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PAI enjoyer, OSINT guy @hntrbrkmedia, my views/freezing cold takes are my own. Standard spiel about not endorsing retweets, likes, and comments.

Jan 12, 6 tweets


Unprecedented drone footage showing a pair of US-supplied M2A2 Bradley IFVs in Ukrainian service engaging in a nearly 10 minute duel with a Russian T-90M MBT, successfully disabling it.

Key moments-

The first Bradley ambushes the T-90M, landing a number of hits with its 25mm Bushmaster chain gun before falling back to the southern side of the town.

The T-90M tries to engage the Bradley, but hits a house.

The second Bradley now approached from the south, charging the Russian T-90M, putting dozens of 25mm rounds into it.

And the disabled T-90M

Full engagement sped up

Original tweet got cut but-

Location (48.195950, 37.675137)

Source- t.me/WarArchive_ua/…

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