Often accompanied by other solar phenomena, one being 'coronal' mass ejections.
Are those times in the past simply when 'electrical technology' has been introduced? Each 'turn of the dial' in the forward march of TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT?
Are those that do not understand TERRAIN THEORY helping maintain GERM THEORY and the profiteers of it?

Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM was a novel written by an Italian Medievalist. Divided into 10 segments (10 sefiroth) it centers around a Secret Societies plan to use the TELLURIC (electric) currents of the earth to SHAPE REALITY by using ARCHITECTURE like the Eiffel Tower as an ANTENNA.. ImageImageImage The PLOT revolves around UMBILICUS MUNDI
(The navel of the world) the mystic CENTER of the EARTH, a certain point by which a person or Secret Society could CONTROL the ENERGIES of the earth, thus reforming it at will... ImageImageImage
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Chromesthesia or SOUND to COLOUR synthesia is a type of SYNESTHESIA in which a SOUND involuntarily evokes an experience of colour. There are individuals who are CONSCIOUSLY aware of this COLOUR association/perception in daily life.
Each person perceives their own... ImageImageImage Alexander Scriabin a late 19th century Russian composer/pianist, claimed he 'found appeal' in the concept of SYNESTHESIA and he himself associated COLOURS with harmonic TONES OF SCALE. As did others.
Inspired by his association with occultist teachings of THEOSOPHY.... Image
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
CYMATICS is a study of the effects of SOUND WAVES on physical matter OM or AUM is a sacred sound used in meditation practices It creates a vibrational FREQUENCY that can be visualised helping us better understand the way SOUND impacts physical matter
credit @Journey.of.curiosity
Jun 10, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
If, as has been shown, the RED BRICKS the buildings of the past were constructed from acted as BATTERIES - free energy stores....
Is it hardly surprising we see the large-scale destruction and almost OBLITERATION of CITIES across the realm when set ABLAZE?.....
Or something else? ImageImageImage
We've all heard the narrative of MELTED red brick and seen these structures across the world...CINNABAR contains MERCURY and coats these old bricks. Whilst it's non conductive on its own it does react to both LIGHT and MAGNETIC FIELDS.
Please read 👇🏼...
Jun 9, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
Thousands of fires destroyed large portions of 18th 19th and 20th century cities around the world. On every continent.
This is not the result of fire but something more.....
That pulverised brick and vaporised glass. Energy weapon? ImageImageImage So, what did cause the huge amount of 'fires' devastating the cities around the world, especially from the mid 1800's onwards? Early examples of what is not public knowledge.
This technology has been used in various forms for the longest time.... ImageImageImageImage
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is a Chinese Qin Sword with gold 'openwork' handle from between 770-476 BC
What did the Chinese KNOW creating a sword such as this? Image
It seems they had great understanding of the FRACTAL it's purpose and how to implement it. Was this an ENERGY WEAPON?
Mar 31, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
A thread
We hear that the parasites, the overlords of this realm try to keep us in a perpetual state of misery and fear (tv news propaganda, wars, ugly architecture)

What Could we be actually USED FOR here?

Look up the words in CAPIALS for more posts I've made on the subjects.
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
The remains of GIANTS were discovered in the small Equadorian village of Changaimina, 7m in height. Connected to an ancient human race exceeding 12m
Once such discovery was by a local priest born in 1912. He had kept the skeletal remains in his possession until his death in 1999. We've seen GIANT DOORS and we're guessing they weren't built for small people. If they were. I'd hate to have to carry one of these keys around with me...