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isopteran ethologist
Feb 4, 2024 7 tweets 5 min read
(1/?) 🧵 Analysis of the Twitter activity of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) strengthens the case that it operates as a KGB front group.

If you missed the prior thread discussing the Texit-pushing TNM's ties to Russia, start there first:

(2/?) One clue is their recycling of Kremlin narratives: complaining about aid to Ukraine, and implying that the US must focus on the Texas-Mexico border to the exclusion of any other global issues (the subtext being Ukraine aid of course).
Jan 25, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
@PeterRQuinones Not gonna deny that Lindsay has bad takes sometimes, but this is not one of them.

To understand the Texas "Nationalist" Movement you need to understand who Alexander Ionov is and what his organization, the Anti-Globalist Movement of Russia is all about. (1/?) @PeterRQuinones Moscow-based Alexander Ionov has been indicted twice, once in 2022 (), once in 2023 () for running front groups in the US on behalf of the FSB (KGB). (2/?)justice.gov/opa/pr/russian…
Jul 8, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The five "Dancing Israelis" from Urban Moving Systems were not the only 🇮🇱 nationals arrested after 9/11.

Here are some old newspaper articles about Roy Barak and Motti Butbul, also Urban Moving employees, arrested in Pennsylvania.

Palm Beach Post: Nov 18, 2001

(1/5) Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Nov 18, 2001 (2/5)

May 14, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
Just more evidence that the ADL functions as a spy agency for foreign interests. In this case they subverted the JBS in order to set back the grassroots American anticommunist movement.

JBS was named in honor of John Birch, a US intel officer killed by Chinese communists in '45. In 1954, a NYC fireman went to the @FBI with his concerns that the ADL was a "communist outfit".

Of course it's well known that the ADL sided with the DOJ instead of the Jewish Rosenbergs in the atomic espionage case.

But could there be anything to the ADL's commie connections? Image
Jan 26, 2023 23 tweets 12 min read
I decided to do a little digging into the sponsors for an upcoming astroturfed "anti-war" (viz. pro-Russia) protest (Rage Against the War Machine).

Here are these organizations and front groups listed, as well as their principals.

The protest demands are typical Kremlin fare. The speakers include many of the usual crowd, including convicted child predator Scott Ritter, who's become a very active cheerleader for Putin's war against Ukraine.
Sep 11, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
For the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I'm reposting my analysis of the FOIA'ed photos depicting the five "Dancing Israelis" who were seen celebrating the attacks and who were arrested thereafter.


Thread 👇🏻 A total of 6 unique photos of the "Dancing Israelis" were released under FOIA so far. But the quality is quite poor and their faces are redacted. First, here are their mugshots. 🕔-wise from top-left: Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Omer Marmari, Yaron Shmuel. Center: Oded Ellner. Image
Sep 21, 2019 10 tweets 8 min read
1. According to DHS, who just announced they will be turning their post-9/11 surveillance and security state apparatus against white dissidents, the belief that Jewish organizations are bringing hostile foreigners into the US amounts to "conspiracy theory".

h/t @FrostyVenus @FrostyVenus 2. However, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter was not radicalized by "conspiracy theory" at all, but rather, real events that are taking place. Jewish groups are openly bringing hostile foreigners into the US and resculpting its demographics. This was even admitted by Bari Weiss!
Aug 27, 2019 21 tweets 11 min read
On Aug 15 2019, the ADL published a wishlist of 30 YouTube channels they wanted purged (archive.li/L65Q9). So far, YouTube is obeying these diktats from the Zionist commissars at ADL. I will update this thread as channels are taken down. ❌ Michael Hoffman
Before: archive.li/HFIdq
After: archive.li/z4l4d
Aug 21, 2019 9 tweets 6 min read
THREAD >>> At the same time that fleeing Syrian civilians are turned away by Israeli soldiers at their shared border, teams of Israeli nationals are on Greek islands helping to usher Syrians into the EU through illegal border crossings. So just what in the hell is going on here? While closing off its own borders to Syrians, Israel is sending activists a thousand kilometers away to abet nothing less than human smuggling of these same Syrians (and other migrants) into the EU and the Schengen zone. Do these Jews think we don't notice the double standard?
Aug 15, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Reminder that Israeli IP addresses are erasing the Jewishness of Bolshevik famine architects on Wikipedia. This is what the page looked like after its Israeli revision. No mention of Goloshchyokin's Jewishness whatsoever.
