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Jan 4, 49 tweets

Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell are child trafficking monsters, closely connected to the Israeli Mossad, the FBI and the CIA. They set up honeypot sting operations to collect private videos of elites with minors for leverage.

One such young girl Virginia Roberts Giuffre was trafficked to Prince Andrew and multiple others.

Giuffre in her own words…

“I was so young. Ghislaine woke me up in the morning and said you're going to meet a prince today. I hopped in the car with Price Andrew, Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine said I want you to do for him what you did for Jeffery”

A thread for your awareness 👇

Here’s a previous thread on the same

Now that the evidence is out

Arrest the pedophile Prince Andrew

Arrest the pedophile Prince Andrew

I don’t think it’s weird

Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent setting up honeypot sting operations on the worlds powerful elites for blackmail purposes

Robert F Kennedy Jr. was on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express twice

Here are the Top Names that have been mentioned in Epstein Document released today from Virginia Giuffre trial documents:

Alan Dershowitz - 137 times
Prince Andrew - 76 times
Bill Clinton - 73 times

We know Epstein & Maxwell are Mossad agents, secrets out of the bag

Even now both Republicans & Democrats support Israel and their holy war for their holy land, while doing criminal unholy things

USA is still compromised
The West is still compromised

A Woman says Epstein forced her to have sex with former israeli PM Barak

Court filings by Alan Dershowitz revealed that a woman had named former prime minister Ehud Barak as one of several important men she was forced to have sex with by Jeffrey Epstein.

We want the entire #EpsteinClientList

The names of people that were previously sealed as John Doe or Jane Doe 1-77 in the Epstein case revealed

When do we have the pedophile list release party for the Hollywood parasites

Do you guys think Stephen Hawking was bused to the Epstein Island on sympathy grounds or just as a lure for other elite people like Bill Gates there

Even the Pakistani leaders like Imran Khan were on the #EpsteinClientList

Whistleblower Wasim Akram outed them

Hillary Clinton’s hairdresser is on the #EpsteinClientList

ZERO pedophiles have been arrested

How many billions were paid off to hush up Bill Gates from the client list

Alan Dershowitz was pressed on his connections to the #EpsteinClientList and his reaction was brilliant

Bill Clinton isn’t a rapist, he’s the victim of an elaborate blackmail scheme.

Show us the proof that Bill Clinton raped anyone @CommunityNotes

According to the expert witnesses…

Jeffrey Epstein raped him
Monica Lewinsky raped him
Ghislaine Maxwell raped him
The island boys & girls raped him

@CommunityNotes Please look into Oprah Winfrey

@CommunityNotes Pedophiles get rewarded
Innocents get incarcerated

Did you know that Ghislaine Maxwell the daughter of Israeli spy Robert Maxwell was the first person to go viral on the internet. She was the first person to gain 1 million karma points on Reddit platform.

Her Reddit was active since 2006 with the following handles:

A must read thread 👇

@CommunityNotes Alan Dershowitz was mentioned the most number of times on the client list and also he’s travelled with Epstein the max number of times to the island

Yeah sure… follow his advice on vaccine mandates

@CommunityNotes Yeah… listen to the pedophile

@CommunityNotes Jeffrey Epstein was an Israeli spy

@CommunityNotes Truth

@CommunityNotes Remember this amazing Academy Awards speech by Ricky Gervais calling out Epstein’s friends from the Hollywood



@CommunityNotes Most people realize that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. But the attorney general of the United States helped cover up his murder? That’s a different thing entirely.

Epstein’s brother Mark explains.

@CommunityNotes The distraction is here

@CommunityNotes We had a deal!!!

@CommunityNotes Donald Trumps attorney Alina Habba calls Bill Clinton a pedophile. A true statement.

The #EpsteinClientList comes out and in those conversations, he says he likes them young… That’s a pedophile, why isn’t he in prison?

@CommunityNotes What’s the real reason for Stephen Hawking to attend Epstein’s island

Was it a bucket list item?
Was it one of his wishes?

@CommunityNotes Another mysterious death in the Epstein saga… Joe Recarey

@CommunityNotes FBI has a treasure trove of evidence of #EpsteinClientList stashed away for a rainy day

@CommunityNotes Who’s laughing now… B*TCH

@CommunityNotes Weekend at Jeffreys

A Netflix show would be amazing

@CommunityNotes DOJ & FBI just don’t care

@CommunityNotes Disney Movie — Hawking

Donald Trump is vindicated from the Epstein connections yet again

The way things are going…

Being on the #EpsteinClientList is going to be crowned upon, not frowned upon

Just an FYI — Al Gore is on the latest #EpsteinClientList released today

Trust Al Gore on #ClimateChange
Trust Al Gore on #FreedomOfSpeech

Weekend at Epstein’s

They’re probably looking at either
- Big black holes or
- Bosom Higgs particles

Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and their elite client rapists destroyed so many childhoods… it’s difficult to even fathom the level of devastation in their lives

I don’t trust this one bit

Everyone on the #EpsteinClientList are in the safest place in the world, since the FBI, CIA, Mossad, DOJ are all actively helping them

The Simpsons were damn good in predicting the future

An island full of kids with Stephen Hawking & Bill Clinton

Come on 🤷‍♂️

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