Paul D. Thacker Profile picture
Journalist; Former Investigator U.S. Senate; Former Safra Ethics Center, Harvard.

Dec 22, 2023, 9 tweets

1) It’s become a pandemic truism that academic researchers and their pet science writers eventually get caught dissembling

Let's look at that #scicomm!

2) @USRightToKnow released documents showing virologists & Wuhan researchers attempted to mislead on a DARPA grant--they hid that they would do some dangerous virus research in Wuhan.

Right where the pandemic started.

3) Science Magazine's @sciencecohen tried to knock down speculation about Wuhan research when veteran reporter Nicholas Wade testified in Congress.

Who did Cohen quote? The authors of the proposal--Peter Daszak!

Q: Is this journalism?

4) Cohen's sloppy reporting got a signal boost from #scicomm doyenne @Laurie_Garrett

5) Virologist @stgoldst got it wrong several times as well, both in @theintercept & in the @TheAtlantic

Hi, @danengber

6) And lest, we forget (why would we?!) here's @ScienceMagazine magazine's Holden Thorpe--the editor-in-chief.

BTW, Thorpe used to run UNC where Ralph Baric works, but was run out b/c of widespread academic fraud.

Looked like scientists were hiding something?

7) As the Wuhan Institute's most friendly reporter reminds you, "Please be rigorous."

8) Thanks for all the fish, Kristian Andersen.

9) Virologists planned dangerous virus studies in Wuhan, and lied about it to funders. And then they lied to us about their intentions, after the pandemic started in Wuhan.

And science writers amplified these lies to you.


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