🧵More prisoner abuse, snuff-like propaganda, on Israeli TV, this time on mainstream Channel 13.
Palestinian detainees in dark cells, with no mattresses, no clean clothes, cuffed legs, cuffed to each other 24/7, Hebrew music playing loud non-stop.
Full piece in the thread below.
No personal belongings allowed, low-quality and sometimes rotten food, in very small amounts (and no canteen), systematic humiliation, and also, even though it's not presented in the piece for obvious reasons - actual torture and beatings.
Part 1/5
We've already seen Israeli officials claim that random Gazans are "Nukhba terrorists who murdered & raped on Oct. 7", so it's impossible to tell who's really a militant and who's not, who's a Nukhba fighter and who's not, who was arrested on 7 Oct. and who wasn't, etc.
Part 2/5
At first, they make it seem like the harsh conditions are just for the "Nukhbas", but later we see that the other prisoners get pretty much the same treatment. Now remember that an 82 year-old Gazan woman with Alzheimer's was held for two months as "illegal combatant".
Part 3/5
Who knows how many innocent Palestinians are suffering right now inside Israel's detention facilities turned concentration camps. How many more will suffer. Who are they gonna take to fill all those 888 new cells that they're planning in place of the canteens?
Part 4/5
BTW, Yossi Eli presents himself as a journalist who seeks justice, someone who fights against corruption, racism, police brutality, etc. but we see that when push comes to shove, there are very few actual Israeli journalists, and many, many shameless propagandists.
Government-affiliated Judeo-Nazi Berale Crombie, who used to organize pro-government "demonstrations": "The only logical response to the terrorist attack: Erase the village of Funduq and turn it into an Israeli-only road leading to Kdumim and Shavei Shomron" (Israeli settlements)
Prominent Bibist and genocidal maniac Igal Malka: "What's good for Gaza is good for Judea & Samaria too! If we erased Gaza for the murder of Jews, there's no reason that the murderer village of Funduq should keep standing even for one more night. Erase, expel, settle. Now!!!!!"
🧵Thread of random Haaretz pieces from the past few months that I meant to write about but never did, in chronological order, newest to oldest.
12.12 - (At least) 4 Palestinians have been tortured to death by Shin Bet interrogators since October 7th, 2023 archive.md/etKjI
12.12 - The Knesset approved a bill allowing the police (i.e. Ben Gvir) to place Israeli citizens in an indefinite "administrative arrest", without trial, or place one of many restrictive orders on a citizen, based solely on "intelligence information". archive.md/tiJcH
11.12 - As part of its ongoing ethnic cleansing rampage, Israel razed two neighborhoods in the "unrecognized" Palestinian-Bedouin village of Umm Mitnan in al-Naqab. The inhabitants are Israeli citizens who supposedly have "equal rights". archive.md/Wd5J6
Some more normalized looting by Israelis:
"A guitar from Gaza that plays great"
An item for sale on Facebook marketplace, offered by an Israeli by the name of Yaniv Idzon, for 450 Shekels ($123)
Idzon added: "From Khan Younis. A great instrument"
Idzon also sold, for 2200 ILS ($602) a tactical vest and helmet, which according to him "Just came out of an operation in Lebanon". I wonder if he stole it from the army, or it was from one of the many donations reservists received from civilians early in the genocide.
Snowballing Nakba: on December 30th 1947, three Irgun men - Moshe Levi, Shimon Damti and Moshe Bodek - arrived at the gates of the oil refinery in Haifa, where Arabs and Jews worked side by side. The men threw several homemade bombs, killing 6 Arab workers and injuring 42.
2/8 Immediately after the bombing, Arab workers started attacking their Jewish co-workers, using rods and knives. 39 Jews were massacred, many were injured. Only about an hour after the incident started, British police arrived and dispersed the crowd.
3/8 The next day, on new year's eve, more than 100 Zionist militants arrived at nearby Palestinian villages of Balad al-Shaykh and Hawassa, where some of the Arab workers lived. The order given to the Haganah men was "to kill maximum adult men, destroy furniture etc."
🧵"One of the senior commanders in the sector ordered to shoot a man who waved a white flag and raised his hands, when he was unarmed and very far from the IDF forces. When he was told that the man was holding a white flag and you could see for sure that he was not armed, he replied: "I don't know what a white flag is, shoot to kill."
It took more than a year for Haim Har Zahav, Israeli journalist and army reservist, to see that the "war" he takes part in is immoral. He learned that while serving for 86 days in the infamous "Netzarim Corridor/Territory". And yet he continues to serve, claiming that most war crimes are actually in the "grey area".
A piece by him published in Ha'aretz yesterday is very revealing regarding the nature of the "fighting" in the Gaza Strip. Following are a few translated excerpts.
Regarding 5 Palestinians who tried to go back to North Gaza and were detained and interrogated:
"Towards evening the investigators had to decide which of the five would be released, if any, and who would be transferred for further investigation in Israel. "I can tell you've been here only a few days," one of the interrogators told me with a smile when I asked what the decision was and how to carry out the release of those who are not needed for further investigation. When I asked how he knew we were new, he smiled again and answered: "Because you are still taking captives."
"A human life in the Gaza Strip is worth less than the lives of the thousands of stray dogs that roam it looking for food. While there is a clear order that forbids shooting dogs, unless there is a real danger to the soldier when the dog's jaws are fixed on him, it is allowed to shoot humans without any real restrictions, except for the personal moral limits of the soldier holding the weapon."