Mike Hoerger, PhD MSCR MBA Profile picture
Expert in weighing medical evidence, cancer, COVID forecasting & mitigation, health disparities, financial analytics. 120 publications. PhD program director.

Jan 22, 2024, 9 tweets

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 1 of 7

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

It's for my students but great for anyone who wants to better understand the state of the pandemic in the U.S. in Jan 2024.
40 mins total across 7 chapters:

Ch 1 - Intro on the Winter 2023-24 Surge and a bit on my background

Ch 2 - The public health significance of COVID-19 at present, especially focused on Long COVID

Ch 3 - SARS-CoV-2 is Airborne, and we need multi-layered mitigation

Ch 4 - Quarantine, testing, and isolation overview

Ch 5 - Masking tips

Ch 6 - Air cleaning fundamentals

Ch 7 - Vulnerability and inclusivity

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 2 of 7

Chapter 2: COVID is NOT “A Cold or the Flu”
#LongCOVID #LongCovidKids

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 3 of 7

Chapter 3: Multi-layered Mitigation
#COVIDisAirborne #MaskUp #VaxUp #CleanAirForAll

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 4 of 7

Chapter 4: Quarantine, Testing, & Isolation
#RapidTest #StayHomeWhenSick

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 5 of 7

Chapter 5: Masking Tips
#MaskUp #N95 #FitTest

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 6 of 7

Chapter 6: Air Cleaning Fundamentals
#HEPA #DIYAirCleaners

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

VIDEO THREAD 🧵 - Clip 7 of 7

Chapter 7: Vulnerability & Inclusivity
#EDI #DEI #KeepMasksInHealthcare

"Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic -- Things I've Learned (So Far) - 2024 Edition"

Please feel free to share these videos in any capacity across any platform.

What tends to help most is to shoot shorter versions of the clip using your phone, or quote a part you found helpful. That resonates more.

Here's the full video library:

I have no financial Conflicts of Interest (COIs) for any of the products or industries mentioned in passing. I intentionally do not receive ad revenue on these videos, as that could create the appearance of a potential bias.

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