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Author; Board member @HonestReporting; wrote @NGOmonitor rebuttals debunking HRW & Amnesty "apartheid" reports; articles in Tablet, Fathom Journal etc.
Mark Za'k 🍁✡️ Profile picture Albany Parker Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture fche Profile picture Stepan Spinka Profile picture 21 subscribed
Sep 25 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵The assertion that Israel has no right of self defense against Hamas within Gaza because it is "occupied" is false (as often stated by @mehdirhasan). Inane claim is based on ICJ advisory opinion – but a key clause in this same document says the opposite! Analysis: 1/Image First, notion that Gaza is occupied is baseless and relies on fabricated int'l law applied to Israel alone. But for this discussion let's assume Gaza is in fact occupied. With this in hand people next look to an Int'l Court of Justice (ICJ) Advisory Opinion from 2004. 2/
Sep 24 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Fake NGOs, much of media and Israel haters are already pretending Hezbollah is not using civilian Lebanon for its military, hiding missiles & arms depots, etc. inside homes. They ignore the many examples below. Why? Because their favored side – Hezbollah – is losing. 1/Image Dramatic video of cruise missile hidden inside civilian home with wall that can be removed for launching. The size & location of the missile is shocking – but won’t sway the Israel haters. 2/
Sep 23 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵HAMAS’ HUMAN SHIELD STRATEGY COMPRISES 9 KEY ELEMENTS. A strategy devised over 20 years to force Israel to choose between: (1) granting Hamas immunity to commit 10/7 again (2) removing Hamas knowing civilians will be killed. Post-10/7, immunity was not an option. Analysis: 1/Image 1. Tunnels represents Hamas’ core human shield doctrine, with a dense 1.4km of tunnels for every square km of Gaza. Many 1000s of shafts are found inside civilian buildings, mosques, schools, etc. @nytimes did a major exposé of Hamas' tunnel network.…
Sep 19 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵40% of Gaza buildings were booby-trapped by Hamas — a core component of its human shield strategy. All of Gaza became a battlefield due to Hamas. IDF reports 96,500 rigged sites; UN data shows ~250,000 structures in Gaza. Explains why much of Gaza is destroyed. Sources: 1/Image @Doron_Kadosh reports on the massive booby trap threat which just killed 4 soldiers. Groups of 30-40 buildings in Rafah were rigged in advance, with cameras and remote activation. 96,500 rigged sites in all of Gaza, 14,000 in Rafah along. Staggering. 2/
Sep 16 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵@kenroth inadvertently admits Israel is not starving Gaza, there is no siege or famine. He claims Israel is "smart" by masking a starvation strategy by allowing 100 trucks/day vs 500 prewar; but only 73/day of food entered pre-war! Roth loses track of his lies. See detail: 1/Image Debate guest @spencerguard asks Roth question see below. Simply put: how is it possible to claim Israel is enacting a siege and strategy to deliberately starve Gazans when 29,000 trucks have entered Gaza? (it's 49,000 today). Roth does not have a credible answer, so he lies. 2/Image
Sep 12 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵Many leading worldwide military experts affirm that Israel is complying with rules of war in Gaza – no war crimes, no genocide, no indiscriminate attacks. In sharp contrast all reports by NGOs UN ICJ ICC claiming war crimes never cite military experts. Review of 10 experts: 1/Image John Spencer @SpencerGuard is the leading expert on urban warfare, at West Point the top US military academy. Spencer has written extensively how Israel’s actions to limit civilian harm are unprecedented. Like the others, he is simply pro-truth. 2/…
Sep 9 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵Hamas wants to kill all Jews, evidenced in word and deed across its political and spiritual leadership. Claims persist that Hamas will accept two states or some form of peace. Here is a long review of Hamas' clear genocidal intent to kill all Jews spoken by its leaders: 1/Image See below from 1988 charter. In 2017 Hamas issued “A Document of General Principles & Policies” that sanitizes Jews as “Zionists” but notably and critically, the original 1988 charter was never revoked – it still stands and killing Jews has not been repudiated! 2/Image
Sep 4 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵UK admits it is impossible to assess IDF conduct in Gaza because they do not have inside data such as “intended targets and anticipated civilian harm” (taken from UK export ban document). For this same reason all “reports” by NGOs alleging IDF war crimes are fake. Analysis: 1/Image Fake NGOs @hrw @amnesty, armchair military experts and many in media do not know upfront what IDF intended to hit and expected civilian harm so they cannot assess distinction and proportionality. Here is rule per Geneva Article 51. There is no statistical measurement of this. 2/Image
Aug 23 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵@VanityFair piece by Ta-Nehisi Coates is anti-Israel libel. He literally fakes a quote from Herzog, falsely claims Gaza pre-10/7 was a prison, falsely claims spousal law applies only to Arabs, falsely claims Israel is like "Jim Crow" and omits mention of hostages. Analysis: 1/Image Topic of article is Palestinians at DNC but it's real purpose is to bash Israel. Coates claims “intention” of Gaza war is “erasing 2% of entire population of Gaza” never mind Hamas, human shields, 50% killed are combatants. His evidence for intention is a totally fake quote. 2/ Image
Aug 20 15 tweets 6 min read
🧵Another fake report by @HRW — now claiming Israeli attack on Hodeida possibly war crime because UN officials said there is no military activity at port. But UN report HRW cites contradicts claim; evidence shows Houthis smuggle arms and launch attacks from port. Analysis: 1/Image HRW claims IDF attack was “indiscriminate” meaning port was not used for any military purpose & disproportionate. How does HRW know port was not used for military purposes? UN staff & Yemenis said so. That’s literally the only evidence HRW can muster! 2/Image
