Conejo Valley Antifascists Profile picture
Sep 24 19 tweets 8 min read

We (still) need to talk about Kevin:

Kevin McNamee is a sitting @CityofTO Council Member currently running for reelection.

He is also a racist who has been spreading and enabling white supremacy talking points for years.
1/18 2
Our ongoing research on Kevin has turned up some disturbing evidence that needs to be addressed above all other issues facing the future of @CityofTO City Council. In a word👇
Sep 18 18 tweets 8 min read
Candidate for @ConejoValleyUSD @Frank13Enderle is complaining he got “bullied on social media” when in reality he was rightfully called out for his pattern of abhorrent online content. And he unironically says we need to do things to make kids proud. 2/17
Does Frank consider it online “bullying” to misgender people, mock Trans people, and suggest victims of sexual assault are lying if they are “ugly?” Or is it just bullying when he’s called out for this behavior? Let’s look at his tweets from earlier this year👇

Sep 14 8 tweets 3 min read


Nancy Van Volkinburg says diversity, equity, and inclusion are low on her priority list. At NPHS during the @ConejoValleyUSD candidate forum she called efforts to increase representation and inclusion, “one of those fluffy things.” 2/7

Nancy denies racism matters because she grew up in the East Bay Berkeley area where diversity was already a thing and she didn’t notice race.

*Berkeley was over 70% white then. We are not surprised race was not an issue she noticed. Image
Sep 8 21 tweets 8 min read

We (still) need to talk about Kevin.

Kevin McNamee has got to go.

Our previous thread about @votemcnamee was broad in scope.

Let’s focus on his destructive intentions towards @ConejoValleyUSD and public schools in general. 2/On behalf of two Transphobic parents (Steven Schneider and Carrie Burghert) PERK Advocacy filed a lawsuit against @ConejoValleyUSD in November 2022. Against

Sep 3 25 tweets 10 min read

🚨 We need to talk about Kevin🚨

Kevin McNamee is up for reelection for @CityofTO Council and we have some concerns that need to be archived.

Please share on other platforms. Image 2/
Back in early 2022, as part of the racist white lives matter initiative, white supremacists, national socialists, and neo nazis held banner demonstrations over the 101 in Newbury Park.…
Aug 24 19 tweets 8 min read
🧵We found Frank Enderle’s toxic @frank_enderle twitter account on August 7 2024 and began screenshotting. At this time the infamous rape tweet had only 4 views (because his account lacked engagement). After we started exploring his account, views obviously increased. 1/17
Knowing he could deny this was his account, we grabbed a screenshot of his twitter account header which shows his @frank_enderle account (183 followers), including -followed by @KyleBJorrey (who probably started following Frank when Frank was a City Council candidate). Image
Aug 21 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Nancy Van Volkinburg, @ConejoValleyUSD Board Candidate is on Facebook endorsing @Frank13Enderle as an “upstanding citizen.” And she’s minimizing his rape tweets and abhorrent views towards Immigrants, Women, and LGBTQI+ Children/Families. 1/6 Image 2/6
She defends @Frank13Enderle on her Facebook and is apparently unable to understand the disgusting context of Frank’s (since deleted) tweets, or she is intentionally minimizing his abhorrent views. Either way, she has no business near our Children or our Public schools.
Aug 7 9 tweets 4 min read
🚨Extremism Alert: Local “family values” real estate agent (and unsuccessful 2020 @CityofTO city council candidate) Frank Enderle says he’s running for the @ConejoValleyUSD District 5 school board seat. Let’s take a look at Frank’s “family values” shall we? 1/8

Frank Enderle defends Trump on twitter and wonders publicly why Trump would rape an “ugly” woman after dating “hot” women. Parents and students cannot feel safe with this type of sickening misogyny and rape justification in our schools. Image
May 11 11 tweets 7 min read
Folks, be aware, extremists such as Three Percenters aren’t just hiding behind anonymous online accounts as they train for war. They operate within our very communities — often going unnoticed.

See the Three Percenters we’ve been monitoring in Conejo Valley since 2020. Image 2/10
In August, 2020 we first spotted Three Percenters running security with Bryce Eddy and Chris Dunn of Covered 6 at Rob McCoy’s infamous @GodSpeakCCTO COVID shutdown defiance stunt in Newbury Park, CA.

