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Jan 2, 2024, 19 tweets

Roger Stone’s Florida church, Coral Ridge Ministries, sued the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after SPLC called it an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group. Coral Ridge asked SCOTUS to review their case, but only one justice felt they shld do so: Clarence Thomas. 1/…


3/ Jacob Engels is Roger Stone’s longtime assistant. He’s had a warrant out for his arrest since September. Here’s a photo of the two men outside Coral Ridge.

@granisnark12 5/ Here, Roger Stone says that, although he was baptized Catholic and still considers himself Catholic, he’s now a “parishioner” of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale (the church designated as an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center).

@granisnark12 6/ Far right personality Chris Nelson (an associate of Roger Stone) seems to be a fan of Coral Ridge too. See post 7.

@granisnark12 7/

@granisnark12 8/ Eric Metaxas emceed the pro-Trump “Jericho March” rally on 12/12/20 in DC. The rally included Mike Flynn, convicted former Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes, Black Robe Regiment pastor Tim Cook, and other far right religious leaders.

@granisnark12 9/ This guy.

@granisnark12 10/ Defrocked “Rad Trad” priest Frank Pavone is also a fan of Coral Ridge.

@granisnark12 11/ This guy.

@granisnark12 12/ Frank Pavone participated in the Jericho March rally too.

@granisnark12 13/ Only the “best” people are drawn to Roger Stone’s church……

@granisnark12 14/ Here is Thomas’s dissent stating that he would have granted cert to revisit the “actual malice” requirement that public figures must satisfy in order to sue for defamation.…

@granisnark12 15/ Coral Ridge Ministries is apparently now called D. James Kennedy Ministries after its founder.…

@granisnark12 16/ The President and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries (aka Coral Ridge Ministries), Roger Stone’s church, is Frank Wright who sits on the Board of Governors of the Council for National Policy (CNP), per the CNP’s 2020 directory. h/t @mariofotos…

@granisnark12 @mariofotos 17/ Detailed article about Coral Ridge - apparent funding ties to DeVos.…

@granisnark12 @mariofotos 18/…

@granisnark12 @mariofotos 19/ The Chairman of the Board of D. James Kennedy Ministries (Coral Ridge), William T. Allen, may be a current or former member of the Council for National Policy too, per TrumpFile, although I haven’t found him yet in an actual directory. h/t @mariofotos

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