Note to Pr Konstantin Beck from @UniLuzern :
As you couldn't rely on antivaxxer Sucharit Bhakdi to write your book, you can't rely on people insured in @Helsana with a cancer treatment (ATC Index L01) to suppose covid vaccines increased number of cancers in Switzerland.
The variation of people taking antineoplastic drugs inside Helsana insurance can be due to several factors:
- more people with these drugs coming in Helsana in 2021?
- delays of 2020 diagnoses?
- new drugs on the market?
Helsana talked about costs, not rise of cancers.
Is Pr Beck's graphe correct? Yes it is. They are from Helsana reports
from 2013 to 2022.
But, in fact these numbers weren't supposed to be used for anything else than a cost/person calculation. We can't extrapolate to cancers in the whole population. helsana.ch/de/helsana-gru…
Pr Konstantin Beck should learn what is correlation and causality.
Let's look at the US data. They are a bit more vaccinated than 🇨🇭. Is there a +100% surge of cancers? NO.
Just a bit more than expected. Then no correlation with vaccination rate.
The graph is from this article.
A quote:
"Health experts have suggested that people missing cancer screenings and doctor's appointments due to the COVID-19 pandemic may cause cancer rates to rise in the coming years."
The statements of Pr Beck are totally irresponsible. This disinformation is spreading by antivaccine activists.
Scientific publications estimate vaccines saved million of lives in the world.
@UniLuzern should communicate about it as it's logo appears in the Pr Beck's graph.
@UniLuzern 7/n
Btw it's not the first time he tells bullshit, as a pure corona denialer.
@UniLuzern 8/8
I'm so tired of all this bullshit while people are filling hospitals this winter due to another covid-19 wave cause of too low booster uptake. I'm done.
@UniLuzern @threadreaderapp unroll
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