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Dec 7, 2023, 14 tweets

🧵A Timeline of Hate, Lies, Sexual Assault & The Targeting of Minors

How @JonathanOswaks & Jon Von Colln incited violence at #FreePalestine protests and are now capitalizing on the death of Paul Kessler, the counter protester they encouraged and then abandoned on Nov. 5th. 1/14

After the first Free Palestine protest on Oct. 22 in Westlake Village, Jon Oswaks puts out a call on NextDoor to counter protest the event, Paul Kessler answers & says he’ll join him. They show up on Oct. 29 to “just film and see what’s going on” but that isn’t what they do.

In Oswaks’ video from that counter demonstration, which he later sent to Jon Von Colln, Oswaks proudly admits to demeaning women & girls by yelling “sharmouta”, Arabic for cunt, & sexually assaulting a girl by gesturing & saying “here it is baby, come and get it you whore”.

Oswaks also falsely claims he was tailed, pushed, and had a gun flashed at him that day. He says he captured everything on video and showed it to the cops but they refused to make a report. He even failed to get @TOAcornNews to report it… that’s because it never happened.

Oswaks and Kessler decide to counter the third protest in Westlake Village. They put out calls asking this time for flags and people to come resist “Pro-Hamas demonstrators and naziism”. Oswaks’ post gets taken down from NextDoor for inciting violence but Kessler’s remains.

On Nov. 5 Oswaks and Kessler show up early as protesters arrive. Oswaks gets a call from a friend warning him they’re being live-streamed and to meet him behind the bank for flags. There Von Colln hands them Israeli, American, and Gadsden flags from his gun shop, VC Defense.

Oswaks takes the American and Gadsden flags and they tell Kessler it would be best to split up, leaving Kessler alone on the Shell Station corner. Von Colln takes a photo of Kessler standing alone holding the Israeli flag while Oswaks crosses the street onto the East corner.

Von Colln then leaves Kessler completely alone, moving out of sight to the end of the Shell Station to watch everything unfold. 14 minutes later he returns to film Kessler but quickly leaves, passing the men he warned Oswaks about earlier who were now approaching Kessler.

Moments later Von Colln is on the East corner with Oswaks as Kessler lies bleeding on the sidewalk. Upon hearing of an incident, Von Colln returns to film the bloody aftermath of Kessler’s fall. Oddly, he never goes back to tell Oswaks his friend & ally Kessler was injured.

According to Oswaks, the reason why Von Colln left Kessler alone was to strap a body cam onto him so he could drum up more footage for Von Colln’s @NewsVCNews protest coverage. And despite claiming to have clearly seen a crime happen, Oswaks stays put with the body cam on.

As first responders arrive on the scene Von Colln continues filming without ever rendering aid to Kessler. Instead he begins crafting a narrative of a crime he didn’t witness and doesn’t have footage of. A anti-Palestinian narrative that will align exactly with Oswaks’.

Early morning Nov. 6 Kessler succumbs to his injury. Within hours false reports start circulating online. Oswaks and Von Colln simultaneously begin selling their story to the press that they were “eyewitnesses” to Kessler’s murder by a Pro-Hamas terrorist.

By Mid-November @JonathanOswaks and Jon Von Colln’s @NewsVCNews “team of journalists” had already sold their “Eyewitness To Paul Kessler’s Murder” footage and story to over twenty news outlets, including many less-than-reputable ones like @RedState and yes, @bruceboyerCA26.

Jon Von Colln & Jonathan Oswaks promoted a racist narrative that American Pro-Palestine demonstrators are Hamas terrorists. They showed up to incite demonstrators & film them, and then abandoned Kessler who was fatally injured as a result of the conflict they helped create.

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