captive dreamer Profile picture
MAGA Peace Activist. Classical Liberal.

Dec 20, 2023, 28 tweets

Lets talk about the Christian organizations that exist to subvert America (and the West) via refugee resettlement and mass migration programs. There's no rhyme or reason to this thread other than what I discover as I research this in the next hour. Strap in.

First up we have the MCC. The Mennonite Central Committee. An extremely pernicious group that exists more or less solely to flood NA with third world immigrants. Here is a sampling. Here is their board in both CA and USA: Anti-white Christian Organization.

Here's a sampling of the sort of activities that the MCC is involved in:

Next up we have the LIRS. In the next posts we will take a look at their board of directors and their immigration/refugee/anti-white advocacy.

Here is the LIRS board of directors:

Here's what the LIRS does; lets dig a bit deeper and look into funding, activies, etc.:

Here is their full service package - from welcoming "refugees" at the airport to furnishing their apartments. Its a full meal deal. St. Barts all inclusive would be jealous.

They also sponsor an entire organization designed to help them find employment and "upgrade" their careers - notice the pictures and who is featured in them (this is a US based ORG).

Lets move on: The Catholic Menace. This is a many tentacled octopus. We will simply highlight a few orgs and use this as a springboard for later research. A sampling of what happens when you tithe at Catholic Churches today:

Here's the Catholic Charities Counselling and Adoption Services board:

What does the CCSAS do? Well, amongst other things, it funnels in so called "refugees" to a full program of employment assistance, legal services, airport pickup, housing, etc. These people are handed a silver platter the second they step off the plane.

The Catholic Groups are probably the worst simply because they have the most political clout, social influence and investment in bringing in Jose and his 13 illiterate cousins who went to mass once last year:

We need to research the Catholics further - but the boards, their activities, etc. That should be enough to show our point - we are living in a Christian subverted America. Lets move on.

Lets switch to Canada for a bit. Here's the "EFC" - Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Here is their "Refugee Resettlement Initiative."

Here's the board of the EFC:

Here's their FAQ page about bringing in third world immigrants, including Muslims; also, how to sponsor a refugee, how to get government funding for sponsoring them, etc:

The types of things you find on EFC affiliated pages:

I just discovered this group: The ABHMS: American Baptist Home Mission Society. I don't know much about it. Here's a sampling of what they do:

Here's a picture of the board: I don't need to go through their last names for you to figure this one out.

You're flailing. You aren't committed to this. You're upset about Jewish refugee Orgs and yet you can't even sit through 20 tweets talking about Christian subversion. You're weak. You're a shell of what you think you are. Lets keep going.

Are you? Maybe you are. I don't think so. You see weak to me, pathetic. You're a single minded, one track thinker. But you lasted this long. Lets go through a few more. I'm calling in sick to work tomorrow so that I can bring you this info.

Next up: Bethany Christian Services (BCS) (have you noticed a theme with these pictures?) What do they do? Who is their board?

Here is the BCS leadership team: Did a few early life checks - came up nothing.

Here's how Bethany Christian Services brings in third world "refugees":

Next up: The Christian Reformed Church. Here's their "splash" page. (On a related note - we need to be making lists of these people and all who are bragging about this stuff. It may come in handy later).

More from the CRC:

Here's their board. Look at the last names for yourselves.

I'm calling it a night there. That's what I found in a single hour. That's all it took. There's a lot of ground here for further research. Let's explore it.

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