Niall Brennan Profile picture
Senior Advisor to @cdcdirector | Ex CAPO @clarifyhealth CEO @healthcostinst and CDO @cmsgov | Lucky hubby, proud dad, 🚴‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ | 🇮🇪 and 🇺🇸 citizen

Nov 29, 2023, 9 tweets

So we did a thing @CDCgov - since arriving there I've become slightly obsessed with waste water measurement.....yes💩......we lead the world in how to detect several different kinds of viral activity weeks before they show up in more traditional data sources (labs, ED visits etc)

Despite the cutting edge science the visualizations of the waste water data on the CDC site were.....underwhelming to say the we decided to change 4 weeks a tiger team (codename "💩's Clues") totally reimagined how we present the data

Introducing the brand spanking new CDC wastewater data home

Where at a glance you can see national trends in COVID-19 viral activity in wastewater in 1 year, 6 month and 45 day increments

But wait, there's more! You can also track regional and state level trends in viral activity levels......

Or if you prefer looking at maps we've got you covered

And shifts in variants over time

It was fun and fast paced and my thanks to the incredible team at CDC who willingly ripped up the rule book in the process of making this incredible resource more accessible to a wider audience. Much more to come!

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