We create actionable tools & strategies for parents to defend their children from indoctrination in K-12 https://t.co/tajm6Wj3zA | https://t.co/ExZt4UOj2G
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Feb 1 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
This testimony below is written by David Arthur. He has both been trafficked and has participated in recruiting minors to be traffic and has served time for those crimes.
This is a brutal long read but a necessary one to get a glimpse of what the transgender cultists has in store for children. Read this carefully and remember this is what “gender affirming health care and support trans youth” really means.
I am here to provide information that is not so easily available or provided by many others. You will get bits and pieces from other sources, but please allow me to give you a very no holds barred plethora of information that you can utilize... or not. That depends on you!
The lgbTQia TransQueer Agenda is very real, and it is not going anywhere just because of some Executive Order or memo from the boss. This cult has its talons embedded into the public government school system, society, and culture more than any other movement ever in history! And they mean business.
How do I know? I was a targeted, desensitized, victimized, sexualized, criminalized child victim of this movement beginning 45+ years ago! I was the "suicidal transkid" always being tossed into the debates & arguments to further the TransQueer Agenda.
I was also a suicidal trans-adult because affirmation, transition, acceptance, wrong-sex hormones, diversity, equity, and inclusivity do not remove depression, angst, trauma, pain, brokenness, or suicidal tendencies. In fact, those latter issues are only worsened with the former.
I was a member/advocate of/for the TransQueer Rainbow Movement for 30+ years. I was on wrong-sex hormones at age 14. I was HIV/AIDS positive at age 14. I was targeted, sexualized, sex-trafficked, criminalized and perverted by this cult of death, suicide and pederasty. I was a dysphoric youth trying to hide in a false identity because being me meant pain, hurt, betrayal and being a victim. Victimization and victim-mentality are very real. All of these comorbidities and underlying issues the youth suffer from now, are the actual basis for the abnormal condition of mental confusion (DYSphoria) they suffer.
Please Heed These Words... You Must Do Your Part To Stop This Assault On Children, Society, Culture, Women, Biology and Humankind! You will NOT be getting another chance if we squander away the reprieve we have been blessed with in having Trump win the election. The war is not over. This cult will not stop because of an EO or because some bills are passed, it must be outlawed, jailed and then those individuals that have been bamboozled must be given the mental health care they so desperately need.
I was trans-identified for 20+ years! I did not just live a lie, I BECAME THE LIE! I was perverted, trafficked and severely abused by the "trusted adults" in my life... teachers, neighbors, a parent of a friend, relatives, and others. I became an agent for my handlers, and I assisted in the recruiting of other youth. I did so as a youth and as a young adult.
I know this movement from the inside out. I know how it operates and why it does what it does. I am telling you that this movement WILL destroy anyone in its path, especially children! Why are the politicians and law-makers so intrigued by this movement? How are educators, or anyone that claims to care about the safety and health of children, pushing this agenda? I can tell you how the TransQueer Agenda has gained so much legal, social and cultural protections... please allow me to shine some light on that for you;
As a former Trans-Prostitute most of my clients were men in power. Many of my clients were AGP, transvestites, fetishists, perverted into Sado-Masochism & Bondage/Discipline. These men were judges, lawyers, CEOs, influential local authorities (law officers, a fire chief, etc), politicians, law-makers, bill writers, even a few actors from Hollywood. 🧵
(David’s testimonial continue)
Paraphilia - condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme and/or dangerous activities. *Some examples of paraphilias: pedophilia, rape, AGP, bestiality, transvestism, and this list can go on and on.*
Those who suffer with these conditions, or paraphilias, are also those who fall under that bright, colorful & shiny “TransQueer Rainbow Umbrella” and these individuals can, and do, label themselves as "trans." These are the individuals that are fighting viciously to be allowed in women's bathrooms, spas, lockerrooms, showers, clubs and even women's prison cells!
The judges, politicians (local & federal), lawmakers, CEO’s of million/billion dollar companies, actors, influential wealthy people and let's not forget the medical professionals. Many of these men suffer one or more of those paraphilias mentioned above, and these men are not standing against the immorality of transitioning, mutilating, sterilization or butchering of children, or even allowing males into female spaces because they themselves (these men in power) are saturated in the perversions of TransQueer deviance and other sexual perversions.
These men are laughing behind closed doors as they promote, push, fund, affirm, encourage and celebrate these attacks on children; this includes pushing bills and passing laws that further the lgbTQia TransQueer Rainbow Cult's agenda that give extra/special rights to mentally disabled individuals. ALL trans-identified people have a mental disorder and need HELP, NOT HORMONES!
