Three Year Letterman Profile picture
Youth Football Coaching Legend, Die-hard Georgia Fan, Three-Year High School Football Letterman, Showstopping Little League Umpire, Region Champion (3-way tie)

Jan 3, 6 tweets

I want to break down the technique on this video from my good friend @LasVegasLocally and explain why it’s a textbook example of how to blitz the quarterback and secure a sack on a passing down. Walk with me:

1. This is as he’s leaping into the air. Note the technique here. Rather than doing a box jump or trying to climb, he’s approaching the podium/offensive line as would an Olympic hurdler. He’s launching off his left and lifting his right leg so his momentum can take him over.

2. His next move is to “get perpendicular” so that his full body can clear the podium/offensive line. This is what a good pole vaulter would do, and this is exactly the kind of disregard for your own body that you look for in a blitzing linebacker.

3. As the quarterback starts to escape the pocket, he adjusts his angle in mid air. This prevents the blocker coming in from his right from getting there in time to prevent the e sack.

4. Despite the speed of the play, he has the tackling discipline to wrap up and secure the sack, even with an offensive lineman hanging on him.

5. But he knocked over the flag of the oldest and greatest country on earth, so he should get flagged for a personal foul.

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