Donbas Samizdat (Донбасс Самиздат) Profile picture
●Justice for Peace in Donbas Coalition ●Former analyst SOVA Center-Moscow ●Researcher/Investigator of Far Right-Nationalism/Extremism
5 subscribers
Jan 24 33 tweets 13 min read
The true story of how Kremlin oligarchs devised the plan for a Russian-led New World Order, start WW3, control America & capture Europe, all with help from corrupt American politicians. A wormhole to Epstein files, Trump, Honeypots, Melania, Big Oil, Blackmail & more. A new 🧵1/ Image The 2006 dystopian Russian Novel: "Third Reich(Empire): The Russia That Ought To Be" prophesized Russias rise to global superpower, the Russian army razing Ukrainian, Polish & Baltic cities to the ground, & bringing Europe to their knees all by 2027
Jul 13, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Fun Fact: The battalion responsible for some of the worst crimes in the conflict was actually named after the USSR! "Bryanka USSRs" exploits could compete with even the most nightmarish horror films, responsible for perhaps hundreds of disappearances & murders since 2014🧵 1/ Image They mocked civilians, captured military personnel from other units & even killed their own for money. 2 fighters miraculously survived after commanders shot one in the head, another, having received four bullets, was able to get out of the grave in which he was buried 2/

Jun 26, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
Remember when RT did a "documentary" about the heroes of Novorossiya? They featured a girl sniper named Veselina Cherdantsev who moved to Luhansk to fight against the “fascist horde” from Kyiv. They should of probably done a bit of vetting before releasing the doc 🧵1/
Vaselina or Sniper Vasya of the Vympel unit was the main character of Miguel Francis Santiago’s 2014 project “Donetsk through the eyes of an American” on RT. But her name wasnt Vaselina at all, and the story only got weirder from there
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Jun 11, 2024 56 tweets 26 min read
Remember when Russians were celebrating the Neo Nazis in FSB Alpha Group slicing the ear off the Tajiki ISIS suspect? Well a new viral sensation is spreading across the military, & in the Russian Ultra scene.
a quick 🧵/1 Image As fSB Alpha cut off the ears, the Russian media had a hard time blurring out FSB Alphas patches of course 2/ Image
May 12, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Some news, the Operation Novorossiya 6 part series has been moved. Re-written, Re-edited, much has been added.

Part 1: KGBs role in fueling the rise of the Neo Nazi movement in Europe in 1950 to the rise of movements inside USSR & post Soviet Russia… Part 2: The Separation of Dignity.

We painstakingly detail the rampant crime & banditry of the Russian "Separatists". Where Ortho & Neo Nazis & far right fascists were much more involved in the conflict & in much greater numbers than anything in Ukraine…
Apr 18, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
Russian bullsh*t repeats itself. 1939 issue of RT (Russia Today Society) a propaganda pamphlet from the 30s & 40s produced to counter Western Media. Bullsh*t justifying the Red Army invasion of Finland thats remarkably similar to todays anti Ukraine conspiracies.

A special 🧵
All the greates hits

1)West are hypocrites for condemning the Invasion because whattabout Spain
2)Communists are being oppressed & must be saved
3)the Fascists Finns are actually killing their own civilians
4)Fin is a Western puppet, its a proxy
5)Fin is run by a Fascists gov

Apr 14, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
@NRO People commenting proves how brainwashed & stupid people are, especially from the USA. Who know nothing about Russia, who has massacred priests & parishioners & banned almost every non ROC church.… @NRO…
Apr 7, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Ill remind everyone again why Russia invaded & why Elon Musk changed his stance after his encrypted call with Putin. If you think its about NATO, you are either a grifter or brainwashed.… Reminder why Russia had to have Mariupol at any cost, half the world's semiconductor-grade neon, critical for the lasers & micro chips is now in the hands of Russia. But maybe it was to save the Russian speakers from evil Bio Lab LGBT Zionist Nazis. dunno…
Apr 5, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Connecting the Dots behind the RFK Jr Psyop. The man running RFKs Super Pac is one of the main figures behind the Qanon Psyop & FreeAssange movement, Trevor Fitzgibbon, who did PR for his anti-Vax propaganda for years.
A wormhole🧵 1/… Fitzgibbon also did the Media/PR for other pro Russian ops like “Rage Against The War Machine” & the “Conscious Life Expo”. Coincidentally both events were heavily promoting Free Assange propaganda
Mar 31, 2024 53 tweets 17 min read
Much is always said about CIA, but in reality, the KGB, GRU, FSB, the war in Chechnya & Russias partnership with Assad in Syria, had a much more pivotal role in the rise of ISIS.
A mega 🧵 1/…
Image Its no secret Russia has been behind the rise of global terror since the beginning of the Era Of Dynamite in 1850, breaking records for assassinations & bloodshed, inventing modern tactics for State, political, far-right, left-wing & anarcho terrorism
Jan 15, 2024 29 tweets 11 min read
Before Troll farms, Twitter Bots, MAGA, Qanon & election interference was the premonition of one Russian Man, who re-invented modern information warfare. His work to this day has not been translated into English.
Thread on Sergey Pavlovich Rastorguev
1/…Image When asked how Information warfare works, he simplified it through his own childrens fable, about the fox that ate the turtle.

