Kriegsforscher Profile picture
Private entrepreneur before the full-scale invasion. Since 2022 in the army. PP for support:

Dec 18, 2023, 12 tweets

A short thread/update about one day on the South of Avdiivka near Vodiane.

For the last 10 days in this part of Ukraine it’s foggy. Very foggy.

And at 15.12.23 RUAF decided to use weather conditions and attack positions of UAF🧵👇

RUAF decided to use a lot of smoke ammunition. Was it helpful for them? You look at the photos.

BTW, it’s rare that two sides are using smoke.

It was hard to find them because of the fog and smoke.

But it was clear that they used two groups: tank + BMP-2 in both groups for different directions.

The tank from the first group found an anti tank mine and became disabled.
And Russians started retreating.

Try to guess who was the first to run? Exactly, the crew of the tank.

Retreating infantry 👇

Damaged and destroyed Russian tank from the failure attack.

On the different direction I have no clue what happened there but they left their BMP-2.

Then the tank from the another group was found. As the result of this attack 3/4 left at the ground.

I have no clue what was that. It was not even close to our positions when they have been stopped. They achieved nothing.

In some kind of way UAF we’re lucky back then. I need to say that we are lack of ammunition. We just don’t have ammo for mortars and Mk-19 (40 mm) — the main weapon of a battalion. And it’s very, very awful to see how Russians are walking without punishment.

Like here. This is their evacuation. Normally they would be destroyed. But we don’t have opportunity to do this.

That’s FPV drones for Ukraine is an analog of artillery shells (122-155 mm).

That’s really our artillery right now. That’s why we need drones all the times.

Yes, sometimes we use lonely tanks with brave tankers. But it’s not enough.

So I really ask U when U see a post that someone is gathering money for FPV drones - help them. You buying artillery shells for Ukraine. Just right. And we need them now. Not in a year.

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