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Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. William Faulkner

Dec 16, 2023, 7 tweets


A significant portion of the global population reports a lack of clear memories

(credit @BrianRoemmele)

2) At the beginning, there may be a temporary and sudden loss of memory, related to a temporary disruption of blood flow to certain areas of the brain, the TGA (Transient global amnesia)


3) The persistence of the virus in the brain can then reduce the gray matter volume.

4) This phenomenon of memory loss can then continue over much longer periods, due to reduced hippocampal neurogenesis

5) SARS-COV-2 can also cause memory loss with microglia eliminating synaptic proteins through a phagocytosis process

6) These phenomena of cognitive and memory deficits are unfortunately one of the signs of Long COVID


7) For those interested in this relationships between COVID-19 and BRAIN, we wrote this thread.
Thanks for reading 🙏

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