Before Troll farms, Twitter Bots, MAGA, Qanon & election interference was the premonition of one Russian Man, who re-invented modern information warfare. His work to this day has not been translated into English.
Thread on Sergey Pavlovich Rastorguev
When asked how Information warfare works, he simplified it through his own childrens fable, about the fox that ate the turtle.
“Information war is purposefully training the enemy to remove its own shell”
-SB Rastorguev (inventor of Information Warfare)
Though Information warfare has been around for centuries, Rastorguevs philosophical approach differed from the approaches of Western strategists such as Libicki, Stein, Toffler & Ellul
Sergey Rastorguev was a mad but brilliant scientist, strategist & mathematician obsessed with the occult & esoteric mysticism who strategized for genocidal population control & Russian domination of not only the world but the Universe.
Russian foreign policy has been pursued through deception (Maskirovka) ever since the forming of the Foreign Bureau of the czarist secret police (Okhrana) in 1883. With Vladimir Lefebvre developing Reflexive Control for the KGB in the 60s
Modern information technologies change not only the usual lifestyle, they change the concept of good and evil, justice and sacrifice, and, in the end, they change the person himself, because they “use” the same person exclusively as an information self-learning system
In 1996, Rastorguev used philosophy, mathematics & the occult to write the book: “Information Warfare, used on everything from election meddling to Qanon even predicting Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, Donald Trump & Ukraine War
Rastorguev was an FSB Colonel obsessed with Russian Cosmism & pan-Slavism. Despite his intellectual exterior, working as a professor he was paranoid delusional & obsessed with genocide. Believing that Ukrainians were diseased rats that needed to be reprogrammed or exterminated
In 97 he predicted the internet would make the US election process susceptible to outside influence. His work strategized how to infiltrate its top institutions, control influential people & corrupt the media.
Americans have an outdated concept of warfare, its not about boots on the ground or the military industrial complex. Russia’s use of manipulated information & alternating reality creating soft power, forming Russian led, multi-national Fascist World Orderl
Social Media & open information would weaken free societies like the US and shift global power to authoritarian institutions like Russia. To use Vilfredo Pareto theory we are now changing the power dynamic from Lions (The West) to Foxes (Russia/China)
Vladislav Surkov famously stated that the Wests biggest weakness is their citizens demand for morality & ethics in geopolitics + the profiting off of information (medias greed). the internet has made it possible to alter & split the Wests info sphere
Surkov was influenced by Rastorguevs take on Chaos Theory, stating Russias current geopolitical strategy is to create as many wars globally as possible, as Russia benefits from chaotic world order, Because by definition Chaos ALWAYS expands
Modern warfare is fought in the mind, the battlefield has changed. In 2006 Putin revealed that invasion of America has already begun, “Our responses must be based on intellectual superiority, they will be asymmetric, and less expensive”
In 2012 Igor Matskevich the former head of Cryptography & Informatics for FSB started a private company called ITERANET, developed software for SVR to automatically disseminate information in large social networks, manage Internet communities in order to influence public opinion
Has the US already lost the war? To quote Rastorguev from his 1998 book “Informatsionnaya Voyna “By the time truth is revealed, our work will be done, and the truth (reality) will already be rewritten
Rastorguev was first & foremost a mathematician, who called his work existential mathematics. He developed an algorithm allowing for full control of his enemy by influencing information patterns, defeating your enemy by splitting to 2 different realities
Rastorguev believed the internet is a weapon of cyberwarfare, gone are a nations borders that protected them from invasion, a spy does not need to infiltrate a country to cause damage. All was needed was a (Social Media) account & an open & free society,…
He wrote the algorithm to use “Elections to power” as a way to achieve geopolitical goals: “If you want to destroy a rich and strong country help a local thief come to power. That is all you need. All the rest they will do by themselves, with their own hands.” (Rastorguev 1999)
Rastorguev’s basic principle of an information weapon is that the adversary has all the necessary resources for self-destruction. He proved the easiest way to destroy your enemy is to reprogram the self-learning systems & promote “do my own research”.
The Gerasimov Doctrine in 2013 detailed the Hybrid warfare strategy based on Rastorguev’s work announcing a new a new front against the West has begun. The truth no longer matters. Attempts to suppress fake news is labeled as anti-Free speech & hypocrisy…
A successful information warfare attack started in 2014 to counteract Maidan & to justify the invasion of Crimea. “Banderivtsy could storm into Crimea”, “Russia is just defending itself from NATO aggression, “de-Nazification” are still being used today.…
Rastorguev’s books examined how to manipulate the mind with real and latent threats, and how to model algorithms that define human behavior. Humans, like computers, can have a ‘virus’ inserted in their information system (reasoning process)
According to his mathematical formulas, a human information virus (dubbed a “psycho virus”) may be inserted - suggestive influence to alter or mask objective reasoning. He went author dozens of more books. To this day NONE of his work (listed below) has been translated to English
Before he died he published “Theory Of Egregors” occult term for the energy & power of “group-think” that manifests belief/faith in organized religion & cults. Proving that by creating a “Church Of (Dis)Information” you could control the masses.…
This theory is confirmation of the Noosphere, which both Putin & Elon are big believers in. Both obsessed with immortality & control, which the Russia2045 Initiative is making a reality, by transferring consciousness into a digital Avatar by the year 2045.…
Nikolai Federov, considered the creator of “Russian cosmism,” explored ideas of space travel and scientifically-engineered immortality through the lens of Christian mysticism back in the mid 19th century.…
With Elons Neuralink & transhumanism a reality, it makes the purchase of Twitter understandable as Twitter in itself is an organism of thought, a Noosphere. Elons goal of connecting his immortal consciousness to an AI, would make him in a sense, GOD.…
Sounds like a bunch of crazy conspiracy nonsense right? Well, Putin’s top strategist & Chief of Staff Anton Vaino is a known Cosmist occultist who invented a way to monitor global consciousness through his Nooscope
was it all predicted by Rastorguev?
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