Jan 31 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
Teach for America @TeachForAmerica is a queer theory, critical race theory, and DEI-pushing NGO. There are hundreds of these parasites influencing government K-12.
This afternoon I went after their President on LinkedIn causing them to shut down their entire X account within an hour.
Below is their blueprint:
⚠️ They use manipulated "evidence-based data" to justify more indoctrination.
⚠️They will consume hundreds of millions in government grants.
⚠️They will always deflect from students failing academics by pointing to everything except their own policies.
⚠️ They will always say they're for ALL children while pushing destructive and divisive policies.
Elisa Villanueva Beard
Elisa is their President and this was her word-salad LinkedIn post discussing the abysmal national academics results recently released.
See if you can make it through her bullschitt.
Meanwhile, I'll show you what they tried to cover up and the last post in this 🧵will link you to her LinkedIn post.
Elisa writes a long letter promoting "equity" and "racial equity", pushing critical race theory culture.
This has since been deleted from Teach for America's website.
This is going to be a whale 🐋 of a🧵 but will demonstrate exactly why your children in government K-12 are so screwed up.
Meet Claire Hammill, a 3rd grade teacher at Ridgecrest Elementary, part of @ShorelineK12 district.
Prepare to be disgusted. (Contact info at the end)
Claire Hammill will aid and abet illegal aliens, putting children in potentially volatile situations.
Jan 24 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Meet Jake Langlais (@kjlanglais), Superintendent of Lewiston Public Schools (@MultilingualLPS). He sent a notice today informing parents he will obstruct the deportation of illegal aliens, even ones with criminal records.
This is who governs your children’s K-12 environment.🧵
Jake @kjlanglais released the letter but later on remove the part highlighted below. However, this is still the culture that Jake have installed in @MultilingualLPS
Now why would a Superintendent, around young children, take the time to advise illegal aliens to avoid detection?
Jan 3 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This is what our government K-12 have done to our children. This is the $ocial Emotional Learning $cam.
⛔️ Mental health
⛔️ Trauma informed
⛔️ School counselors
⛔️ Representation
⛔️ Inclusion
⛔️ Empathy
⛔️ Belonging
When a government entity spends billions on “managing emotions”, they are not teaching The Golden Rule, they’re creating an army of mindless social justice activists.
Government K-12 (using 50% + of your property tax dollars) have broken our children on purpose, and now we’re wondering why young adults cannot function in society or in workplaces.
Here is your real “evidence based”, “data driven” results.
Dec 29, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🔥Final release of 2024 | BILLION DOLLAR LIE
This is what our government K-12 have done to our children. This is the $ocial Emotional Learning $cam.
⛔️ Mental health
⛔️ Trauma informed
⛔️ School counselors
⛔️ Representation
⛔️ Inclusion
⛔️ Empathy
⛔️ Belonging
When a government entity spends billions on “managing emotions”, they are not teaching The Golden Rule, they’re creating an army of mindless social justice activists.
Government K-12 (using 50% + of your property tax dollars) have broken our children on purpose, and now we’re wondering why young adults cannot function in society or in workplaces.
Here is your real “evidence based”, “data driven” results.
Dec 6, 2024 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
Maine (MSAD 11) School Board To Install Medical Clinic Update
You won’t believe what we found out last night! You all messed them UP! Listen to how they voted and how they’re hoping you’ll now go away.
Save this 🧵 as we’ll add more updates here. Thank you all!
Awesome school board member asks Diandra Staples, main representative of Health Reach (on podium) and the President of Health Reach (sitting): “Who decides decision making capacity for a minor child?”
Answer: “The medical clinic through their interviews and interactions with the student”.
Key Notes:
Mental health = counseling with affirm-only transgender therapists.
Family planning = all forms of birth control, Plan B, and transgender drugs.
Dec 2, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Why The DOE Needs To Be Dismantled
While the transgender cult is falling apart, this poison is tripling down in K-12.
Meeting these 7 radical school board members, want to know what they’re trying to do?
1) We discovered on Thanksgiving eve they snuck in a vote for December 5, 2024 to install a school-based health center that can offer all forms of birth control, vaccines, transgender drugs and counseling affirm-only therapists….all WITHOUT parental consent.
2) They used the Thanksgiving break as cover so that parents will not be paying attention. Yes, they are that disgusting.
