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Nov 20, 2023, 27 tweets

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The Untimely Death of Princess Diana

Princess Diana was a thorn in the flesh of the royal family and she knew it. It is not a conspiracy theory to admit that she openly talked about how someone was planning on killing her. In fact, she said her own husband was a culprit. Not only this, but she wrote multiple notes proclaiming that she would be killed via car accident. And that is exactly what happened. The French police hid this note from investigations and they appeared to even cover up for a fiat car that changed its paint after the crash.
This is a story that even contains the classic Clintoncide death of “accidental suicide.”
Jeffrey Epstein would be proud.
Let's dig into it.

She was loved and adored around the world and there’s a strong case to be made that the crown/MI6/Cabal assassinated her. She wouldn’t “go away quietly,” in her own words, and so they shut her up for good.
"I was a problem. Full stop. Never happened before. What do we do with her? She won't go quietly. That's the problem. She'll fight to the end. I believe I have a role to fulfill."

This was no ordinary person. We are talking about one of the most photographed people in the world at the time. Beyond famous. When she died, everyone knew. The world, especially Britain, seemed to stop.

Her battle with the paparazzi over the years became the scapegoat immediately after the crash. The world became furious with the media long before they were ever called “fake news".” But was her death really the fault of the oppressive media, salivating for just one more photo, or was it something far more sinister?

This was not the only scapegoat, however, as her driver was quickly pinned as the main reason for her death. They claimed that he was drunk beyond that of three times the legal limit yet there was video footage of him walking without sway right before the crash. A drunken driver going 121 mph? It didn’t add up. This does not take into account eye-witness testimony of a white fiat car going underneath the bridge with them nor the testimony of a flash of light emanating from the tunnel. This car was subsequently scrubbed from the records.

The driver had an impeccable resume for what it’s worth. But that didn’t fit the narrative at the time, of course. What was even more suspicious than this was that there was a lone survivor of the crash. Why did we not hear from him? What happened here? He never seemed to speak out besides writing a book with little spicy details. How convenient that the security guard suffered from memory loss, so of course, he couldn’t remember exactly what happened!

"Something else made the car go into the pillar. His testimony would have closed the case but human memory is not an exact science."

White Fiat Owner is a vital witness to her car crash yet where did they go with this in the investigation? Nowhere.

They found what could have been a match for the car but the DNA supposedly didn’t verify. Smells of a coverup to me and the further we go into this the more you will feel the same way.

A flash of light could potentially paralyze the driver who they said was drunk but then recanted that position. The flash was so bright it could definitely force a crash. Sounds like a hit job but this is just one eye witness testimony. You have to take all the pieces and fit them together.

After all this the verdict became a simple headline:

No one is to blame for Diana’s crash.

No one at all.

Yet the general public did not feel this way.
If it was not just a run of the mill accident and it was a planned assassination then what was the motive?
There was actually plenty of reasons for many powerful people to want to see her dead and it’s all out in the open.
She became defiant towards the crown in many ways. One has to wonder what kind of secrets she knew and what battles she faced.
What if she had discovered something much more sinister about the Royal Family and they wanted to keep her silent?

One obvious motive is clear: Her failed relationship with Prince Charles. She was a threat to the squeaky clean image that the crown projected to the masses. This image would be irreparably damaged by Prince Andrew’s close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

The Prince was already in a long-going affair with Camilla. This did nothing to help the narrative. To put it plainly, the optics were terrible.

Some say that they did not want a Muslim man marrying the Princess. This would supposedly taint the image of the crown-to have the future king have a step-dad that didn’t fit their cookie-cutter mold.

There were some rumors that she was pregnant with Dodi’s child which could have given her enemies greater incentive to act on their violent ambitions.
Was she seeking some kind of protection?

So we certainly now know that there was a reason for her to be silenced from Prince Charles end. But did you know that Princess Diana wrote down in her notes that the (now King) Charles was planning to assassinate her and it would happen in a car accident exactly like what actually happened. Because that’s what happened.

She. Wrote. It. Down.

What else even needs to be said? She was (rightfully) concerned that she would be taken out. Oh, to be a fly on the wall and be privy to what was said behind closed doors. What she really knew about the secret societies that the Crown certainly had participated in.

She knew that her life was being targeted.

Dodi’s father knew this and he did everything in his power to search for the truth. He was devastated that his son was taken from him in the prime of his life.

He had no lack of guts considering how often he was willing to speak out openly against such a dangerous entity like the crown or the intelligence agencies that backed it. In his mind, it was Prince Phillip and MI6. You’ll notice that he called him a Nazi.

Footage shows Edward VIII leading Her Majesty, Princess Margaret and the Queen Mother in doing fascist gesture.

Unfortunately for Fayed, he was unable to prove his case in court. Obviously, the powers that be are very good at hiding the truth and evading accountability.

Certainly, he had great courage and refused to stay silent. Some weren’t so lucky though. Like in the case of one of Diana’s photographers who ended up suiciding himself via a gunshot car crash. No, I am not making this up.

Absolutely nothing to see here folks.

It’s not like Diana predicted her death once randomly but she did so twice. But get this: The police took Diana’s note predicting that she would die via car crash from her own husband and they hid it away! Can someone say cover up? She literally showed foreknowledge of a plot against her own life and blamed the royal family and the police did absolutely nothing. No, they did something, they hid the truth away! It sat in a vault for a full six years. How is that not incredibly suspicious? It is.

The world now knows from open experience how powerful the intelligence agencies are. They literally ran Epstein Island underneath our noses. They went after Trump in a never-ending witch hunt and continue to do so. They take people out who become a problem. This has become an open secret. The queen’s butler even seemed to have her own realization of this. Take this with a grain of salt though considering the source. She supposedly saw that there were forces out of her control that could act without accountability.

Diana was a bright light that shined. When she learned what she did and when she became defiant to the powers that be, they silenced her. No one can convince me that she wasn’t assassinated and that it was just a random car accident. The circumstantial evidence surrounding the moment is quite convincing. The motive is clear. She was about to become married to someone the crown saw as a threat to the establishment. Princess Diana was a liability and we know from someone like Clinton how liabilities are taken care of. They are suicided or taken out. She did many beautiful things for children around the world and I am personally convinced that she was a white hat. Melania Trump seems to feel the same way.

May Princess Diana rest in peace and may the truth come out one way or another. The days of the cabal are ending and she was one of a choir of voices that cried out only to be silenced. But God does not forget. With the emergence of Trump, the establishment has been shaken to its core. The end of an era has begun.

May we see true justice for a beautiful woman who saw her death coming and warned us all.

Consider following me @Ultrafrog17 and reading my previous thread here. Also thank you @Nevstv for creating the trailer for this dig.
More to come and thank you for reading!

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