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Karaoke lover moonlighting as a community organizer and filmmaker. Support mutual aid efforts by donating to Venmo: @shutdownredhill

Dec 8, 2023, 6 tweets

A video of 3 full transport vehicles of Gazan hostages rounded up by the IOF is circulating “Israeli” Telegram channels. While’s it’s unclear where the hostages are being taken, one thing’s for certain: many Zionists in the comments want to see a Palestinian holocaust. 🧵(1/6)

All of the following screenshots are comments in reaction to this video, posted from three popular Zionist Telegram pages with ~150k-500k followers. (2/6)

A common theme in the comments are references to Palestinians as animals and subhuman garbage. There’s open calls for torture and mass execution by firing squad (a primary method of extermination during the Holocaust). Also note an IOF veteran’s comment. (3/6)

As you can probably tell, these 4 screenshots come from a slightly more right wing channel than the previous. Of note is the incredibly graphic nature of Zionist genocidal fantasies, and how frequently they include brutal sexual violence against Palestinian captives. (4/6)

Wanted to include one more set from a more politically centrist Zionist Telegram page with Israelis commenting on video of a massive bombing in Gaza by the IOF. This is what passes for “moderate” opposition in Israel. Ben’s comment is particularly revealing. (5/6)

1) All comments are auto-translated. If you can provide better translations of Hebrew I can dm you pages.
2) There are 1000s of comments like this in these channels, nearly all open calls for genocide.
3) These aren’t even CLOSE to the worst Israeli Telegram pages. (End🧵)

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