Younis Tirawi | يونس Profile picture
Palestinian Reporter on Security & Political Affairs

Mar 20, 6 tweets


“I’m very happy that thèse vidéos came out, so now you know all over the world that when we catch terrorists we torture them”

We have identified the man who shared the video, his name is Samuel Ohnona. He admitted to me that he is a soldier & that he tortures kidnapped ->

When I said it causes problems for the soldiers he replied. “We are the soldiers”. Samuel published the videos on an internal insta group called “We are tearing apart Palestinians” with a group picture of a dead Palestinian

These are individuals who speak both Hebrew & French

I told him that they may sue him in France as they know that he shared the video showing Israeli soldiers torturing Palestinians he replied:

“Let them do. I'm in Lyon (France), come! Who's going to sue me lol? I'm waiting for you”

In a Telegram group, a user named Yael, with a profile picture of a soldier, asserts that he is the soldier in the video (who shared with these guys) & claims that it is his sound in the background of torture video

In the comments he says that the video was recorded in January.

We now have confirmation from the man himself, admitting he's a soldier and shared the video.

Furthermore, we now know that there is another soldier who claims to be the soldier present in the video and says that it is his voice.


Yoel who says above that he is the one speaking is from the same family & city as Samuel! Both from Ohnona & from Lyon. That’s why he says “nephew” in the video

Samuel is a sharing the video he got from his (likely) nephew Israeli officer Yoel Ohnona, paratroopers brigade

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