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Author; Board member @HonestReporting; wrote @NGOmonitor rebuttals debunking HRW & Amnesty "apartheid" reports; articles in Tablet, Fathom Journal etc.

Dec 13, 2023, 8 tweets

🧵HAMAS FAKE CASUALTY UPDATE: Hamas now reports the opposite of last 6 week trend: only male deaths in last 4 days. Perhaps they read analysis showing women & children deaths kept rising in impossible ways. This only deepens dubiousness of Hamas numbers. Here are the details: 1/

UN reports daily Hamas stats. Each day UN adds this note about total fatalities: “about 70 per cent of whom are said to be women and children.” It's another way of saying: we have no idea & neither does Hamas but we’ll report them anyway so media & NGOs can say “the UN says.” 2/

As a recap, on many days in Oct Nov & early Dec of total fatalities added less than 5% were men. Women & children killed soared (see chart). For example: Oct 31 only 6 of 216 new fatalities were men; 4 of 306 on Nov 7; 44 of 929 on Dec 7. Many similar anomalies on other days. 3/

Some critics claim Total Killed less women & children is NOT men but men+unidentified; then later sex & age is modified in totals. This idea fails. First, Hamas says bodies counted by health authorities. Are we to believe they can't say right away if man, woman or child? 4/

Second, on many days of new fatalities added to total less than 5% were men. Even if somehow there is a group of “unidentified” bodies that only later do the "health authorities" identify age & sex and add to total, it can’t be that so often it's 95% or more women & children. 5/

The fact that in the last few days it seems ONLY MEN are added makes numbers even LESS reliable. It seems like the cryptic UN note "of whom are said" to be 70% women & children is the guiding metric and the numbers are adjusted afterwards to fit that numerical mandate. 6/

On Dec 9 Israeli authority stated “minimal estimate” of 7,000 Hamas killed. That’s about 1,500 more than total men killed (which would also include many civilians) according to Hamas – who report no combatant deaths! Yet somehow the Hamas numbers still garner credibility. END

I'm getting "because there are unidentified bodies under the rubble" -- but that's a separate category as Hamas & UN say; it would be ADDITIVE to total fatality number. What's in total fatality number includes ALL "found" bodies by "health ministry" that have been identified.

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