Peter Chiykowski Profile picture
Author, designer, friend of dogs and salamanders. Creator: @storyenginedeck @storyshortest Rock Paper Cynic.

Mar 17, 2024, 6 tweets

A.I. photos are flooding social media and contributing to an Internet where we can't believe what we see.

Spotting A.I. 📷s is an important media literacy skill.

It takes a few seconds to spot a fake and stop the spread of disinformation. Let's learn how! 🧵(1/5)

It may help to right click + open image in new tab to zoom in.

Check any text first. For now, A.I. struggles w/ spelling and alphabets. Sometimes it even puts fake watermarks!

Check for warping in the shape of finely outlined/framed objects, like chairs and lightbulbs. /2

A.I. doesn't "think" about logic in a scene. Imagine being a person there.

Are any objects/details in a place they shouldn't be?

Does the placement of windows, doors & objects make sense? /3

A.I. struggles to maintain consistent details.

Look for repeated shapes or patterns and check if they're consistent across the image.

This might be annoying and time-consuming at first, but you'll develop an instinct. /4

None of us have time to research every 📷 we see

We just need people to notice BEFORE THEY LIKE OR SHARE that an image *might* be fake. If unsure, check it or don't share

That's one important step in stopping the spread of disinformation! /5

Lots of new ppl in my @'s so I'll intro myself

I draw comics as @RockPaperCynic & I'm planning to make more comics about AI/media literacy

I designed @storyenginedeck to help writers, DMs & worldbuilders create

I write micro-stories as @StoryShortest

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