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Anti-Zionist Hebrew 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 If I don't respond to your DM, you're welcome to try and reach me at ireallyhateyou1948 (at) gmail (dot) com

Feb 19, 8 tweets

🧵More prisoner abuse, snuff-like propaganda, on Israeli TV, this time on mainstream Channel 13.
Palestinian detainees in dark cells, with no mattresses, no clean clothes, cuffed legs, cuffed to each other 24/7, Hebrew music playing loud non-stop.
Full piece in the thread below.

No personal belongings allowed, low-quality and sometimes rotten food, in very small amounts (and no canteen), systematic humiliation, and also, even though it's not presented in the piece for obvious reasons - actual torture and beatings.

Part 1/5

We've already seen Israeli officials claim that random Gazans are "Nukhba terrorists who murdered & raped on Oct. 7", so it's impossible to tell who's really a militant and who's not, who's a Nukhba fighter and who's not, who was arrested on 7 Oct. and who wasn't, etc.

Part 2/5

At first, they make it seem like the harsh conditions are just for the "Nukhbas", but later we see that the other prisoners get pretty much the same treatment. Now remember that an 82 year-old Gazan woman with Alzheimer's was held for two months as "illegal combatant".

Part 3/5

Who knows how many innocent Palestinians are suffering right now inside Israel's detention facilities turned concentration camps. How many more will suffer. Who are they gonna take to fill all those 888 new cells that they're planning in place of the canteens?

Part 4/5

BTW, Yossi Eli presents himself as a journalist who seeks justice, someone who fights against corruption, racism, police brutality, etc. but we see that when push comes to shove, there are very few actual Israeli journalists, and many, many shameless propagandists.

Part 5/5

If anyone doesn't know what's Nukhba - it's al-Qassam brigades' commando unit

I'm pretty sure that this shameless propaganda piece actually constitutes a war crime.

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