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Feb 4, 7 tweets

(1/?) 🧵 Analysis of the Twitter activity of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) strengthens the case that it operates as a KGB front group.

If you missed the prior thread discussing the Texit-pushing TNM's ties to Russia, start there first:

(2/?) One clue is their recycling of Kremlin narratives: complaining about aid to Ukraine, and implying that the US must focus on the Texas-Mexico border to the exclusion of any other global issues (the subtext being Ukraine aid of course).

(3/?) Going further back in time, the TNM tweeted out a pro-🇷🇺 article entitled "Russia: Texas Friend or Foe?". Apropos of nothing, the article recycles Kremlin propaganda about 🇷🇺 being framed for the DNC hack (referencing VIPS and Paul Craig Roberts).


(4/?) VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) and Paul Craig Roberts are both linked to the Russian propaganda nexus, including perception management programs run through the SVR front Strategic Culture Foundation.

Credit to @21stCMindWars for infographics.

(5/?) Back in 2016, the TNM several times tweeted memes bearing the watermark of "Heart of Texas" with the Facebook URL "TimeToSecede". The "Heart of Texas" page was later exposed as being run by the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, Russia.

(6/6) TNM has also expressed support for the Yes California secessionist group, which was named in a 2022 indictment as being funded and directed by the FSB (KGB) through KGB handler Alexander Ionov. While TNM was not named in that indictment, the TNM has also worked with Ionov.

cc: @onetallorfour @ConceptualJames

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