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We create actionable tools & strategies for parents to defend their children from indoctrination in K-12 |

Feb 15, 2024, 10 tweets

Today’s example of a dishonest “educator”, whose mission is to indoctrinate young children politically and sexually in the classroom comes by way of @jshoreboston

Let’s take a closer look at her own words and thoughts 🧵

CRT is not taught in K-12….but it’s good that it is and should be. @jshoreboston

Like any CRT “educator” @jshoreboston supports any author or curriculum that are based on Marxism and whose goal is to dismantle America.

To the surprise of no one, @jshoreboston supports teaching students that illegal aliens and open borders are not an issue.

This activist, disguise as an “educator”, is of course a Transgender Cult recruiter.

@jshoreboston support males in private female bathrooms and locker rooms.

She’s the type who won’t shut up about “empathy” but only towards whichever group pretends to be “marginalized”.

Naturally, a worthless activists, disguised as a “teacher” fully supports Planned Parenthood in schools.

Like any insufferable woke white woman, @jshoreboston has never met a social contagion she didn’t love.

This was her Oct 2023.

And finally…be honest you knew this was coming….@jshoreboston fully supports keeping Transgender secrets from parents.

This worthless CRT educator and Transgender Cult recruiter is not an isolated fringe lunatic. She represents how teachers and school counselors are trained in their colleges.

They continue their training in professional development sessions throughout the year.

They will hide behind SEL and DIE rhetoric to confuse you or silence you. Don’t fall for it.

Drag these disgusting “educators” out in the light and unapologetically run them out of your schools.

As far as CRT in K-12 goes, here is a phenomenal report from @RhyenStaley that provides a ton of evidence you already knew existed.…

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