Author, designer, friend of dogs and salamanders. Creator: @storyenginedeck @storyshortest Rock Paper Cynic.
Mar 22, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
I spy, with my little eye, a photo that was faked by an AI image generator!
Can you spot the clues?
Facebook is turning into a parade of fake AI images churned out by click-farming pages. More misinformation is on the way.
Learn some tricks for spotting AI photos! 🧵
If you think in image looks a little funny or "too good to be true," open it in a new tab.
I've included the original image so you can practice before I reveal the AI tells that I found.
Mar 19, 2024 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
The internet is flooded with AI-generated photos and they're getting harder to spot
Most of the time AI is used for click-farming, but lately images have been used in fake news stories and product scams
So let's review some tips for spotting AI images! 🧵(1/5)
If you're not sure about an image, right-click and open it in a new window
Zoom in and take the time to look at details
Sometimes mistakes are obvious, like extra fingers or hands (2/5)
Mar 17, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
A.I. photos are flooding social media and contributing to an Internet where we can't believe what we see.
Spotting A.I. 📷s is an important media literacy skill.
It takes a few seconds to spot a fake and stop the spread of disinformation. Let's learn how! 🧵(1/5)
It may help to right click + open image in new tab to zoom in.
Check any text first. For now, A.I. struggles w/ spelling and alphabets. Sometimes it even puts fake watermarks!
Check for warping in the shape of finely outlined/framed objects, like chairs and lightbulbs. /2
Mar 16, 2024 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Being able to spot fake images is becoming an essential skill in social media literacy.
This AI-faked image got 90,000 likes/shares in 2 days. The algorithm rewards pages that flood the internet with rapidly generated AI content.
Here are some tips for spotting AI 📷! 🧵(1/4)
AI has trouble with rendering straight symmetrical lines, complex symmetrical patterns, and continuous objects across window panes. (2/4)
Feb 21, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
It's terrifying that the architects of the digital world—the people/algorithms shaping what we see, who we interact with, what version of news we get, how we feel—are not optimizing the world for truth or joy or meaning or connection
They're optimizing for ad space/data access
That's why everything is "content" now
All complexities of the human experience: art, ideas, performance, human interaction, personality, influence: put it through the meat grinder of social media and you get Content™: the food source for a machine that eats time and attention
Jul 17, 2020 • 19 tweets • 14 min read
You can write an entire wizard school YA novel using only Scottish wildflowers.
Don't believe me? HERE COMES A THREAD! (1/??)
Meet our PRECOCIOUS PROTAGONISTS, Meadow Saxifrage, Germander Speedwell, Fairy Flax, and Rosebay Willowherb!
Choose any protagonist.
They have a great destiny prophecized at birth, which is a threat to a MALEVOLENT MAGICAL VILLAIN!
Take your pick of: Charlock, Red Bartsia, Black Medick, or Hemlock!
Apr 5, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
I, for one, would like to thank the Queen for making her royal address and providing the nation with something it sorely needs right now...