Aug 13 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵Hamas, not Israel, is the group that has stated an intent for Palestinian genocide by violating Article 6(c) of the Rome Statute. Israel stated an intent to destroy only Hamas; it is actually Hamas who calls for mass death of Palestinians (and Jews). Don't believe it? Read: 1/Image Hamas leader Sinwar stated Palestinian deaths were part of his strategy against Israel, merely “necessary sacrifices” – meaning he “inflicted on the group conditions” intended for Palestinians to die in a war Hamas started. This intent is reported in @WSJ and not disputed. 2/Image
Aug 8 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵Australian military expert affirmed tragic death of 7 WCK aid workers was not deliberate, vindicating Israel. He assessed that unexpected gunmen were with convoy and looked like Hamas; but failures still led to mistaken attack. An important independent report, some detail: 1/Image The primary reason for the IDF misidentification error was the unexpected presence of armed persons, one of whom fired his weapon into the air on the trailer of the WCK truck, which was deemed “consistent with Hamas hijacking the aid convoy.” 2/Image
Aug 6 17 tweets 7 min read
🧵CNN piece that IDF is far from victory over Hamas is fake news that simply wishes this were true. CNN offers almost no evidence and relies on cherry-picked experts who have been claiming IDF failure since 10/7. Subtext: IDF has killed Gazans for nothing. Full analysis: 1/Image CNN starts out slowly: Hamas has rebuilt some fighting capabilities. Fine. Article even admits Hamas is now a “guerilla force.” But authors then speculate, cite other experts who push line that “victory” over Hamas is not in sight, then it becomes “power of Hamas is growing”! 2/Image
Aug 4 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵Children's bedrooms have been converted to military zones by Hamas. They exploit the most sacred civilian locations in Gaza, forcing the IDF to go door-to-door, causing destruction. See 10 documented examples of kid's rooms converted into tunnel & weapons storage by Hamas: 1/Image Tunnel with weapons found underneath bed in children’s room in Rafah’s Shaboura neighborhood. July 2024. 2/
Jul 30 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵CRITICAL: 13 Reasons Why Hamas Fatality Numbers Should Never be Believed. Despite many proven flaws and history of fabrications, despite Hamas classified as terrorist org by EU & US — media, NGOs & world leaders cite Hamas as reliable. Analysis with evidence for each point: 1/Image No one disputes Point 1. Point 2: some claim that ~10,000 Gaza fatalities are bodies in some room awaiting processing, simply "unidentified." False – the bodies are unknown and unlocated, deaths unverified. 2/
Jul 29 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Geneva Conventions understood use of schools & hospitals for war and smartly removed their protection when used for combat, contradicting fake claims that they can never be attacked. Geneva discusses human shields & abuse of civilian sites for combat six times. Analysis: 1/Image Article IV.28 plainly and simply states that “protected persons,” which refers to civilians and other classes of people entitled to protection, do not immunize areas from military operations. Human shields do not provide immunity. 2/Image
Jul 28 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Israel may strike infrastructure sites in Lebanon. It will be legal. Geneva considers a site military if it provides "effective contribution" to military operations. U.S. Law of War Manual is more specific. File this analysis for later when Israel is accused of war crimes: 1/Image DoD War Manual is 1,254 pages and expands on Geneva. Section 5.6.8 makes clear that “communications objects, transportation objects” and “economic objects” that are “war supporting or war sustaining industries" are “military objectives.” Like a port used to unload weapons. 2/Image
Jul 27 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵GAZA CHILD COMBATANTS CONFIRMED in Hamas Jun 30 fatality report. Hamas published new list of 28,185 "identified" fatalities; 63% of fatalities aged 13-17 are male, this is not random. It is balanced male/female for ages 0-10. 700 excess teen deaths are combatants. Analysis: 1/Image Here is the data by age, consistent for each group. These figures are statistically impossible over 1000s of data points (especially if claiming “indiscriminate” attacks). The reality: Hamas uses large numbers of teen soldiers who are then legally targeted as combatants. 2/Image
Jul 26 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵@airwars published report claiming Gaza fatality data by Hamas was accurate in Oct 23 and therefore reliable today. But its thesis is flawed: analysis covers only first 17 of 294 days of war with only 3,000 deaths identified, and ignores fake Al Ahli fatalities. Analysis: 1/Image Airwars used social media, Palestinian media & NGOs to document 3,000 deaths from 17 days in Oct 23 and match them to Hamas list of 7,000 deaths, a 43% confirm rate. Nice job. But Airwars has another agenda: to bestow credibility on all of Hamas’ 39,000 claimed fatalities. 2/Image
Jul 25 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵CRITICAL: Hamas reclassified hundreds of 19 year old fatalities down to 18 (and 18 to 17) to boost child deaths. Hamas issued new list of 28,185 “identified” deaths at Jun 30 with many invalid names but altered ages from its Apr 30 list. As usual, Hamas fakes data. Detail: 1/Image Hamas' Apr 30 list had 406 fatalities aged 19, male & female. 284 of prior 19 year olds or 70% became 18 in Jun 30 list. Sample of 5 shown above. This is critical as Hamas, then UN & media, count aged 18 as “children.” This is deliberate, intended to boost child fatalities. 2/
Jul 19 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵CRITICAL: ICJ advisory opinion DOES NOT assert Gaza is "occupied" by Israel. Contrary to media reports actual language of ICJ opinion does not state that Israel occupies Gaza. Opinion supports claim that a "physical presence" is required for an actual "occupation." Analysis: 1/Image Clause 92 discusses the concept of a “physical presence” required for an occupation. ICJ asserts that Israel “may still bear obligations under the law of occupation” due to certain authority over Gaza – but not that Gaza is therefore “occupied.” 2/ Image