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Visiting Fellow @ECFR || Gazan Political Analyst & Writer

Dec 3, 2023, 8 tweets

🚨Important! Haaretz definitively debunks iconic horror stories from Oct 7:
40 beheaded babies
Baby burned in oven
A pregnant woman's stomach opened & her fetus removed
Children bound together & burned
Pregnant hostage giving birth

Haaretz says only 1 baby was killed on Oct 7🧵

2\ The report is in Hebrew for now (English version will follow soon). It maintains that other atrocities were committed on Oct 7, but thoroughly debunks the stories of beheaded babies, a disemboweled pregnant woman, children burned together, baby in oven!…

3\ Here Netanyahu told Biden "They took dozens of children, tied them up, burned them and executed them". Biden fell for it instantly.

Haaretz now says this claim "does not exactly correspond to the picture of reality"!

4\ A ZAKA commander, Yossi Landau, claimed he saw 20 mutilated, executed & burned bodies of children piled on top of each other In Be'eri. He later claimed it was in Kfar Aza.

Haaretz says only 3 kids were killed in all of Kfar Aza & 9 in all of Be'eri & not all together!

5\ ZAKA commander, Yossi Landau, also claimed he saw a pregnant woman in House 426 in Be'eri with her stomach cut open & her fetus still attached to it but stabbed.

Haaretz says that whole neighbourhood is inhibited by pensioners & no one recalled any pregnant women there!

6\ Israelis circulated a fake video to claim it showed a pregnant woman being disembowelled by Hamas & her fetus killed. But Haaretz cites FakeReporter's conclusion that the video is from another country.

7\ Eli Beer, head of Ihud Hatzalah, repeated the "pregnant woman" canard & said "[Hamas] put a baby in an oven & turned on the oven".

Dailymail fell for it.

Haaretz now says this is false! "The police have no evidence of a body that answers these signs"!

8\ Sarah Netanyahu sent a letter to Jill Biden about a pregnant hostage that gave birth in Gaza.

Haaretz says this is false. The hostage in question, Natwari Mulkan, was released last week & was definitely not pregnant!

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