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Author; Board member @HonestReporting; wrote @NGOmonitor rebuttals debunking HRW & Amnesty "apartheid" reports; articles in Tablet, Fathom Journal etc.
26 subscribers
Feb 25 19 tweets 7 min read
🧵Ehud Olmert just released a map of proposed Palestinian state he offered Abbas in 2008, the final shattering of the myth that Abbas said no to statehood because he did not have a proper map. Palestinians had this map all along, proven by the "Palestine Papers." See detail: 1/ Image We know for sure that the Palestinian negotiating team had the detailed map when Al Jazeera published the Palestine Papers in 2011. They contained Olmert’s plan in detail with map, see below. The "not having a map to review" excuse is fake. 2/…Image
Feb 21 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵@nytimes continues to spread the lie of starvation, presenting the market in Jabaliya as something new, that has not happened for "endless months," finally some food. But food markets operated here throughout war. All journalistic standards violated here. Evidence below. 1/ Image This 2 minute video from Dec 2024, weeks before the ceasefire, shows fruits & vegetables sold in Jabaliya, including apples. No famine, no starvation. 2/
Feb 5 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵Article in Haaretz by Professors Daniel Blatman & Amos Goldberg claiming Israel is committing genocide in Gaza relies on lies, fake analysis and several fabricated quotes. Difficult to understand why these academics would be so intellectually dishonest. Detailed analysis: 1/Image On intent to genocide, authors claim it exists from Netanyahu, Herzog & Gallant. But their entire paragraph is fake, with 3 invented quotes. Nothing authors write on intent is accurate, invalidating article. Inability to tell the simple truth on the quotes is shocking. 2/ Image
Feb 3 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Hamas' murder & kidnapping of Thai workers on 10/7 was closely planned; contrary to Hamas apologists it wasn't “inadvertent.” Silence by fake NGOs @hrw @amnesty is deliberate & disgusting—but since Hamas fights Israel they don't care and won't call for release of last Thai. 1/ Image Here is an example of how the fake “human rights NGOs” is 100% silent about Thais held hostage by Hamas, but tweets regularly critical of Thailand for detentions. If you get caught up with Israel, assume your human rights don’t count to these "NGOs." 2/ Image
Jan 24 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵BOMBSHELL FINDING: Hamas inadvertently admits in new data release that far more men died than shown on “identified” list of fatalities, corroborating IDF claim of 20,000 combatants killed. Hamas reports 7x more fathers killed than mothers during war! Sources & analysis: 1/Image See Hamas MoH report below. 32,152 children lost father and 4,417 lost mother. This 7.3x ratio is far higher than 2.2x adult men to woman listed on Hamas fatality list from Oct 2024. It can only mean many men killed missing from Hamas fatality list. 2/
Jan 16 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵KEY THREAD: Gaza Fatality Final Estimates:

51,600 total deaths broken down as follows:
22,600 civilians
20,000 combatants
7,000 natural deaths
2,000 deaths caused by Hamas
Civilian/combatant ratio: ~1:1

See detailed analysis after 15 months of close review:Image Here is estimate of children & women killed in war, using Hamas’ data, but adjusting for teen combatants, infant mortality and natural deaths. Combined ~37% of total fatalities (it was never 70% or even 50%) and ~72% of civilian fatalities (this is where the 70% came from). 2/ Image
Jan 12 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵Lancet article claiming 64,000+ deaths in Gaza has many flaws, but one item in authors' final data output destroys validity of their analysis. Authors claim 52% of deaths age 45-59 are female; but Hamas' identified list of 40,700 deaths from Oct 2024 shows only 35% female. 1/Image In Oct 2024 Hamas issued an updated “identified” fatality with age & sex detail. For age 45-59 it was 2,861 men & 1,557 women. So according to Lancet article that says overall Gaza deaths are 41% more than Hamas says, for this age range the undercount is 100% women, 0% males. 2/ Image
Jan 7 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵Arafat rejected the Clinton Parameters exactly 24 years ago in January 2001, rejecting statehood that would have ended the conflict. Every life lost since is due to Arafat saying no. Recent statements by Clinton affirms this history. Full details of offer and rejection: 1/Image Overview: Following failed Camp David summit in Summer of 2000 and Arafat’s launch of 2nd Intifada, Clinton dictated a final set of peace terms in Dec 2000 (very brief summary below), well beyond offer at Camp David, and asked each side to say yes “within the Parameters.” 2/ Image
Dec 31, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Ireland filed document at ICJ on Dec 20 outlining how it wants definition of genocide changed, as it admitted on Dec 11 it would do. Filing effectively proves claims of genocide against Israel at ICJ and by NGOs like Amnesty are invalid. Analysis of changes Ireland wants: 1/Image Ireland’s tactic is to join the Rhoyinga genocide case (The Gambia v Myanmar), ask the ICJ here for definitional changes, mainly in how “special intent” or dolus specialis for genocide is defined and join South Africa case v Israel with new definition to use against Israel. 2/ Image
Dec 27, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵With 500K+ views this fake list of "Zionist arguments" requires a full debunking. Every point Shehada makes is a lie, misrepresentation, strawman, and fake history (lots of it). Detailed thread below: 1/ 1. The very first claim is a lie. That “Zionist arguments” argue “we were here first.” No “Zionist” claims Jews were the first human beings in the area, this is a strawman argument fabricated by Shehada. Instead, the fact (not an "argument") is that Jews originated in the region with a 3,000 year unbroken history that included independent kingdoms. That Jewish history in the region predates Arab and Muslim history.