3) Tax-payer money from DOE and other grants are used to fund these clinics.
This is a school board in Maine but ANY American across the country can help stop them. It’ll take 30 seconds, see 🧵
Want to bring a ton of heat these disgusting water carriers for the transgender cult?
We made it super easy! It’ll take 30 seconds, please add your own lines to the template.
How To Answer This Transgender Emotional Blackmail Tactic
Before we get into the step-by-step tactic, let’s set some context for this example using @BriannaWu
The photos they show will always be extremely heavily filtered and photoshopped.
Every single thing about their life is a lie.
Nov 23, 2024 • 6 tweets • 5 min read
🥊 The Best Defense Is Good Offense
Greetings Parents:
As we approach the middle of the school year, please stay pro-active and hands on. Nothing magical happens on January 20, 2025 as it applies to government K-12.
This 🧵 is a curation of our 4 excellent opt-out forms. If you did not utilize these tools at the beginning of the school year, it is not too late at all!
Each opt-out form can be found on the last page in their respective tools below.
1) Fill out one per child.
2) Email to the principal, counselors, teachers, and superintendent.
3) Follow up to confirm it is received two business days later, if necessary.
That’s it. Put your school on notice that you are no longer going to just drop your children off and assume the best. They lost that trust long ago. Keep them honest.
Make courage your habit and protect your children’s minds and hearts.
Opt your children out of SEL surveys. This is the SINGLE most important of our opt-outs. Data collection is the bloodline of how they justify more indoctrination programs and radical leftist non-profit involvement.
Right on the heels of the 2024 election, we released 10 lies that government K-12 schools will be telling children about President-elect Donald Trump.
We received several messages from parents asking why we didn’t provide counters to those 10 lies. While we understand the desire for ready-made answers, this is exactly how we got here: hands-off parenting when it comes to education.
For too long, we’ve trusted schools, government, and non-profit organizations to teach our children. That blind trust is why CRT, LGBTQMAP ideology, and political indoctrination have taken deep root in government K-12 classrooms.
The reality is simple: if you delegate your role as the primary educator of your child, someone else will step in to fill that void….and they won’t always align with your values.
It’s time to reclaim your power as parents. Instead of looking for others to counter these lies, use this as an opportunity to guide your children in learning the truth themselves.
Here are 3 invaluable ways to bond with your children using our two graphics below:
1. Teach Critical Thinking
When your child hears one of these lies, ask why they think someone would say that. Who benefits from it? Does it make common sense? This builds their ability to question narratives.
2. Introduce them to independent journalists and full context videos
Every one of those lies are pushed by legacy media who pump out dishonestly edited videos. This is a prime opportunity for you to teach your children to move away from legacy media and clickbait headlines. Train them to listen to long form podcasts and make judgements for themselves. This also has the added benefit in countering the “media literacy” scam that is already in K-12.
3. Questioning Authority
Gone are the days where we simply tell our children to “Listen and believe what your teacher says”. Increasingly more and more teachers and professors are
woke activists and propaganda mouthpieces. By showing your children how to debunk these lies, you’re giving them the confidence to speak up when they know they’re being manipulated, especially by those in “authority”.
Let’s stop outsourcing our children’s education and values. The classroom is one battleground, but the most important work starts at home. Don’t wait for someone else to teach your child what is true.
When parents abdicate their duty to be their children’s primary educator, you have CRT-pushing activists like this feeling emboldened.
If you want to end these people’s career, then you have to change your entire perspective on government K-12. These people are abusers.
Nov 10, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
5 Reasons Why Americans Got It Right
Americans did vote against racism.
Nov 2, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This is an analogy of what is happening to the mainstream media on X.
(1/2) The mainstream media puts out something ridiculous.
(2/2) An independent journalist or outlet comes along.
Oct 30, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
This evening’s prime example of The Weasel comes by way of @Grandroyal11
1) The Weasel is the most ignorant of all the Abusers archetype.
2) This doctor claimed transgender ideology was not in K-12.
3) He was offered a public livestream and he could pick any school district in any state, and we would find transgender ideology.
4) He ran and made countless excuses as to why he couldn’t get on, including offering to fight in person. Very angry.
3) They often start off as The Liar and quickly morph into The Weasel when cornered.
We recommend to ignore The Weasel since they have to no real influence. In this case, we needed a new example for this archetype so walked him down.
Download our “Dossier of Abusers” now and learn how to predict and corner these dishonest bottom feeders.
