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Interior Way ॐ Prisca Theologia ☆ Alchemist𓂀 Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes, Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa & Esoteric Hollyweird

Jan 1, 2024, 26 tweets

The Sacred Secretion 🧵

The term "Sacred SECRETion" is commonly used to describe a Pyscho-Active SEED, an Endogenous Essence or Sacred Oil, that is produced in the human body, influenced by shifts in the magnetic lunar energies. This SEED is likened to DMT, the Spirit Molecule.

When does it occur?


The Moon circles one full turn around the Earth in approximately Twenty Eight days. As it does, it passes through each Zodiac House for about to two to two and half days. When the Moon is in your SUN SIGN, this SEED is released (or SECRETed).

This Seed is secreted from your PINEAL and Pituitary Gland down the Pillar of Stone, your Spinal Column (Jacob's Ladder). This seed is produced when the Pineal Gland releases a Masculine ELECTRICAL Portion "HONEY" and the Pituitary releases the Feminine MAGNETIC Portion "MILK".

Then, this HOLY SEED makes it way down the SPINAL Column becomes endowed with the Sexual Fluids and the GOAL is the RAISE the SEED back up to the KING DOME, your BRAIN. The HEAD is the HEAVENS, bringing the SEED up to its place of GLORY in the Land Flowing with MILK and HONEY.

The Moon is often associated with the Nectar of Immortality. The Nectar of Immortality is the SACRED SECRETION, the Nectar of the Gods, that if properly preserved makes MEN into GODS, but if the SEED is squandered, the SEED is burnt up in the BOWELS of HELL, the Digestive FIRES.

Russian Mystic and Author G.I. Gurdijeff explains, "All movements, actions, and manifestations of people, animals, and plants depend upon the moon and are controlled by the moon."

The Moon was commonly believed to be associated with the LIQUIDS of LIFE.

These LIQUIDS of LIFE incude water, rain, the ocean, dew, sap, milk, blood, menstrual fluids, semen, the cerbospinal fluid and this "Pyscho-Active SEED" or OIL.

The Sacred Oil was called the Christos or CHRISM by the Greeks. To the Yogi, it is the BINDU or SEMEN.

To the Alchemist, it is the Philosopher’s Stone, the Pheonix that RISES from the ASHES.

This Holy Oil is made up of FOUR Parts, each portion is associated with one of the FOUR Elements: Fire, Air, Water & Earth. These Elements are the Alchemist's Salt, Sulfur, Mercury & Azoth.

The FIRST part is associated with the Solar Fire of one's HONEY from their Pineal Gland, this is your Electromagnetic Frequency.

The SECOND Part is associated with the element of AIR, it is one's MILK from the Pituitary Gland, this is at the base of the brain, the King DOME.

The THIRD Part is associated with Water at the base of the SPINE, the LUX, Prostate, Ovum and GENERATION.

The FOURTH and FINAL Part is associated with the element of EARTH, it is your SEMEN from your Sacrum.

Therefore, this Holy Oil is a FOUR Part Mixture, a combination of the Fluids of the Pineal & Pituitary Gland, Joseph and Mary, Shiva and Shakti which makes it way down the Spinal Column to become endowed with the Cerbospinal Fluid AND the Sexual Fluids, the BINDU or SEMEN.

Esoterically, BINDU or SEMEN refers to this HOLY SEED, it refers to the Seminal Fluids in MEN and the Vaginal Fluids in Females.

Christ literally personifies this SEED or SACRED OIL. The Allegory of Christ's LIFE and Ministry encodes the Ancient Wisdom of the Sacred Secretion.

The Word 'Christ' is derived from the Greek Word 'Christos' which means 'Smeared or Anointed with Oil'. The OIL is the CHRISM or CHRISTOS.

Joseph and Mary are the Allegorical Parents of the Holy Child in the Human Body, the Psycho-Physical Seed, the Holy Christos.

The Pineal Gland (Joseph) secretes the Milk AND the Pituitary Gland (Mary) secretes the Honey, both coming from the Claustrum (Santa CLAUS). This is the "Immaculate Conception”. This is why you must Honor Thy Father (Joseph) & Mother (Mary), the Pineal and Pituitary.

These Two Sacred Oils travel Down into the Solar Plexus via the Semi-Lunar Ganglia, the Bethlehem of the physical body. In Hebrew, Bethlehem means “House” (Beth) of Bread (lehem). Hence, Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life".

The Milk (Joseph) & Honey (Mary) combine with the Chrism (Cerebrospinal Fluid) and Sexual FLUIDS to produce the Christos, the Holy Child or Seed, the Sacred Oil is known as Manna in the East. This Sacred Oil Allows the Christ to Be Raised Within.

The Sacred Secretion can be seen as a precursor to a KUNDALINI AWAKENING.

The Solar Plexus is a thimble-shaped depression, this is the CAVE of Nativity, & in this is deposited the Seed, the Christ Child is BORN in the MANGER. This is the Immaculate Conception, Born of a Virgin.

This Seed is the Fruit of the Tree of Life (Arbor Vitae)

When the Seed reaches the base of your Spine, this is symbolized by Christ on Earth. The Goal is to RAISE the SEED each MOONth, now endowed with the Sexual Fluids and raise the Sacred OIL thru the Seven Churches.

The Seven Churches or Seven Lights are the Seven Chakras along Jacob's Ladder (Spinal Column). When the Christos is raised, it is "Crucified" at Golgotha ("Place of the Skull") in the Medulla Oblongata between the two thieves, the Two Pillars, Boaz and Jachim, Ida and Pingala.

AND, finally, Christ or the Holy SEED is crucifed, "rests" for TWO DAYS and, then, Christ rises AGAIN and is enthroned in HEAVEN (In the Head).

The "Holy Communion" occurs when the SEED is raised between the Two Pillars to your KING DOME (Head).

These Two Pillars (or NADIS), Ida & Pingala, Solar & Lunar, Adam & Eve, Joseph & Mary, are polarized. The Pingala is associated with PINEAL while the IDA is associated with the PITUITARY Gland. The Two NADIS or Nerve Currents are connected between the gonads and the nasal cavity.

The "Rebirth" occurs when the Christos, the Holy Seed, after climbing Jacob's Ladder, the 33 Vertebrae (33° of Masonry), Santa Claus going up the chimney, meets the TWELVE Cranial Nerves (12 Disciples), and the Christos Oil is Refined x1000 Fold, which ignites the Christ WITHIN.

Once the Crown Chakra is ignited, this is when Jesus is Reunited with His Heavenly Father. Therefore, you must go through Christ to get to the "Father", to get to the Higher States of Consciousness. The Crown Chakra is Your Halo.

The practice of preserving & transmuting this Holy Oil is a way of preparing the body for its Kundalini Awakening.

The Sacred Secretion is focused upon the marriage of Red King & White Queen, Lunar & Solar, Female & Male, Pineal & Pituitary, Magnetic and Electric ENERGIES.

The Sacred Oil is called the Gold of the Alchemist, as GOLD is a prominent conducter of electricity. When we preserve the Holy Secretion, we become a more open channel to higher frequencies, able to transmit the DIVINE. Thus, we become conductors of the UNIVERSAL MIND or GOD.


Sources: George Carey, Santos Bonacci, @jjanati and my own Personal Research.

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