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Aspiring philosopher king. Archivist. | pfp: @realspacekraken

Jan 9, 17 tweets

A Quick Timeline of 770 Tunnel Drama:

770 Eastern Parkway is the world headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement. Originally built in 1920 as a medical office, it was purchased and converted during the 1940's.

Wiki Page: wikiwand.com/en/770_Eastern…

These are just various articles that span from December 22, 2023 to today from a single source. But it lays out who knew what and when, and I found it interesting.

So here you go:

December 22, 2023 - archive.today/ogwSK

December 23, 2023 - archive.today/x5NOg

December 24, 2023 - archive.today/EHxD0

January 2, 2024 - archive.today/rHnGi

January 8, 2024 - archive.today/DwoPG

January 8, 2024 - archive.today/WCdrc

January 9, 2024 - archive.is/C0pxc

January 9, 2024 - archive.is/hYV2B

TLDR: There has been a known power struggle going on for several weeks at that location, centering on the tunnels in particular.

My hypothesis is that when new NYPD officers took a tour on January 2nd, questions were raised which led to last night.

The End.

Actually, according to the first article from December 22, the discovery was made "nearly three weeks ago," which would place the timeline beginning somewhere around the start of December or maybe late November.

Anyways, that's all from me on this for now. I don't want to speculate wildly on anything, so I'll stick with just posting what is known or thought to be known.

Like everyone else last night, I found it interesting and wanted to learn a little more and here you have it.

Okay sorry one more thing:

Please note that this is all from a single source. There are other sites that have also been writing about the subject for a while, and this is not necessarily exhaustive nor the entire story. Just a sweeping guess at a timeline/catalyst. Kthxbai.

There are plenty of other documentaries and books out there about tunnels under NYC in general.

For example, this one from 2008. Not specifically related to the above thread (AFAIK), but still an overlapping topic.

Manhattan and Brooklyn and plenty of other places in the US and around the world are built on engineered landfill and “reclaimed” land.

There’s a lot going on underneath the surface… literally.

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