Paul D. Thacker Profile picture
Journalist; Former Investigator U.S. Senate; Former Safra Ethics Center, Harvard.

Dec 6, 2023, 14 tweets

1) Disney's CEO @RobertIger is a Biden campaign donor who is running a squeeze play on @elonmusk w/ Democratic attack dogs Media Matters & Center for Countering Digital Hate

2) If you think @Disney's Bob Iger is above political reproach, take a look at his bona fides.

He donated $250K to Biden's campaign and began angling for an administration job even before Biden had been sworn into office.

3) This last summer, Iger swore to stay out of America's "culture wars" before hiring a Biden press secretary to handle .... "culture war" messaging issues.

4) NY Magazine reports that Iger remains a critical funder for Biden's reelection.

5) As for Media Matters, the NY Times reported in 2004 the Democratic Party operative David Brock created them with the help of the Center for American Progress, a Democratic Party think tank and lobby shop.

6) After Clinton lost to Trump in 2016, Brock retooled Media Matters to move into the digital space and attack “misinformation.” See Brock's "privileged and confidential" memo…

7) Media Matters has constantly attacked Musk since he bought Twitter and took away the party's censorship toy. After I released #TwitterFiles exposing Taylor Lorenz for coordinating with the old Twitter to censor @DrJBhattacharya, Media Matters leapt to downplay the documents.

8) The Center for Countering Digital Hate has a similar political background and was created by the conservative wing of the British Labour Party to attack the Left and Right.

9) The group is run by political operative Imran Ahmed who does not disclose his ties to British intelligence, nor who funds him. The chair of CCDH is Simon Clark, formerly with the Democratic Party's Center for American Progress.

10) Here's Simon Clark's bio at the Atlantic Council, which works with the Biden Administration on censoring Americans.

11) Imran Ahmed refused to disclose his donors, but I found that 75% of CCDH's money is cycled through a dark money group.

A board member is Hollywood agent Aleen Keshishian.

12. Here's Aleen's bio at USC. Note that one of her clients is actor Mark Ruffalo. I have been told that Imran Ahmed spends time in LA fundraising.

And guess which actor comes out to support him in attacks on @elonmusk?

13) Hi, @markruffalo. If you're in the audience.

14) You don't need to support Musk to be concerned that a political party--either Democrat or Republican--feels emboldened to attack corporations when the CEO doesn't donate to them or support their censorship activities. Read more at @DisInfoChron

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