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The Center for American Liberty defends the Free Speech rights and Civil Liberties of Americans left behind by the Civil Rights establishment.

Mar 5, 6 tweets

🚨 LEAKED VIDEO - WPATH FILES: Behind closed doors, WPATH members make shocking admissions to challenges in obtaining informed consent for radical gender transition drugs and surgeries from young patients. This is the premise of our lawsuits with Detransitioners @ChoooCole, Layla Jane and @onedonebun. Discover the truth about consent in “gender-affirming care”. Watch:

“Frankly, not what I think we need to be doing ethically.”

WPATH members know that “gender-affirming care” is based on shaky, inadequate medical research, but they continue to push mutilating surgeries on children and ignore the growing body of scientific evidence denouncing these procedures. This is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. Watch:

“Oh, they really didn’t understand.”

The Center for American Liberty represents three Detransitioners who can attest to this firsthand. Hormone treatments and double mastectomies lead to irreversible side effects that girls are incapable of fully comprehending at such a young age. Without that comprehension, informed consent is impossible. Watch:

“Be little pediatric endocrinologists.”

Encouraging 9-year-olds to act as their own doctors is despicable and unethical. No child can fully understand what pharmaceutical and surgical interventions will mean for them later in life. Kids should be playing on playgrounds not playing around with cutting off healthy body parts. Watch:

“I don't think that we have all the answers.”

In this video you’ll hear a WPATH member confirm that fertility and sexual pleasure could be destroyed for young patients receiving “gender-affirming care.” These doctors openly admit they don’t know all the long-term effects of the radical procedures, nor how to deal with those effects--yet they continue to present them as the only treatment option. This is unethical and medical malpractice. Watch:

The Center for American Liberty is aggressively revealing the truth about the institutions purporting to be medical authorities so they can push gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies on our nation’s children. We are grateful for Environmental Progress’ and @shellenberger exposure of the WPATH Files, and we hope this gives a glimpse into just how dangerous the “professionals” behind this wave of “medical care” really are. Read more about our active Detransitioner lawsuits here:

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