Apr 11 19 tweets 8 min read
🚨ID’d Southern California hate group members recent activity:🚨

🧵Thanks to local researchers who have been monitoring hate groups, we have some new information about nazi gang clockwork crew (formerly crew 562). 1/18 Image 2/18
First, some background:
Mar 9 21 tweets 9 min read
🧵Extremist PAC founders in Conejo Valley recently stalked and secretly photographed unhoused community members and (March 4th) publicly posted their pictures, vehicles, and locations. They claim they “no longer feel safe” and want the unhoused “cleaned up” by the city. 1/21

2/21 Brian Ashheim, a 56-year-old man, died Feb. 8 while sleeping under a wet blanket on a walkway in the center of Thousand Oaks.…
Dec 27, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
🧵The Conejo Valley Antifascists 2023 Year in review: A “Best Of” collection of our work opposing extremism in the Conejo Valley and beyond. 1/25 Image January-We started the year covering a @GodSpeakCCTO scandal. Bryce Eddy and Rob McCoy hosted convicted sex offender Thom Cimino on their podcast and enabled him to lie about his crimes. We brought receipts. 2/25
Dec 18, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
🧵In our first installment of #MidgardExposed (California edition) we will put some sunlight on Los Alamitos, CA barber, business owner, and hardcore musician, Joseph “Joey” Daniel Luck. 1/10 Image Joseph Daniel Luck’s name, address, and purchase details were exposed by the recent Midgård data leak. You can read more details about the leak here: 2/10…
Dec 15, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

🧵This weekend brings the last scheduled day in 2023 on the white lives matter collective’s calendar of white supremacy activism. 1/7 Image Volunteers and community activists will be monitoring for banner drops on overpasses and at high traffic intersections. 2/7
Dec 7, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
🧵A Timeline of Hate, Lies, Sexual Assault & The Targeting of Minors

How @JonathanOswaks & Jon Von Colln incited violence at #FreePalestine protests and are now capitalizing on the death of Paul Kessler, the counter protester they encouraged and then abandoned on Nov. 5th. 1/14

Jonathan Oswaks
Jon Von Colln
After the first Free Palestine protest on Oct. 22 in Westlake Village, Jon Oswaks puts out a call on NextDoor to counter protest the event, Paul Kessler answers & says he’ll join him. They show up on Oct. 29 to “just film and see what’s going on” but that isn’t what they do.
Paul Kessler standing with Jonathan Oswaks yelling and flipping off Pro-Palestine protesters on Nov. 29, 2023.
Screenshot from NewsVCNews Instagram post of Oct. 29, 2023 Free Palestine protest in Westlake Village, CA.
May 16, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
What do we know about this account? On Nov 2nd 2020 Betsy Jill Jones (then living in Ventura, CA with Gary N Jones) registered the trademark for Patriots of Ventura County. On Nov 13 2020 the IG account went active promoting a rally focused on election fraud conspiracies. 12/20 ImageImage On November 15, 2020 the POVC account shared images from a rally, including this bearded guy (?) wearing a POVC hat and images of Ronda Kennedy and others (?) holding a POVC banner. 13/20 ImageImageImage
May 16, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵Time to have a look at a “local” organization engaged in online hate and disinformation. The Patriots of Ventura County (POVC) Instagram is a favorite of many locals. We’ll look at the network, the content, and what we know (and don’t know) about the owners of the account. 1/20 The POVC account is followed and engaged with by some individuals and organizations familiar in Conejo Valley right wing extremist activism. 2/20 ImageImageImage
May 1, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
🧵Kyle posted this ad hominem false equivalency response in our recent public discussion about the community members angered by the @TOAcornNews apparent new editorial direction. 1/10 Image To begin, this was disingenuous because the discussion’s operational definition of “accountability” was already established by Kyle’s previous tweet which we responded to directly. 2/10 Image
Apr 10, 2023 14 tweets 8 min read
🧵Back in September 2022 local female activist @TOAntifaAvenger placed a “Nazis Not Welcome” banner in Newbury Park on a white supremacy “day of activism.” A lone individual tore it down but was confronted by the activist. We’ve been working on ID’ing them ever since. 1/12 Screenshot of original CVA ...Screenshot of the second or... Here’s where things get weird. Working a different project in December 2022 we shared information about Beth Bernstein listed as the @GodSpeakCCTO nursery director. Beth is married and lives with Timothy Bernstein, who sexually assaulted teen boys while a Calvary pastor. 2/12 All four screenshots of the...ImageImageImage
Apr 7, 2023 32 tweets 10 min read
🧵Time to shine a 💡 on @covered6llc, a Moorpark-based security company with ties to religious extremism and Anti-LGBTQI rhetoric. This company has engaged deceitful practices in order to maintain a lucrative contract with @LVUSD funded by CA Prop 56. We have receipts. 1/25 On September 13, 2022, the @LVUSD approved a contract with @covered6llc to provide on-campus security. The contract is for 3 “security specialists” dedicated to the district. /2

Apr 3, 2023 16 tweets 9 min read
It’s time for a 🧵 on the man calling himself “socal parent advocates.” Ben Richards (aka Bryce Henson). We’ll go down some rabbit holes before bringing it back home to the Conejo Valley. Buckle up. 1/14 Ben was recently hosted by “Equivocation Eddy” on the @GodSpeakCCTO adjacent Bryce Eddy Show.” He spun a narrative almost identical to the story of Conejo Valley’s #hatedad
-just an everyday dad wanting to know what they’re teaching my kid. 2/14