Critical Consciousness vs. Critical Thinking : How Idiot Empathy Is The Biggest Road Block To Solving Problems
Your children in both K-12 and college are taught only critical consciousness thinking and they operate purely on “idiot empathy”.
Ok, so how does that play out in practice?
1) A comedian at the latest Trump rally in MSG cracked this joke about Puerto Rico being a floating island of garbage. It was less of a joke and more of a statement of truth.
2) Critical Race Theorists (the Woke crowd) will spend 100% of their efforts vilifying the comedian and they will feign concern over the “feelings” of Puerto Ricans.
3) They will demand you do the same, otherwise you are a “racists lacking empathy”. This allows them to feed their daily narcissistic hunger.
4) They will do NOTHING to address the real problem of Puerto Rico being a floating garbage dump, where people are suffering and dying from toxic pollution.
5) If you ask one of them for 3 specific actionable tasks they are PERSONALLY doing to contribute to a solution, they will deflect, shut down, and run. They wouldn’t be able to come up with 1.
6) Woke ideologues are some of the cruelest people to ever exist in America because their efforts are never about tangible solutions. They’re all about controlling your speech only.
7) A great majority will be Insufferable Woke White Woman or weak beta males (but I repeat myself) who has never met an actual native born Puerto Rican, who would confirm those horrific conditions.
The above is a prime example of pure critical consciousness thinking and zero critical thinking.
This is the mindset they are infusing into your children through “Culturally Responsive Teaching” in government K-12 and 90% of colleges. (See next post for our tool, “The Other CRT”).
Our tool, “The Other CRT”. This is the teaching method used by woke teachers in schools across all 50 states.
CALL ME MADISON : Spreading The Transgender Social Contagion
This is Steve Sabovik, a 4th grade teacher & now a Library Media Center (LMC) Director at @ipsd204. He sent a letter to parents demanding that K-5 children must address him as “Miss Madison Sabovik” as of Oct 22. 🧵
Here is the letter send to parents at @ipsd204 from Steve, demanding K-5 children co-sign his delusions.
Oct 17, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
It doesn’t matter how you feel about what is happening with the purposeful illegal invasion of our country, it only matters what your children think about it.
This 🧵shows you how they’re ensuring your children will not only tolerate this but DEMAND it when they grow up.
These are just the ones @UIC_Immigration knows about.
Oct 3, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Today’s perfect example of an insufferable woke white woman full of idiot empathy and hypocrisy comes by way of @MCAC9113
Let’s get to it! (warning, you may feel feelings of anger due to her insufferable mess) 🧵
Let’s start with the idiot empathy.
Ahhh those damn Christians!
Aug 26, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
This is @KerryKennedyRFK and she runs a Marxist/Globalist, anti-American organization called @RFKHumanRights. One of their primary objectives is to push radical indoctrination programs and professional training into K-12 education - all the tentacles we actively fight at Courage Is A Habit.
(Subsequent posts in this 🧵 will contain relevant tools if you should want more information)
// Let’s break down what she really means:
1) Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a Trojan horse, disguised as mental health, that has systemically changed government K-12 into political and sexual indoctrination centers. It’s the delivery system of critical consciousness by manipulating children’s emotions, values and world views.
2) “Ethnic Studies” is a marketing term for Critical Race Theory. Kerry Kennedy wants it to be a graduation requirement for K-12, as it already is in CA.
3) “Incorporating human rights in science”. This is a teaching method called, Culturally Responsive Teaching”. It allows activists teachers, such as the ones @KerryKennedyRFK trains, to be able to leverage any subject to generate radical agenda topics involving critical race theory, queer theory, anti-white racism, and the fake climate crisis.
// Social Emotional Learning: curated information, tools, and opt-out forms every parent should be using this new school year.
Sex Trafficking and Transgender Trafficking are eerily similar in their tactics. Here is one of them.
This excerpt is from the August 13 episode of the @SteveDeaceShow @DeaceOnline
Links and tools in 🧵
Our tool "Sex Trafficking vs Transgender Trafficking" - S/O to @FreeForeverUS in partnering with us on this breakdown.
Aug 13, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Today’s perfect example of a dishonest Transgender Child Mutilation Advocate (CMA) comes by way of @ROparil - he begins like all CMAs, and once presented with evidence of thousands of cases, he ends like all CMAs.
CMA @ROparil fully supports having tampons in boys’ bathrooms in schools. Which should come as no surprise that he would support any and all transgender propaganda.