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Spreading God's inconvenient Truth!! SubStack

Mar 10, 6 tweets

🧵What's happening in Haiti breaks my heart as Haitian American. People are going to talk about it and leave out the same key element that's always left out of every situation. Here's the man behind the curtain of this chaos, Gilbert Bigio the Jewish billionaire in Haiti.

In a country where the people go weeks without eating unable to put two pieces of bread together, gang members are able to get their hands on as many weapons as they need all thanks to Zionist Gilbert Bigio.

Bigio is from a Sephardic Jewish family from Aleppo in the Ottoman Empire (now Syria), whose family emigrated to Haiti in 1896. Bigio is also the de facto leader of the Haitian Jewish community and honorary consul to Israel.

Gilbert Bigio is part owner of GB financial group in Haiti and privately owns Port Lafito. His name appeared in the 2021 leaked Pandora Papers showing private ownership of Port Lafito in Haiti where contraband moves in and out of Haiti.

So far Gilbert Bigio has been sanctioned by Canada for his criminal behavior and human rights violations. There is so much more to this story that I am uncovering and will be reporting on this week.

Be clear, I am in no way providing excuses for corrupt sick Haitians who sold their culture out for some sheckles. I'm just providing and explanation and reminder that these tentacles reach everywhere. More to come...
Bassin Bleu, Haiti

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