Dec 19, 2024 24 tweets 10 min read
🧵Report by @Mr_Andrew_Fox debunking Hamas fatality data has been predictably attacked by Hamas defense attorneys who can't accept a group that did 10/7, kidnaps babies & rapes hostages would lie. Review of criticism and why report remains accurate: 1/…Image First, critics claim, ad nauseam, that Hamas Ministry of Health (MoH) data has been reliable in the past so it's credible today. False, as HJS report and thread below prove. Hamas vastly overstated civilian deaths in prior wars like they are now. 2/
Dec 16, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Libelous new @Airwars analysis on Israel bombing of Gaza in Oct 2023 assumes all deaths are civilian unless proven otherwise. This crazy assumption leads to their conclusion that of 606 IDF airstrikes only 32 combatants died versus 5,139 civilians or 99.4%. Analysis: 1/ Image According to Airwars, IDF invested millions of dollars sending up F35 & F16s, huge air force resources on 606 bombing attacks but could not kill even ONE combatant in 96% of these sorties, but did kill 8 civilians/strike. Are we supposed to take this Airwars report seriously? 2/ Image
Dec 12, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵Why does Ireland want ICJ to “broaden its interpretation” of genocide as legally defined? Why did Amnesty find law “cramped” and change it? Because ICJ 2015 ruling in Croatia case clearly proves no genocide in Gaza. Here is review of case. Worth a read to really understand: 1/Image Core issue is the very high bar ICJ required to prove “special intent” under the Genocide Convention. For acts by an accused party to be genocide the “ONLY reasonable conclusion to be drawn” from those acts is to kill the group. A strict hurdle that requires hard evidence. 2/Image
Dec 7, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Amnesty invents new laws of genocide 5 times in its “report” which it admits. Amnesty cannot find “intent to genocide” by Israel so it literally created new standards & legal terms in a desperate attempt to find "dolus specialis." It still fails. Detail on 5 fabrications: 1/Image Amnesty admits it is not following “international law” but a vague “jurisprudence” allowing them to mix & match opinions & interpretations as they wish. They falsely claim that if "direct evidence" of intent cannot be found, circumstantial evidence is good enough, voila! 2/ Image
Dec 4, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Here is a pre-war image of the luxury Hamad towers where Hamas dug under to build a tunnel network where it held and killed 6 Israeli hostages. The lie of Gaza exposed: luxury civilian homes exploited by Hamas for combat. Israel is then blamed for its destruction. Detail: 1/ Image As disclosed today, 6 hostages were held by Hamas, then murdered, in a tunnel network with many shafts dug right under this complex of 60 5-story buildings comprising 3,000 apartments built by Qatar, in the "open air prison." Here is a map of the tunnels: 2/ Image
Nov 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵Hezbollah vs IDF killed casualty ratio in Lebanon corroborates the IDF claim of at ~18,000 Hamas/PIJ combatants killed in Gaza. The 48:1 ratio in Lebanon precisely matches the ratio of Hamas vs IDF killed in Gaza. Key data & analysis below: 1/ Image IDF reports 46 soldiers killed in ground operations in Lebanon. Hezbollah killed are at least 2,200, identified individually by death notification, compiled by a number of observers like the one below. Hezbollah casualty counts do not appear disputed. 2/ Image
Nov 25, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Must read article from Danielle Haas, 13-yr senior editor at @HRW, exposing its anti-Israel bias and unwillingness to criticize Hamas. Thread below debunks several HRW "reports" since 10/7 claiming Israeli war crimes, all based on lies & fake law. 1/… HRW fabricates false charges of “forcible transfer” of civilians in Gaza in textbook case of Israel is “criminal if you do, criminal if you don’t.” HRW would surely charge Israel with crimes if it did not evacuate civilians prior to attacking Hamas. 2/
Nov 22, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵Few look to postmarks to understand history. But there are many basic truths revealed by Ottoman & British postal history of the Holy Land. For example, Ottomans had a postmark for the ancient Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and also used Hebrew. Something new for you today: 1/Image Background: Today’s Israel, Gaza/WB, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq were all integral parts of Ottoman Turkey indistinguishable politically from Turkey proper. Post WWI new borders & nations were created with no connection to Ottoman political districts called Vilayets, see map 2/ Image
Nov 19, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read
🧵New HRW "report" claiming Israel committed crime of “forcible transfer” is a work of fantasy and fake law. HRW ridiculously claims Israel has no “military imperative” to evacuate Gazans by pretending IDF is not battling Hamas and has other options—but offers none. Analysis: 1/Image First, HRW's entire 176-page analysis assumes Gaza is occupied thus Geneva Article 49 (below) applies to Israel’s evacuation actions—otherwise entire report falls apart. We’ll assume for this thread Gaza is occupied (it’s not); even so, Israel’s actions are still 100% legal. 2/Image
Nov 14, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵No famine exists in Gaza per Famine Review Committee Nov 2024 report. Once again only “imminent” and "likely" as it has been all of 2024. Report admits substantial aid into Gaza for many months. Claims of “intentional starvation” by Israel are fake per IPC report. Detail: 1/Image Report concludes: “strong likelihood of famine is imminent in areas” of north Gaza. Then says “imminent & substantial likelihood of famine” and later adds a “risk of famine” from Nov 24-Apr 25. So no famine now or ever. Here are conclusions from JUNE report. Sound familiar? 2/ Image
Nov 13, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵10 points that counter claims of genocide in Gaza, a modern blood libel that falsely portrays Israel's war against Hamas as criminal. The points are presented below as a roadmap for Israel’s legal team at the ICJ and all others fighting the genocide lie. Long but worth a read:Image 1. Claims of “Intent” to genocide rely on misrepresented and falsified statements by Israeli leaders (mainly Netanyahu, Herzog & Gallant). Debunk these falsifications which alone shatters the case against Israel, as intent is critical to prove genocide. Action items: Image