🧵 1) The Mufti of #Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, was the founder of Palestinian Nationalism and a Nazi collaborator
In his early writings, he identified as a South Syrian
However, as more Jews arrived and bought land in #Israel, he shifted to a new form of local nationalism
2) In 1936 he established himself in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the Nazis recruit Muslims from Bosnia and the Caucauses to the Waffen SS
3) His master plan was to establish Nazi death camps in the Dotan Valley in North Samaria and to slaughter all the Jews of the Middle East
He even visited concentration camps in Europe in order to learn first hand about their systems and techniques
4) The Mufti was on the SS payroll, receiving 40,000 DM each month from Heinrich Himmler in order to establish the Handschar Divison of the Waffen SS, proliferate Nazi propaganda in Arabic, and establish student groups in Berlin
5) The Mufti advised the Nazis as to the specific locations of the indigenous #Jewish communities throughout the Middle East as well as times for #Jewish holidays ans festivals
6) Although the Mufti was exiled by the British following his activities with the Nazis and Fascists, he continued to influence in the Middle East, enlisting activists in #Jerusalem and throughout the Levant
7) Here is Nazi graffiti photographed in #Jerusalem in 1936
8) He was also the first to politicize Al Aqsa in this 1925 guide
9) Surprisingly, he starts off by admitting it's the original site of the #Jewish Temple (page 4):
"The site is one of the oldest in the world. Its sanctity dates from the earliest times. Its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute"
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