“Information war is purposefully training the enemy to remove its own shell”
-SB Rastorguev (inventor of Information Warfare)
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Jan 4, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
So i debunked this jokers post about May 2 & posted videos of the the whole day, leading to him blocking me & reporting my videos. The lies about May 2 were used for recruitment & led to massacres, kidnappings, tortures & executions in Donbas of anyone with just a Ukr flag. Image Lets not forget even Russian Neo Nazi Raevsky admitted they organized buses & trains to go to Odesa to start chaos & attack Ukraine protestors.…
Nov 15, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
Kremlin insiders are rejoicing at the carnage & bloodshed in Israel & Gaza. Alexander Dugin hailed the situation in Gaza a victory over the US & Ukraine. Putins plan was always to open a second front in Israel. Lets looks at Russias role:
Image As Hamas attacks unfolded on Oct 7, Russian state media, Ortho imperialist & Eurasianist bloggers celebrated, calling the terrorist attack the best birthday present for Putin & Russia. Was it just a coincidence it was done on Putin's birthday?
Jun 7, 2023 45 tweets 24 min read
@johnnyjmils Really? Oh wow, nice try. Well lets go on a trip to meet the Russian Denazifyers
🧵1/ Image @johnnyjmils Pavel Gubarev, The peoples Governor of DPR
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May 31, 2023 28 tweets 12 min read
As Russia preaches denazification, Since 2004 it has covertly partnered & financed Neo Nazi & far-right movements around the world. Following a Neo-Eurasianist strategy popularized by Dugin, these fringe groups are causing division, spreading lies & subverting societies. 🧵1/ Image In 2015 Dmitry Rogozin’s Rodina party & Neo Nazis from Russian Imperial Movement arranged a Far-right conference specifically to propagate the Russian narrative in Ukraine & to recruit a coalition of volunteers to send to Donbas 2/…
Mar 13, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
Nazi ideology, Doomsday cults, mind control, UFOs, Xenophobia, Aryan supremacy & rise of American fascism, No this is not a bad plot for Indiana Jones. Its a byproduct of 19th Century Russian New Age movement, steeped in Occult fascism & blueprint for Russian world domination🧵1/ Image Since Catherine the Great announced the “Jewish Problem” in 1792, Russia began to enact a series of Laws starting In 1804 as Alexander I implemented the first law that openly isolated Jews from regular society in an attempt to Russify them into society
Mar 3, 2023 27 tweets 10 min read
Westerners dont believe me about the Donbas mid-evil open trials & martial laws back in 2014-16. Banned women from wearing makeup & going to bars & excusing rape in many cases, open air torture, age of consent to 13, enslavement & public executions of POWs The Cossacks would walk up to little girls wearing make up & threaten to rape them, they also said women who drink deserve to be gangraped. If you were caught out, they would tie you up & flog you. They even were proud of these ISIS style laws & played it on TV Image
Jan 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Remember Grayzones quality journalism? Max got scammed by a homeless meth head from Florida with no passport who larped his way doing interviews on Russian state media claiming he was a CIA trained Azov fighter. Nope he was in jail and on parole, never even been Ukraine. LMAO Image Oh no, I was wrong. Max said Esha K confirmed he was in Azov because he has this totally not fake and totally realistic Azov ID that may or may not have been printed on his aunts IBM ink jet printer at her mobile-home in an Escambia County trailer park Image
Nov 30, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Part 1 of the groundbreaking expose "Operation Novorossiya: Behind the Kremlins Neo Nazi Psyop in Ukraine." The detailed 6 part series investigates Russia's role in launching the movement in 1950 to cultivating Neo Nazis in Russia and Ukraine…
Image Part 2 of Operation Novorossiya: Separation of Dignity and The Rise of Wagner. We look into the Kremlin role in the anti-Maidan and the Russian Neo Nazis sent to Ukraine that became known as "Separatists" and the evolution of what is now known as Wagner… Image